Chapter Seven

Alec's POV

I sighed and got back in my car as my phone started ringing. Picking it up, a voice said," Yo. Man. You got a moment?" It was the voice of my friend Jerome. " Yeah?"

" Well I got to babysit tomorrow and I can't put up with her by myself dude. " I asked," How old is she?" He said quietly," 15." I laugh to myself," 15 man? She a cousin or something?"

He said," Stepsister. But dude she hates my guts. No joke. " " What time?" " Uh. Like 9 to 5." Surprised I exclaimed, " You serious bro? That's the whole day!" He drawled out," Sooo you'll come? " " Yeah ill come." " Thanks, bro. "

When he hung up, I put my phone down and started driving. Tomorrow after I help Jerome babysit then look for Rain. Check her favorite places to see if she's there, hopefully, she's safe right now.

I woke up the next day to my alarm blasting, ugh, that's right. Didn't get to bed until late. I was looking for Rain. After waiting for a minute my body got out of bed, took a shower and went to my dresser.

I sighed quietly as the picture of me and Rain was on the bookshelf. She was in my lap as I had my arms around her, kissing her cheek; the picture was taken on our anniversary. Which reminds me, if I ever see that queen B again I'll slap some sense into her.

I don't care if she's a girl or not. She's the reason Rain thinks I cheated on her, the reason she disappeared. I looked away and got dressed. I put on the bracelet and jacket Rain gave me. My mom and she planned it. They both thought it would be a good idea.

The jacket had the picture that was on my dresser with the words on the front, Alex and Rain. When I got to Jerome's house, I was greeted by his older brother, Jackson. " Jerome wanted me to help babysit. " He nodded and then said,

"He told me. I would do it myself but I got to go to work. " I was about to say something else but I heard Jerome down the stairs.

He saw me and said," I was wondering why he didn't leave yet. Thought someone broke in." Jackson said to Jerome," Don't kill Johanna. No matter how much you might want to. " Jerome replied," That's why Alec's here. "

When Jackson left I asked Jerome," Where is this ' devil '?" I used finger quotes when the word devil was said. She can't be that bad." Upstairs right now. It be best not to disturb her. " I nodded. An hour had passed and she still did not come down. Suddenly a door busts open.

A teenager came down the stairs. When she came into the living room she glared at Jerome and gave me a look. She asked, rudely to him," What is he doing here?" I said before Jerome could reply," My name is Alec. I'm a friend of Jerome's. He asked me to come. "

She rolled her eyes and said," Whatever." If only my Rain was here. She wouldn't put up with her attitude, would just go right back at her. She said next," Look I need to go -" Before Johanna could finish Jerome interrupted her rudely," I'm not taking you anywhere."

She said," God. Can't you just get off your ass for once?! " I said before Jerome could yell back," Where do you need to go?" She said," I'm supposed to meet my friends at a restaurant. " Jerome groaned and asked," What's the restaurant called?"

" This place called Freddy Fazbear's pizza. " " I'll drive you." Now don't take this as like I like her, cause I don't. I just remember Rain used to love to go there as a kid. If she did run away and not get kidnapped, there is a chance that she might have been there. It's worth a shot to at least try.