The leave

Jade asked, "Hey, SRIM, can you pull up all data files on Richard Parker and Mary Parker for me please?"


dozens of files and documents of his parents appeared in front of Jade.

It included everything from banking information, anything affiliated to their work and missions as CIA/S.H.I.E.L.D agents, and just about anything else you could think of.

Jade quickly scanned through the information, filtering out anything relevant that he found interesting or useful. It was already apparent that they were double agents but it seemed that they were in much more danger than he had originally thought.

He looked at their missions to see a document with a big classified on it with the title:


'Shit...' I thought.

(A/N Now I'm just going to freely use foul language because I can't be asked to continue censoring it anymore. After all, I did warn all readers anyway.)

I honestly didn't know too much about Marvel's events and timeline although I was a Marvel fan, but, I knew that Hydra was a big deal and it had contact with some very dangerous people.

I also knew that the plane crash probably wasn't an accident at all and was probably planned by someone. But who?

I know it was probably someone in Hydra but I'm not really sure who it was.

In the comics, it had been Red Skull who had discovered my parent's facade and purposely rigged a bomb in their plane.

However, in this timeline, it couldn't be Red Skull because he was already banished to protect the soul stone for eternity.

This information brings a dilemma that I'm not too sure about as of yet.

I sighed as I resolved myself to figure out the orchestrator who was planning the death of my parents.

"One more year I suppose..."

- Time Skip, 1 year -

Obviously, I had kept myself busy with taking care of Peter, meditation and of course, training. I had also finally gathered enough SP to upgrade SRIM with the function of self-learning which took me quite a while to do.

I was still nervous about how I was going to execute my plan od saving my parents but I had a rough idea of what I could do.

These were my current stats:

[Name: Jade Parker

Age: 4

Sex: Male

(STR) Strength: 24 -> 30 (still developing)

(VIT) Vitality: 26 -> 34

(CON) Constitution: 38 -> 46

(AG) Agility: 20 -> 27

(DEX) Dexterity: 17 -> 21

(INT) Intelligence: 69 -> 74

(INST) Instinct: 23 -> 27

Mana: 1 -> 2

Soul: 126

Wisdom: 21

(SP) Shop Points: 100


| Shop | Upgrade | Inventory | Bloodline | Relationships | Training | Skills | Quests |


Karate 10% -> 13% | Taekwondo 10% -> 12% | Muay Thai 10% -> 14% | Judo 10% -> 15% | Jujutsu 10% -> 13.4% | Aikido 10% -> 12.7% | Tai Chi 10% -> 13% | Boxing 10% -> 15% | Kickboxing 10% -> 13% | ]

(A/N Because of your encouragement, I will now display the before and current level of his stats. ^-^

Please remember that your input does matter and I will take your thoughts and opinions into consideration whatever it may be.)

I didn't know when my parents would have to go, but I was prepared to go at any moment of time. The only thing I had to do now, was wait. But for how long?

- Time Skip, ??? days -

"Jade, Peter we have to go."

Those lines were all I needed to ensure that this was the day that they were meant to die.

I had already been suspicious when my mother and father brought me and Peter to our aunt and uncle's house but the final straw had been drawn when both of our parents had to go, signalling the fact that it was finally the fated day.

Peter looked dismayed as the both of our parents gently hugged both me and Peter, saying,

"We won't be gone for long. We'll be back before you even know it..." my mother encouraged us whilst pinching both of our cheeks lightly.

My mother and father quickly exchanged a few words with Aunt May and Uncle Ben and left.

"Guess you both are stuck with us then!" Aunt May said whilst tickling Peter and leaving me (I'm not ticklish) while showing a wide and radiant smile.

I knew that she was doing this to take our minds off of our parent's temporary leave.

I needed to get away though, so I said, "I need to quickly go to the toilet."

"Okay, it's upstairs and is the second room to the right," Aunt May answered and politely gestured me to go.

I ran up a flight of wooden stairs and as Aunt May had said, it was the second room to my right.

I opened the door and went inside.

Obviously, I wasn't actually going to take a dump or anything, I needed to get out of this house as fast as possible and save my parents.

"Iris, please display my inventory."




Shadow Clone (consumable: 1 use)

Usage: Enables the User to create a Shadow Clone

for a certain amount of time (1 day) which is able to

switch positions with user with if needed





????????????????????????????? (consumable: 2 uses)







(A/N Keeping the other item unknown because we wouldn't want spoilers now would we :D)

(A/N In case you're wondering where these items came from, Jade purchased them a long time ago which is why in the 2nd or 3rd chapter the SP in the system barely increased in the 2-year time span. Just some clarification.)

I took a deep breath as I chose the yes option.

A large puff of greyish smoke came out of nowhere and in its place was an identical replica of me.

'This is quite cool' I thought.

I looked into my clone's eyes as we both nodded and I let my clone exit the room and go downstairs to serve as my body double.

I sneakily left the toilet and entered a random room which I had randomly picked in hopes of a window.

Luckily, my guess was indeed correct as there was a large window which I could use.

I slid the cold glass of the window up to provide an opening for an exit.

I then sat down on the thin ledge and closed the open window as to not leave any trails of myself leaving.

I braced myself for a fall as I thought, 'Fuck it,' and jumped off.

'Shit' I thought as I was falling about 10 feet.

Luckily, my instincts kicked in and as I was about to hit the ground head-first and die of a rocky death, I kicked the wall beside me and landed on a bunch of trash.

(A/N definitely not plot armour...).

It hurt a bit with a few grazes and scratches here and there but it was quite minor so overall, I was ok so I didn't really care.

After dusting off pebbles and stones off of me, I quickly ran into the nearest alleyway I could find for cover.

I pulled out a small device that I had created using spare mechanical parts that I had 'found'

from my dad's previous working computer that suddenly stopped working...

(A/N: I wonder who did that...?)

"SRIM, can you try and locate which airport they're going to?" I asked.


{I believe that they are currently heading to United Airlines, *** ***}

(A/N I don't know the postcode ok...?)

"Got it. SRIM please give me directions to the airport."


I started to run the directions SRIM gave me.

Naturally, I didn't do so where there were lots of people because most people would be questioning why there was a 4-year-old running unsupervised.

In serious cases, people might even call the police which would be a big, big hindrance right now.

'That would be troublesome' I thought as I ran.

SRIM gave me optional routes through alleyways and small paths that she believed would be the most efficient route towards the airport while keeping away from the public eye.

I eventually stopped because I knew that I probably wouldn't make it on time if things went on like this.

I needed to get to the airport fast. Time was running out.

I ran into a dark alley and stopped.

"Iris, please display my status."


[Name: Jade Parker

Age: 4

Sex: Male

(STR) Strength: 30 (still developing)

(VIT) Vitality: 34

(CON) Constitution: 46

(AG) Agility: 27

(DEX) Dexterity: 21

(INT) Intelligence: 74

(INST) Instinct: 27

Mana: 2

Soul: 126

Wisdom: 21

(SP) Shop Points: 100


| Shop | Upgrade | Inventory | Bloodline | Relationships | Training | Skills | Quests | ]

"Iris, please open Shop and search for anything that can help me in my current situation."


[Naruto - Transformation Jutsu:

- Allows user to transform their body in any way for a limited amount of time using Mana and Soul.

Cost: 25 Shop Points]

An idea popped into my head.

"Iris, won't I have to have Mana to sustain the transformation Jutsu?" I asked.

[Indeed, however, you are able to use SP to substitute for your lack of mana]

I nodded and asked, "How much SP will I have to sustain the Jutsu for about 6 hours?"

[30 SP]


It was a reasonable price but it was kind of weird that it was more expensive than the technique itself.

[Keep in mind that Chakra doesn't exist in the Marvel universe and it is able to be used because it's using Mana as a replacement, however, you aren't yet allowed to cultivate so it is indeed a reasonable price Jade]

"Fine," I said as I held up my hands as a sign of defeat.

'So all in total it's 55 SP...'

"Ok Iris, please purchase the Jutsu and buy Mana for me please."


[Naruto - Transformation Jutsu:

- Allows user to transform their body in any way for a limited amount of time using Mana and Soul.

Cost: 25 Shop Points


[+30 Mana PURCHASED]


[Name: Jade Parker

Age: 4

Sex: Male

(STR) Strength: 30 (still developing)

(VIT) Vitality: 34

(CON) Constitution: 46

(AG) Agility: 27

(DEX) Dexterity: 21

(INT) Intelligence: 74

(INST) Instinct: 27

Mana: 2 {+30 temporary Mana}

Soul: 126

Wisdom: 21

(SP) Shop Points: 100


"Great," I grunted as I once again felt a tingling pain surface in my head and mind.

Information about the Jutsu filled my head.

I tried to complete the hand signs to the best of my abilities and it worked.

I made myself look about 19 with no extraordinary features that would make me stand out in a crowd.

I was a tall, skinny teenager with short dark hair and dark-brown eyes.

I observed as I looked into a puddle.

'This'll do,' I thought to myself.


Hope you enjoyed my first chapter back :P