Battle Royale Part 2!!

John looked to, the arena to watch another battle that was happining between, Sophia and GoGo who was fighting each other and closer from their location in the arena Sakura and Bab was fighting it was a furry!! Batt.. Imean a wild battle, because they have beast transformation abilites. GoGo has a black panther transformation, and Bab has tigress transformation while Sophia a shape closer to a dragon!! With blue skin color and wings that is trying to rip the uniform to get out! Sophia :"sensie! The uniform is too strong!! My wings are hurting i need to get them out!!" John :"clone do your job!!" then one of the four clones landed beside Sophia and slshed with his finger and cut to around her when he finished he flew up and the wings flapped open and it was big blue draconic wings with red bones Sophia flew because of excitement!! Sophia :"This is great!!".. John :"why are you excited did you not fly before?",, Sophia :"no sensie the creepy guys at the facility caged us in smaller rooms".. John :" i get it now and don't ever let your guard down!! and look in below",, Sophia looked below her and found. Sakura transformed into a fox with a big orange white tip coloured tail. and it looks heavy and she slammed it towards GoGo's direction while.. GoGo and Sakura were exchanging blows then decided to take the chance Sophia breathing fire towards the sprinting Bab and Sakura. Sensed the heat and started turning her tail into a fan and socceded blowing the fire out!! while that was happining Jasson was fixing his broken wooden sword while running dodging attacks. what John noticed what he was doing to the sword is that he's oozing little blue magma from his hands that made the sword looks more Metallic. by the second!! While he was about to finish fixing his sword. he slashed above his on head by reflex!! parrying a flying wooden hammer heading towards his forhead at the last second!! And dodging, backflipping taking a distance then looked to the attacker to find it was, Tolya who has wooden arm in a hammer shape looking at him smirking, Tolya :"good reflex!! Dude good reflex!! But you won't even scratch my lignum vitae",, Jasson :"well can obsidian dadao sword do that?",, Tolya looked at Jasson's sword to find he changed it's colour to black and it's shape to a dadao sword : " that's interesting i wanna see you try",,then they ran towards each other Jasson began attacking first with a high guard slash targeting Tolya's head then Tolya changed his other arm into a spartan shield and positioned it above in defense but he didn't expect from Jasson to kick his shield with his left foot, and stab his chest in a quick succession!! Tolya smirked and let him stab him through the chest then Jasson let go of the sword and jumped backward taking a distance, Everyone was looking at them????? "dude did you just kill him?!!" Jasson : " guys don't look at me like im a bad guy he wouldn't die from that you know!!",, John :" everyone knows that kid but you know you could like knock him out!! With the hilt or the flat side? Dark kid you are just Dark. Who? Am i kidding i love my disciples being a little bit ruthless now let's continue! ",, John :" i know where to place those two, it's gonna be fun!! " John was stil sitting on a beach chair closer to the eating and cheering children while clone was standing beside him, Clone John :" you know the kids need a mother figure right? ",, John : " it's not like im their father, but i guess your'e right oh boy!! the situation with Valintene was pretty awkward!"... Clone John : " yeah the girls ratio are more than the boys, do you know?, we found a realm that has a planet earth exactly like our old home maybe you will find someone there? "... John :" good idea and maybe i'll take some kids with me on an expedition ",, Clone John :" yeah just do that cliche shit!! ",, John :" hey!! It's not like im gonna enroll them in school or something!! "..going back to the battle,.. Ellen and Mariam doing a smart idea they made and teamed temporarely to take out Lolana Ellen has rubber purple wheels that was stuck to her shoes and two purple rubber long batons in her hands while Mariam was teleporting left and right dodging Lolana's boulders while, gitting closer to her while Ellen was circling around Lola looking for an oppining then she got the idea :"Mariam teleport me to Lola i know how to take her of the out!!" Ellen made put her in front of her and her hair turned into a giant rubber ball that was 20 feet tall and looks heavy Mariam stopped for a second after dodging a boulder, Mariam : " got it!!", then Mariam teleported towards Ellen and put her hand on her shoulders and teleported in front of Lola when Ellen opened her eyes she saw Lola and then punched the ball when she punched it looked as light as a fether and it flew towards at top speed Lolana looked and then she stomped on the grounds with all her strength till, her feet stuck to the floor like she was ready for it then the slammed Lola's but the unexpected happened Lola punched the ball and didn't fly from the ball no the ball flew from her Ellen :"impossible!! That's 10 tons of rubber!! No i won't lose!!",, then Ellen jumped towards the ball and punched it again targeting Lola and this time Lola spread her arms wide in a hug position then the ball slammed her and stopped it, but Ellen didn't give her a breather and ran to the ball started punching while she was punching Alyousha looked at them : ohh!! That looks like fun!! ",, so he started throwing spheres at the ball two and Faysal joined started kicking Lola was barely hanging in there, Alyousha :" come on!! Get fat ass out already "... Then" "chcick" "chcick" "the rubber ball from the middle and Lola came out red eyes pissed off!!.. Lolana :" did you just call me fat?!!! ",,.. Alyousha :" i guess so? ",.. Then Alyousha looked to his left and found Ellen have ran far behind him now,.Alyousha *ohh!! Shitt!! *,,.Alyousha looked in front of him and found Lolana has caught Faysal by the head like a meat sack, *and when did she get Karen?!! *,, she caught Karen too when Karen was running around she Accidentally slammed into her back that's when she kneow she fucked up!! Then Lolana caught her thae head and well she gave up then Lolana flunged them behind her outside the arena, they got slammed to the wall and they passed out,.. Jimmy :" they need some milk!!" then two clones landed beside them and carried them to the audience's seats While Lolana was running after Alyousha she saw Valintene in front of her so she tried to catch her head but well Valintene wouldn't allow that would she now? when Lolana was about to catch her head, Valintene dodged gracefuly and touched her arm and then she taped her forhead in a quick succesion, Lolana : "huh!! What happened? ",, Valintene : " you got taped so your'e disqualified".. Valintene put her head closer to Lolana's ears, Valintene :"but do remember Lola don't get Cocky! Ok honey",.. Lolana shevered from fear, Lola :"noted!!",...