


Shortly after the notification, a warm white light started to envelop my body. The small containe- egg I was in started to break apart in small glittering pieces of light. Which floated in the air before dissipating. Giving me a chance to see the animal that broke my fall in the process.

Yes, I was in an egg the whole time. Thinking back it was quite obvious.

The oval-like exterior, a goo inside, and my non-human body. But with all the sudden changes my mind just wasn't able to register everything. There was also that voice near the end. After all that, I refuse to believe I'm still locked up somewhere on earth.

While I was trying to connect the dots as best as I could the rest of the egg disappeared in a glittering explosion of light. The white light was also beginning to recede, revealing a small, almost plush like body of a small dragon.

It was no more than two feet long with a slightly round belly and a noticeable chubbiness. With two small stubs on both sides of his head where most animals would have grown horns. The three fingers were also tipped with curved claws the size of a ping pong ball that emitted a very faint black lustre if looked at closely. A small tail also grew near the rear making up a third of the total body length. The small legs only worked out to be 20cm high which combined with the body added up to be 30cm or 1 foot high. The actual head resembled that of a Crocodiles but with a more compressed snout and a cuter appeal.

[Host has evolved]

[Status screen has been updated]


Dragon Evolution System

Race: Basic Baby Dragon

Status: Healthy


Cultivation: Body Refining Stage 1

Cultivation Technique: 9 Stage Refinement Technique (Mortal)

Rank: E- (System Provided)


[Status] [Analyze] [Dragon Breath: Lv1] [Scratch: Lv1] [Roll: Lv1]


[System Wielder: ---]


So I'm not on earth any longer.

But it's odd, no matter how much I try to convince myself of the gravity of the situation I feel nothing. It's not exactly an empty feeling more like a dull or numb feeling.

Putting the system to the back of my mind I start to traverse the area I ended up in. Watching the grass being blown by the wind is quite calming.

But while I was exploring the area I ended up on I ended up seeing a group of 4 people in front of me.

3 guys and 1 girl in the back. They're all dressed up in common medieval-style armour and are wielding swords. Except for the girl in the back who appears to be holding some sort of stave.

Then an epiphany stroke me. This is just like those isekai novels. A new life with memories, systems, and this medieval setting! How did I not see this beforehand? Wait, this is a world with monsters. So wouldn't these humans be trying to kill m-

Suddenly the warrior with his sword unsheathed leaped towards me and released a slash with his sword creating a crackling sound through the air and my body as if on instinct slashed outwards using [Scratch: Lv1] intercepting the sword.

[Scratch: Lv1 -> Lv2]

The recoil from the slash shattered my developing claws and made the warrior stagger a few feet back. He wasn't expecting any sort of counter-attack at the last moment to force him back. Looking back at his companions smiling behind him the man I presume to be the leader was filled with rage and humiliation.

Through his rage, he didn't notice the dragon in front of him opening its mouth and the surrounding temperature to rise at a steady rate.

"Drag Fara! Rine!" One of the men in the back shouted. He was the one closest to me, and after deflecting the sword attack he was put on guard. Being so close he was able to see what I was trying to pull off.

Snapping back to his senses the words shot through his head, and he quickly tried to flee. But it was too little too late.

Opening my mouth I used [Dragon Breath: Lv1] letting out a brilliant orange flame encompassing the warrior in front of me.

"AH! GU FA! LIKIT BO! AGH!" Blood-curdling cries left the warrior's mouth as he slowly felt his body burn alive, every single second he remained conscience, his scream would cut through the meadow.

[Dragon Breath: Lv1 -> Lv2]

As time slowly passed the fire went out, throat incinerated and body burnt the man silently fell to the ground. The surroundings once again achieved there calm, as if the incident was nothing more then an illusion, with only a burnt corpse as proof that the incident had even occurred.

[Killed Human Warrior 700 exp earned.]

[Lv1/25 -> Lv5/25]

[Title: Little Bad Guy Lv1]

[Little Bad Guy: Lv1 -> Lv3]

The Girl in the back collapsed onto her knees. Her will power shattered.

The other 2 men had their fighting spirits shattered and fled in the opposite direction of where I was positioned. Completely ignoring the girl and running past her as fast as they could. In their hurry they kept tripping over themselves but never stopped, I also saw them glance back on multiple occasions. Whether they felt guilty for their comrade or were checking to see if I was giving chase was hard to tell. One of them even managed to shoot an arrow off while running, which struck itself into my knee. Although I winced at the pain it wasn't as painful as I would have thought. Honestly, it just felt like a small inconvenience. This life is going to take time to get used to.

'Although I had no choice seeing as it was either he died or I died, taking a life with your own hands should be a horrible thing..but I felt nothing doing it. No guilt, no remorse, and I didn't even question it. Burning him alive also didn't seem to affect me. The feeling is still very off-putting. Knowing the burden but not feeling it is a very odd thing.


The girls quiet sob brought me back to reality, looking over I saw that the girl had her hands cupped over her chest whilst she sat on her knees. Her eyes were focused on the body of the man I just killed. They probably had some sort of bond before this.

'Right this isn't the time for an existential crisis about the system or my lack of emotions, I need to get out of here. There might be more humans coming over or even some beasts who were tempted by the sound of prey.'

Rolling over to a sitting position I start to push myself back to avoid injuring my knee as the arrow is still impaled in it.

Slowly dragging myself towards the nearby forest under the hateful glare of the girl I finally managed to exit the small meadow.


Ah...I just realized I haven't eaten since coming to this world and it's already pretty dark outside. Looking for a place to cultivate so I can recover would probably be the best choice, then I'll go and try to find food.

As the sun started to rise I finally managed to find a secluded cave deep inside the forest covered by moss and old trees.

'This would be a good place to build my base, it's hidden, fairly spacious and protected from the elements.' I couldn't help but be proud of myself.

Dragging myself to a wall I firmly gripped the arrow and used all my power to pull.

'Agh!' A sharp pain quickly assaulted my knee as some bone was yanked out and blood furiously flooded out.

'That mother f***er barbed his shitty arrow! Ah, shit that hurts! I need to quickly start cultivating!'

Adopting a meditation pose I slowly used the system's cultivation technique. A refreshing blue stream entered my body numbing the pain and strengthening my body. The wound started to close at a visible rate although it would still take some time.



Dragon Evolution System

Race: Baby Dragon

Status: Healthy

Lv:1/25 -> 5/25

Bloodline: Common

Cultivation: Body Refining Stage 1 -> 2

Cultivation Technique: 9 Stage Refinement Technique (Mortal)

Rank: E-


[Roll: Lv2] [Status] [Analyze] [Dragon Breath: Lv2] [Scratch: Lv2]


[System Wielder: ----] [Survivor: Lv1] [Little Bad Guy: Lv3]


As evening rolled around I finally managed to not only recover perfectly I also increased my cultivation to stage 2. My skin felt tougher and my senses felt more sharp.


'I used so much energy and I still haven't eaten, even if my cultivation rises I still need to eat. I've been thinking about it a lot but what do I eat? I'm a dragon so it's probably just raw meat, because of my lack of emotions I wouldn't mind eating meat, I might even enjoy it. Although I'm not disgusted it still feels weird having to eat something raw.'

With a quick walk around the forest, I managed to find some stray rabbits with my heightened senses and quickly ate them.

'Mmm...that was pretty good' I quietly muttered while licking the remaining blood of my lips.

'Hm? What's that?'

Looking over there was a small stone statue no more than 10 cm tall with beautiful gem embroiled eyes.

'I haven't used [Analyze] before, this would be a good place to test it out.'


[A stone statue with expensive crystal eyes.]

'It doesn't seem too outrageous, just a simple description of the object. It does look quite nice and would help liven up my base'

Deciding to bring it back to my base to add a little life to the otherwise bland cave I picked it up with my snout and brought it back home.

'You can stay right here right beside me.'

With everything was done I finally rested my eyes and slept for the first time in this a soft sound rang through the desolate cave.
