Purple Mountain Tribe

Heero brought his family to the private jet prepared by the Heero League.

It was one of his benefits for taking the Chief Hero Instructor. Official jet for working. He could use the jet as he would be helping the investigation team in the third dungeon.

For unknown reasons, inside the jet was partitioned out into several rooms. Heero got the best room, alone on top of that.

He dozed off, looking outside the plane. It was Han Ying and Hong Yu's idea, pushing him into this room.

He actually wanted to spend his time with his daughter. But his daughter seemed to prefer to spend her time with her new sister, Moira.

After the cleansing and a medicine bath, Moira truly returned normal. Her dark-blue skin became a healthy-tan skin and the snake's scales completely fell off from her arms.

As for the two fangs, everyone let it be as it made her look cuter. She only needed to gain some weight, and she would appear normal just like the other kids.