Village Raid

With the surrounding commotion It was quiet easy to enter the village safely.

Looking around, the place was in chaos. Men of all ages were fighting as blood and flesh littered the ground, children being brutally slaughtered infront of their mothers. Some of the more beautiful women were even violated in the open as there families died before them. Of course the money and wealth wasn't spared either.

The scene in front of me wasn't one of those Hollywood movies where proud men held the line as the good guys won against the odds, no, this was just a one sided massacre.

'F***ing hell. I thought I was the monster but these people are just sick.'

Despite not feeling any real pity or disgust at the actions of the raiders I was still revolted on a sub conscious level.

"Lo Garh! Sti fo miny!"

One of the bigger bandits near me dropped "his" women and called 2 of his underlings over as he walked towards me, his face twisted from greed.

'This little shit thinks he can take me?'

This wasn't going to be like last time, I've changed, I'm no longer the uncultivated rooki I was during the last incident. I'm now stronger both mentally and physically.

The second he entered my attack range I was ready and leapt forth with the extreme speed of a Body Refining Stage 3 beast. Cleanly decapitating his body with my claws.

[Killed Human Bandit 400 exp earned.]

[Lv5/25 -> Lv6/25]


Stopping in their tracks the 2 underlings were petrified as the head of their leader was chopped clean off without them even seeing how he died.

'Only 400 exp, and it only brought me up 1 level? Sigh. Guess it'll be more difficult then I thought to level up.' I inwardly sighed.

Looking back up at the shaking bandits it ended up being the straw that broke the camels back [1] as a warm liquid streamed down their legs.

'That's just filthy!'



Without a second glance I cut both of their heads off.

[Killed Human Bandit 400 exp earned]

[Killed Human Bandit 400 exp earned]

[Lv6/25 -> Lv7/25]

All this transpired within seconds but this didn't go un-noticed by the nearby bandits.

More and more bandits dropped what they were doing, be it looting, fighting or having some fun.

The chance to obtain a rare baby dragon being irresistible to all the people present.

It first started with 2 people.

Then 4 people.

6 people.






A whole 24 bandits were rushing over, pushing, shoving and even the occasional fight breaking out just to obtain a lone baby dragon.

This of course caused a sudden drop in bandits on the frontline which didn't go un-noticed by the villagers.

Confused and sceptical they still hurriedly rallied up, steadily beating back the few remaining bandits.

Unfazed by the number of armed men rushing towards me I simply charged up [Flame Breath: Lv2].

Due to the surrounding commotion nobody noticed the rise in temperature around them.

As the first of the bandits lashed out with their sword a brilliant flame rumbled the air as a 5 meter ring of death took shape.


"Hip mi!"


Screams of agony and sorrow echoes across the village as pleas of mercy rang out.

One by one bodies fell as if they were trees that had been cut down.

[Killed Human Bandit 400 exp earned]

[Killed Human Bandit 400 exp earned]

[lv7/25 -> lv8/25]

[Killed Human Bandit 400 exp earned]


[Lv9/25 -> Lv10/25]

[Killed Human Bandit 200 exp earned]

[Killed Human Bandit 200 exp earned]


[Killed Human Bandit 200 exp earned]

[Lv13/25 -> Lv14\25]

Once the final bandit stopped his screams there was a eeri silence as everybody looked at the scene dumbstruck.

'Aw, I get less exp every 5 levels. Atleast I got to level 14. But that attack took a lot out of me. Why's everybody looking at me like that? Disgusting perverts the lot of you!'

Unaware to my inner thoughts the village regained it's chaos as a village soldier struck down a raider.


Battle cry's rang out on both sides as they resumed their battle as if the sudden scene never happened, but this time things were flipped around.

The rallied village forces steadily pushed back the weakend raider force. Gaining ground step by step.

'Think I bit off more then I can chew with this one, it'd be best if I head bac-'

Before I could retreat back to Decoration one of the villagers snuck up beside me and quickly grabbed me.

'F***ing humans! I saved your pathetic village and this is how I get compensated?! If I wasn't exhausted from my [Flame Breath: Lv2] attack I wouldv'e long made you a Dullahan [2].

Fortunately a stray arrow shot itself into the villiagers right leg, penetrating it all the way through.


Using the opportunity I forcefully broke free and fled inside one of the local houses, of course I made sure to pay back my 'escort' in full.

[Killed Villiage Soldier 200 exp earned.]

The familiar ding of the system rang out as I entered the house, slamming the door behind me.

'I'll wait till they weaken each other out their before I swoop in and get all the benefits.'

Walking around the house I found women hiding under a bed, her eyes lifeless. Clearly she knew the current situation was helpless.

[Killed Human Women 50 exp earned]

'To others it may seem cruel and I don't like killing innocents as it's not worth the effort, but I can't have any witnesses. She also wouldv'e suffered trauma if she survived knowing her whole villiage had been burned down after I leave. Personally I consider it mercy.'

Getting a better look there was a small light where the women was laying.

Curious of what it could be I headed to the light where there was a small wooden trapdoor with a rusted iron lock on the handle.


With a swift slash of my claws the broken lock fell to the ground with a noticble clang.

Opening the trapdoor up to the bed frame I managed to barely squeeze in.

'A staircase? Judging from the glowing moss this place hasn't been in use for a while, it might house some rare treasures. It wouldn't hurt to take a peek, would it?'

Cautiously walking down the stairs I entered a small room with a wooden desk and a simple chair.

Besides the little amount of light coming from the glowing moss it would be near impossible to see anything without my stage 3 cultivation.

Exploring the room for a few minutes it didn't seem to house any secret compartments or anything of the like.

'This is pretty lame, I was expecting a stash of gold or some treasure but it's just a dirty study room.'

Just as I was about to leave a peice of paper hanging off the table caught my eye. It was withered by time and dust so it blended in with the surroundings. If I didn't pay close attention I would missed it.

Snatching the paper off the table 2 big words were plastered on the top with a map.

The writing was extremely foreign and ancient but I could still understand it.

"Cursed Inheritance"