Well it's been years but I guess I'll continue?

I made this when I was very young lmao.

I'm also extremely lazy and honest to god forgot about this.

I'll continue the story but it could get dropped at any time but I'll definitely redo the story.

I don't really know about the harem stuff I said I'd do but I guess I'll just go with it but there won't be a lot of s*x in my story.

I'll just update whenever I feel like it so there won't be a set schedule and with quarantine and everything, I guess I'll have time.

If anyone was still waiting for me thanks I guess? Idk lol.

And if anyone was wondering (probably not but), yes my mother is a bit better. She had problems with her fibroids and her surgery is due in a couple of months so I hope she can recover soon.

EDIT: I'll probably just do this. I'll publish my rough drafts onto the story and then edit them after whilst also getting your feedback. Idk, just seems like a better way for me to pump out chapters.