The Rest

Pondering the words on the map I steadily headed back up. With all the wuxia novels I read when I was still on earth my blood boiled at the thought of exploration. Although the prospect of adventure got my blood going I didn't act rash.

Why would somebody leave a map to an Inheritance on a table for years and lock up the only hidden entrance? It was the first word you saw when you pick it, Cursed. Whoever found the map probably locked it up here in fear of others trying follow through with it despite the clear wording. I honestly praise the selfless person who left it here instead of selling it for a profit, unfortunately for the poor lad I stumbled upon his room with a plethora of wuxia novels to my name.

Leaving the dungeon like stairs I was greeted by my earlier kill. Knowing she was innocent I couldn't help but think where I changed.

At the start I felt eerily human despite my dragon body. There was even a split second after I killed the warrior where I felt guilt from my actions. My emotions only really got suppressed after I received the [Little Bad Guy: Lv3] title. The system didn't mention anything about it so I thought it was merely that, a title. But it turns out it simply thought it wasn't worth the effort to mention reduced emotion. Looking back I'd like to lie and say that I regret my actions, but I really don't. I won't say I enjoy killing, just that I don't mind killing if It'll benefit me. Guess I'm really no different than the corporations who harmed me for their own benefit.

Chuckling at the irony of it all I headed towards the nearest window overseeing the village, peeking my head just enough to see outside so as not to be spotted.

'Perfect timing. Their both heavily injured and seem to only be focused on the other party, completely ignoring the outside world.'

Stealthily making my way back I gently placed down the map while also checking to see if Decoration was okay. The sun was still up so I found Decoration resting in the same spot I left him.

Sneaking up on a small wooden house a fair distance from the fighting, I let out a small flame just enough to start a fire. Repeating the same action on 3 other houses I effectively sealed the inhabitants from the North,East,South and West sides using fire, which further went on to block all the sides as the wind spread the fire to the other houses.

By the time somebody alerted the group it was to late to do anything.

Watching from the distance you could see the different emotions flickering across the faces on both sides with fear, resolve, sadness, confusion and anger being the more prominent ones.

[Killed Human Child 5 exp earned.]

[Killed Human Child 5 exp earned.]

[Killed Human Women 25 exp earned]


The first round of exp streamed in from the hiding villagers who hid in outer regions. Even with the halved exp I'll still manage to gain a level or two from everybody here.

[Little Bad Guy: Lv3 -> Lv4]

It just keeps on going up doesn't it? Well nothing I can do about it. Even if it rises I still need to get exp and monsters are to impractical to get strong fast. But It's not like I plan to commit a genocide and burn every village I see.

[Killed Human Bandit 100 exp earned]

[Killed Village Soldier 100 exp earned]


[Lv14/25 -> Lv15/25]

If somebody glanced at the village now they would probably think it was attacked by a large beast who was having a bad day, not a fragile little baby dragon.


Hehehe...motivation is an odd thing. No promises. Imma be randomly uploading for fun. Dropping this feels like it restricts me. Also, as for the mentioned text describing the future of the story is invalid. Non-cannon. Zero percento. Nein. Fake. Irrelevant. So imma be uploading for fun. **fun** so no more pressure baby :) but I wont degrade the quality. but like I said. For **Fun**. But on a real note, I really do appreciate comments more than power stones, your opinions on where the story should go and just thoughts are appreciated. kk that's all.