Battle Royale Part 1!

John :"everyone disperse and take 20 meters from each other until i start the battle the winning Rules are as follows you Disqualify your opponent when you tap on his forhead or kick him out of the arena or knock him out now Start!!! ". They all stood in a circular formation waiting for the signal and then they looked up and saw five clones of John floating in the sky above them and then one of them got an iron basket filled with wooden weapons from god knows where?, and he landed in the middle of the arena and left the iron basket on the grounds, and he flew up again, John :" we need to spice things up show me what you've got! ".,,then they sprinted towards the weapons basket and everyone took a weapon, axes, hammers swords, and, spears and when they clashed together the unexpected happened! all the weapons shattered to shards and then some of the fighters took a backflip and some ran back , and when it cleared everyone knows now it's ability time!, the one first started was Garnet her eyes glowed black and a black smoke came out of her forhead and it changed into a black lion that was 20 meters long and 15 feet tall he looked around and then he roared, "ggrrauuuu!!!",, John :"i know that's what will happen!! ",,then one by one they activated their abilites faysal grew scyth blades that grows through the skin of his arms and Jimmy jumped five feet in the air and breathed fire from his mouth at the ground to scatter his opponents, when Jimmy was ready to Land he looked to his right and heard the wind whistling what he saw was a gigantic paw heading his way and he saw his life flash before his eyes!! he closed it and opened it to find John standing in front of him with one hand catching the giant paw with ease and the lion was floating midair with a green aura around it's body, John : " woah!! That was 15 tons of wight in this paw Jimmy would have become pancake with syrup on top!!",,,Jimmy gulped and landed then he ran 20 meters far from them, Jimmy :" hey!!! Aren't that Excessive!!!",, Garnet :" but i can't control his strentgh ok!!! ",, John :" well you could change his size to a normal lion right? ". Garnet :" oh! I dont know how a normal lion looks like?!...,when Garnet was talking a huge boulder was heading their way so she rode her lion and dodged that and the boulder struck John in the back of his head and the boulder turned into dust, John was unscathed then he turned around, John :"what happened?", Jimmy came closer to him, Jimmy :"well Lolana started kicking the floor and throwing rocks everywhere with all her Strength!", John :"that's a good tactic! Continue the competition!", then he floated up and everyone was looking around did he not feel that?!! on their faces,,, Sophia looked up and her eyes got wide open :" wait! A Minute! That was a clone?!!", they looked in the sky shocked to find four clones and one heading towards them.. Everyone *yeah this is the fifth one alright!*, then the fight Continued Faysal and Andrusha were fighting each other Andrusha had a golden rope coming from each arm he was fighing with Faysal on equal grounds!! Faysal did a brazilian kick from the left side of Andrusha and then Andrusha ducked at the last second and did a sumersault backwards Faysal would not give him a chance!. Faysal gave Andrusha an elbow strike with his right arm's blade and Andrusha guarded with his rope in that moment the clash between them caused sparks! To fly around them Andrusha slipped under Faysal's armpit and wrapped a rope around Faysal's nick and in a BJJ Spot to knock him out! Then him and Faysal looked to Faysal's stomach and saw Priya's head popping out of Faysal's stomach. and looked at them, Faysal : " ahhhh!!! My soul! My soul! Came out! Help", Faysal started running in circles in the arena Andrusha slipped from the speed of his running and he went flying out of the arena then when he was about to throw his rope towards Faysal's waist to get back to the arena he got hit by a blue sphere in his face that got him knocked outside the arena then one of the clones landed beside. Andrusha, Clone : " Youuuu're outt!", Andrusha got up and looked towards the direction of the sphere and found Alyousha looking at him smiling, Andrusha : " you! Bastard you'll pay for that!" Alyousha :" muhhahaha!!", then he continued throwing spheres left and right on everyone he saw in his way while Lolana is still throwing rocks and Garnet dodging and gitting closer to Lolana with her lion when she got closer and the black lion was about to bite Lolana's waist she dodged the bite and huged the lion wrapping her arms till viens came out under his armpits and Suplexed him!!! Garnet got scared and jumped at the last second before tha impact then the lion struck the floor and turned to smoke,. Garnet : " Noo! Mr. Bubbles!!", then Lolana looked at Garnet and she ran towards her and stopped when she reached in front of she grabbed her by the collar and threw her outside the arena when she was about to hit the grounds head first John caught her in a princess carry and put her down.. Garnet :"sob, sob, Mr. Bubbles died!",, John put her down and pated her head,. John :"he did not die Garnet he just dried you of your stamina and qi to stay active so he got weaker and disappeard he will come when you rest and be in your tip top shape ok! Garnet!", then Garnet stopped crying and cleaned her tears with her hand.. Garnet :"i am gonna take revenge for Mr. Bubbles!!", John :"oh boy!! Ok let's go", John picked Garnet and flew to the Audiences seats then John and Garnet looked at the kids and found them still eating, Garnet looked at the table filled with all kinds of food and noticed something delicious. Garnet : "ohh! There is cake i wanna eat let me down sensie!",,... John : "ok! Ok! The food almost finished too,im gonna tell my brother clone to cook more so just eat with the kids", John put Garnet down and she started attacking the biggest cheese cake she found, clone John walked to the chef clone to talk to him.. , John : " hey chef how is the cooking going?", chef clone : " it's going fine man! Im make them Addicted to my cooking hahhah!",, Clone John was looking at him like he's more evil than DJ ", then Clone John remembered something and walked towards the original John... Clone John :" hey John where's DJ by the way? ",, John : ohh! Right we have been seperated a long time huh! I just checked and he's with Lena don't worry about him", Clone John : " yeah don't forget that i have a dantian so i can't know what you are thinking all the time!!",, John : " stfu!! The competition is gitting more interesting so let's watch"..