Nocturnal Beast

Musashi Noboru was in a daze as he saw two sub cars come out of the plane.

The two sub cars drifted away from him toward the dungeon gate's direction.

"Hahaha…" All of sudden, loud laughter escaped his mouth. Musashi Noboru laughed hard, not caring for his surroundings.

"He's truly interesting. He's truly my Buddy! Bringing a car to go on a picnic with his family, and his destination is a place with a big potential to be a battlefield!"

*** ***

Inside the car

Sun Zhou Yi gulped mouthful saliva. Even his Master said so, this meant this Purple Mountain Tribe was truly dangerous.

"How did you know about them? We just found them yesterday, so how do you know the thing about this Purple Mountain Tribe… No, how did you know they are Purple Mountain Tribe but not another random tribe?"

Elazaro Tania opened her mouth and asked the thing that made her curious. She was quite sharp to notice this.