Dragon Evolution System

Rewritten Chapter!!


[Uploading Dragon Evolution System]





[System successfully uploaded]


Where am I? This isn't my bed, it feels heavy. As if I'm being submerged in slime. There's some sort of gelatinous goo encasing my body. I can feel it sliding between my fingers whenever I move them. But it doesn't hurt it feels cozy in a way. Like being given a warm hug, but this hug is all encasing.

My hand also feels off. But no matter how many times I slowly slide my arm around the mysterious goo I can't quite tell what's different.


I felt something hard while I was moving my hand. No matter how much I tried to push nothing happened. This is probably the container for all this goo then. Pushing against the container also gave me a better chance to feel out my hand. I only had 3 fingers. But they weren't human hands. I didn't feel warm flesh pressing against whatever material the container was made of, no, there was only the feeling of my scales rubbing against the edge. Yes, scales.

Whatever happened to me, it's clear that I'm no longer human. Then that'd mean the thing attached to my back would be a tail. At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but It was also able to move, I swung it left and right as fast as I could in this goo. Slowly swinging left to right I finally felt some form of control was coming back to my hands. Despite not ever having a tail as a human, it felt normal. As if I always had one. It's a hard feeling to explain.

Shouldn't I be panicking in this situation?

I don't feel an urge to start flailing my arms around trying to break free. Well not like I could even if I wanted to. Ever since I regained conscience my bodies been in a weakened state. Now that I think about it, I haven't been breathing this whole time.

Taking in a deep breath, nothing happens. Well not like any oxygen can even get in here. It's just needless worrying if I can't breathe then so be it. As long as I'm alive I guess that's all that counts.

But staying in this cramped little space is starting to get uncomfortable. I can only be hugged so much before it starts getting claustrophobic in here.

Shifting my weight to the side I slowly started to tilt to the left. But it's to slow.

Stretching both my han-claws in front of me, similar to the stance you'd make when you're carrying something big. Then I swung my arms up as fast as I could through the sludge, pretending I was chucking something big behind me. Slowly building up a momentum that tilted my body left.

Repeating the action I eventually managed to float with my stomach facing the ground, and my back to the air. And just as I thought, the container was a cylinder. Hm, now that I can touch the edges there's a definite curve. Feels like an oval. Odd. But that's not important, first and foremost my priority is to escape this encloser. Afterwards, I can try and escape whatever place I'm locked up in. Maybe I'll be hired as a mascot if I get out of here.

I couldn't help but try to relieve the tension, as I slowly got my footing on the side of the container.

Pushing off with my hands, I used the momentum to quickly curl my knees before shooting forward in a desperate attempt to shatter my encasing.

The container I was locked up in wasn't that big, I could comfortably touch the end of the container while laying down, but I couldn't afford a mistake. I had to go all out.

But instead of the container, I was in shattering leading to my escape. I was met with a hard thump followed by a rough cracking sound. No, but that was not the worst part. I started to spin. My body was slowly spinning forward. Whatever was holding me was now no longer stable and was starting to roll over. And it was gaining momentum.

I tried stopping it by rolling the other way, but it was all in vain. My feeble attempts at stopping only served to tire me out even more then I was.

I knew that crashing into anything would lead to a game over. The person who locked me up in this freak lab will know that I'm awake. And if that happened then I can only imagine my fate.

But striking the hard case had it's consequenced. My already tired mind became dizzy, and with the constant spinning I was barely holding on.

The originally peaceful goo was now a whirlpool, and I was caught in the middle of it.

Crack was slowly forming as the container started to go at what I could only assume to be highway speeds. It started to hit bumps, which only served to worsen my condition. It was apparent that I was somewhere outside, and near some sort of steep incline.

Eventually, a ray of light crept inside. If this was back when I was stationary I would've been waving my tail in joy, but all I felt right now was dread. That small opening soon closed as the only thing keeping me safe from the constant battering was starting to spill out, the goo.

It was evident that I wouldn't live long. Even if I miraculously escaped this death trap I wouldn't have the energy to escape someplace safe. Or even find a place considering my current appearance.

As more holes started appearing the entire container started to break off in chunks, letting out buckets of protective goo. My desperate hold on the hard case being the only thing saving me from a slow and painful death. My arms started to burn but I held on. Whatever I did, didn't let go, because the second I did all my struggle would have been for nothing.

Eventually, it became impossible. The goo had all but been spilled somewhere along the way, and the entire top part of the container had been completely shaven off. My muscles began to spasm and my finger twitch. The only thing that kept me from falling to my death was sheer will power, but I only have so much.

Unlike before, this time when I hit a bump and was thrown into the air I didn't resist the pull of gravity and my grip began to slip.

[Killed Titan Bear 2890 EXP earned]

[Lv:1/10 -> Lv:10/10]


I didn't know what was happening or if I'd make it but I just prayed that someone could help me.

[The request "Help" has been accepted"

[Commencing Evolution to:

Basic Baby Dragon]