
Note: I'm planning on moving this over to wattpad under a similar name. I'll be posting here to get some feedback and criticism. If everything goes well I might keep it here, only time will tell.


What a pain, I just got off work and now their calling me over for my parents debt. Can't they tell that I'm trying my hardest here? I barely have time to sleep at night from the stress thinking that I might be living on the streets the next day while their sipping on their expensive campaign! It's utter blasphemy!

Sighing as I pull up to the building I take my old coat and head inside. Walking up the usual spiral staircase past the innumerable corporate offices I arrive at the 6th floor. After finding the designated room I take a deep breath before pushing open the door.

The inside of the room was plain and simple only having a simple wooden table and 2 chairs on either side with a bulb hanging on the ceiling that'd give off the occasional flicker of light to the otherwise still room.

"Greetings Mr.Okuyama. Glad to see you could make space in your very busy schedule to come and see us today"

Ah yes, debt collector Kozoe. A heartless son of a bitch who's notorious for his steel heart. A man who has put many people on the streets and rumored to have put even more six feet under. Countless banks seek him out and not a single case under him has not gone successfully. Even some millionaires have fallen under his watch. On top of that he's built his entire reputation while only being 28! So while innumerable people have suffered under him you can't stop but admire his skills.

"Cut the crap, I don't want to hear it." Don't be fooled by his fake smile he repeats the same line countless time to all his clients. He only acts polite in the beginning but the facade doesn't last long.

"In a bad mood aren't we mister." replied Kuzoe with the smile wiped clean from his face with a tinge of annoyance and arrogance in its place.

"Stop beating around the bush. We both know that you're only gonna waste my time with your shit." I have no respect for people like him. They can go dig their mothers grave with their own hands and bury themselves alive within it for all I care.

"Sir, I'd like to stress that if you do not pay back your debt the bank will have to confiscate the house and all of the assets you posses to make up for the money."

"F*** off. Like I'd even let you touch the shit in my toilet spouting out non-sense like taking my house! I've been living here for 32 years and if you touch a damn thing in my house then oh boy, not even your sugar daddy would be able to save you."

"Mr.Okuyama threaten me all you want but I'm afraid that your parents have accumulated a lot of money and if it's not paid back by the end of the month the-"


That Mr.Kozoe is insane if he thinks I'm just going to take his crap and let him touch my property with his filthy hands! I barely even spent time with my parents, why do I have to payoff their ridiculous debt! They didn't even fucking care about me, why should I give a damn about them! To hell with them and their debt!

"You can leave the office Mr.Okuyama but remember that no matter where you go you can't escape." Mr.Kozoe's arrogant voice reverberated through the door in his usual smug manner

Ignoring Kozoes comments I rushed back down the spiral staircase to the parking lot, and went back to my rundown car.

Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk!

Smashing my head into the steering wheel I couldn't help but mutter "Stupid! Why do I have to take all this shit from all these people? Huh? I didn't choose to have negligent parents and a mountain of debt! My lifes shit! I don't have anyone to come back to at night! If I disappeared right now nobody would even notice.

Screw this shit! I can't deal with it any longer!


I put my old truck into drive and speed through traffic. The noise of of everyday life dulls around me and a soft ring takes its place. The world around nothing more than a haze. I see a red light? I keep going. I see a car? I go around. I see a sign? I don't give two shits and keep going.

"If I'm going to be living on the street fighting for scraps and a place to take shelter then what's the point?

A sudden plop on my windshield brings me back to reality, my eyes dart up only to be greeted with dark clouds followed by ear piercing thunder.

Taking a sharp turn over the curb I fail to notice a small girl playing in the rain, noticing to late I try to slam the brakes to stop but the wet roads refuse to let me.

"This world may be corrupt but I'm not going to bring a child down!"

Unfortunately the truck wouldn't stop and it was to late for the girl to get out of the way, it appeared that a little girl was about to meet her end along with him. But suddenly a young Japanese man only around 24 years of age pushed the girl aside and took the blow.

That day, both Okuyama Itoh and a random Japanese guy left this world.