
Mauri finally arrives at a port village called Kiroot, and she thinks to herself.

"I need to find someone who can sail a boat, but the only problem is that I am wanted, and even if I steal a boat I don't know how to sail one, so I need to find someone who is willing to help." Mauri looks back at the carriage and thinks to herself.

"maybe I can bribe someone with some supplies?"

she climbs down, then approaches the horses and gently pats both of them on the head and says.

"or maybe I can trade both of you and get you new homes."

she then leaves the carriage outside of the village, so she doesn't draw any attention to herself, she slowly walks into the village, she thinks to herself.

"I need to find the docks."

Mauri walks up to random locals to where the docks is located at and who might be able to take her to sail across the ocean towards the Dragonoid's continent, when she asked, it seemed like they didn't recognized who she is, so they all said the same thing.

"oh Gary is your guy."

Mauri arrived at the docks, asking for Gary and she finally found him, a short stocky man with messy, unkept curly hair, tending to his sail boat, she approaches Gary and asks.

"so you must be the Gary everyone keeps telling me about."

he stammers and replies.

"uh yeah thats me, what's your business with me?"

she then asks.

"from what I hear, your the only one in this village who has the guts to sail to the Dragonoid's continent."

he gives her serious look and asks.

"what can you offer me, for this expedition?"

she replies.

"I can offer you two horses and some healing potions."

he smirks and says

"horses and healing potions, that's a good offer, this journey will be a dangerous one especially when we are crossing leviathan territory."

Mauri has heard of Leviathans, they are giant monstrous snake like fish around the same size of dragons dwelling in the deepest parts of the ocean, she then asks.

"is there any way to avoid going through the territory?"

he replies.

"from here there is no way to avoid going through their territory, if we go using my sailboat, there is no other alternative."

she lets out a fustrated sigh and asks

"you have traveled through this territory unscathed right?"

he replies confidently.

"yeah, I have taken many passengers through the ocean whether they are running from trouble or those who are in exile."

he pauses and ask

"so are you taking this journey because of any of these reasons?"

she replies coldly.

"thats none of your business."

he replies.

"I didnt mean to offend, I shall pry no further, so before we leave on this journey bring the horses and healing potions to my home, from there we will rest and leave in the break of dawn, now come let me show you where my house is at."

Mauri follows Gary home, and then says.

"I'll come back with the things I promised you."

he nods and she heads outside of village to where she left the carriage, she climbs I'm up the carriage and gets the horses moving back to the village, she the leaves the carriage outside of his home, where Gary is waiting for Mauri, he has a look of surprise on his face and says.

"I guess you weren't lying when you said you had two horses."

she replies.

"not only that I have some of those healing potions you wanted and also an added bonus."

she climbs down from the carriage and guides him through around to the back of the carriage and shows him inside.

"a month supplies for the journey."

he smirks and replies.

"good now, we don't have to worry about gathering supplies for tomorrow."

Mauri unties the horses and helps Gary guide them to his backyard where he has a stable, he then says.

"you've held your end of the bargain, now lets get some rest, it will be the only day you will have to get proper rest, because once we set sail sleeping will be very hard to come by especially when we enter Leviathan territory."

Mauri enters Gary's house, he hands her a blanket and points at his couch and says.

"you will sleep there."

Gary enters his room and leaves Mauri alone, where she is laying down on the couch, she then thinks to herself.

"I need to regain some of my strength back, conjuring that high dragon required me to permanently sacrifice my mana pool, I won't be able to that ever again."

she stares at the ceiling, and says to herself.

"Gabriel, Frank and Xavier all three of you bastards will pay for the death of my family."

Mauri thinks back when she was at magic academy when she was given the responsibility of training four young men with great magical potential and those four men were Helos, Gabriel, Frank, and Xavier, she thinks to herself.

"to think my own pupils would be the ones to kill my family, if Helos was right about those three taking joy in killing my family, I will return the favor to them by killing their family and making them feel the same pain as me."

she then thinks to herself.

"they are lucky that I am no longer at my full strength, as I am right I don't stand a chance in fighting them, hopefully once i get to the Dragonoid's continent I can regain some of my strength back."

Mauri keeps staring at the ceiling as she keeps thinking to herself.

"once I'm done with those three, the King of Rozlania and all of those of the Royal bloodline will fall by my hand."

she turns to her side and whispers to herself.

"Hopefully I don't have to fight Arthur again or fight with Malika and Isaac, my revenge has nothing to do with them."

her vision fades away as she slowly falls to sleep.