Mysterious Man

Mauri has spent weeks traveling through the human region, hiding herself until she runs into a carriage, she signals the carriage to stop, the coachman gets the horses to slow down and then gets them to stop, he climbs down from carriage and approaches Mauri who is wearing a hooded cloak and asks her.

"you alright miss."

she looks at him, and his face went from concerned, into a relieved one and then asks.

"what is the hero of the war doing out here? are you okay?"

she thinks to herself.

"it looks like he is not aware that I'm being searched for."

she grabs onto her shoulder, and then she asks.

"I dislocated my shoulder, I already popped it back in, but the pain is still there, do you have any healing potions to spare?"

he replies with a smile.

"you poor soul, dont worry I got a couple of potions to spare for you."

he climbs into the back of the carriage and gets back out, holding a couple of healing potions and says while handing them over.

"here you go miss Mauri, this should make the pain go away, and a couple of more just in case."

she forces a smile and says.

"thank you so much."

he then says in a serious voice.

"its a shame that our fellow humans took part in hunting down elves and hybrids."

Mauri shows a face of disgust and replies.

"yes a damn shame."

he then says.

"I actually couldn't stand what was happening and I helped my neighbor's wife and kids out of here."

Mauri's face went from disgust to a more calm serious expression as he said that.

he then continues.

"I hope you don't mind that i did that miss Mauri, i know I wasn't supposed to do that, but I couldn't just sit back and let people kill innocent lives."

Mauri then shows a genuine smile and replies.

"I don't mind, actually this is the best thing I've heard in these past few weeks."

he then says.

"that's good to hear."

Mauri then says to the guy.

"thank you again, but I really need to get going."

before Mauri got a chance to leave, the guy then says.

"just so you know miss Mauri, I'm well aware that you have become wanted, but I understand why you killed those people, and I'll tell you one thing, every kingdom in this continent is looking for you."

Mauri gives him a serious look and asks.

"so what now?"

she the says under her breath.

"conjuration dragon broadsword."

she points the broadsword at the man, he holds up his hands in the air and calmly says.

"I'm not going to fight you miss Mauri, but I will tell you one thing, I know a place for you to hide, and I know exactly who killed your family."

Mauri immediately grabs the man by his shirt and with anger she shouts.

"if you don't want to die right now, tell me who these men are!"

he replies calmly.

"these four men you know them very well, they trained under you, and were only following the kings order."

the man starts crying, and continues.

"I set this all up miss Mauri, I've been tracking you for a while now, I came here to pay for my sins, I cant live with the guilt anymore miss Mauri."

the man changes to a familiar face, Mauri then starts tearing up, and shouts.

"Helos, you bastard why did you kill them, they didn't deserve to die like that."

she then pierces him without a struggle, has the sword goes through him, he shows her a painful smile and then says.

"miss Mauri, you know you can't take them out right now, especially after conjuring that high dragon."

Mauri is both confused and angry but she has no idea on how to react with what's going on, she then asks.

"so what do you want out of this huh my forgiveness? because if that is what you want you won't get it from me."

he coughs up blood and replies.

"no I don't deserve forgiveness, but I want you take them out as well, I didn't enjoy killing your family, but those three bastards, took pleasure in doing it, so I have one more request."

Mauri coldy responds.

"hurry up so I can kill you."

Helos then says softly.

"finish me off, and go to the Dragonoid's continent, you can hide there without worrying about people coming after you and then kill them."

before Mauri got to respond, Helos take his final breaths and stops breathing, Mauri then pulls out the broadsword and thinks to herself.

"Helos I won't ever forgive you for what you have done, but at least I know who killed my family, and what I'm going to do next."

Mauri then climbs in the back of the carriage to look for stuff, and she found a month of supplies, food, water and healing potions, she looks around and finds a note that says.

"dear miss Mauri, by now you probably already killed me and know who is responsible for killing your family, I wish you good luck, and I hope you find these supplies helpful for your journey to the Dragonoid's continent, hopefully once you regain your strength back, you will come back and give those bastards hell and avenge your family."

tears start falling down Mauri's face and she thinks to herself.

"damn you Helos, you could have just left them alone, you didn't have to this if you didn't want to."

but she also knows that things were probably not that simple either, she remembers Helos as being a straightforward guy who always followed orders no matter what, she clutches the note close to her and thinks to herself.

"sorry Helos, but you left out one more person who is responsible for my family's death and for your death, and that is the king of Rozlania."

she then folds the note and puts it in her back pocket, she then takes a seat on the front and sets off on the road to the Dragonoid's continent.