Battle Royale Part 3 Finale!!

One of the four clones in the sky, landed beside Lolana, Clone John :" come on Lolana let's go eat!! And don't worry this is just a competition alright!!",, Lola looked at John and then Valintene while pouting, Lola :"ok! Sensie, im ready",, then the Clone carried her to the audience's seats to eat with the children and the other teens, the disqualefied teens are Faysal, Karen, Andrusha, and Lola there are 16 fighters left in the arena. and coming back to them Jasson and Alyousha are still fighting each other Jasson's sword started turning into its original shape slowly from the hilt while Tolya has only his left hand as a hammer now but they still on equal grounds they both were grunting and huffing,.. John :"are those two think they are fighting to the death or something?",, then they both ran towards each other and the first who attacked was Tolya who attacked with his hammer in the direction of Jasson's right arm holding the sword but when he was about to strike. Jasson ducked at the last second and, Tolya got hit in the face by something huge and furry!! Jasson *what! The hell was that!! *he thaught he was lucky for dodging that then he looked towards Tolya and saw a tiger. scratching and punching him while he was passed out!!, Jasson *let's back up fast and slowly *,,.. Then he ran towards Jimmy, that was fighting with Alyousha on the left side of them, Jasson,, *i have to take Jimmy out!!, then the dragon chick!!" Jimmy was fighting Alyousha breathing fire towards him and Alyousha's spheres became bigger while the shooting time is gitting slower, then Jimmy looked to his left and saw Jasson heading towards him and a Clone carrying Tolya outside the arena in the background, Jimmy * its gitting more dangerous gotta take a distance!! *, then he jumped and puffed his cheeks ready to blow fire, Jasson :" no you don't!!!",, Jasson threw his sword at Jimmy with all his strength!!! And Alyousha shot two spheres from both hands towards him Jimmy,*not good!! * Jimmy directed and breathed his fire towards Jasson's sword burning it to ashes!!, and kicked one of the spheres but Unfortunately the other one got him in the stomach and he went flying heading outside of the arena while he was airborne Alyousha struck him with another sphere directing Jimmy towards the unlucky Sophia flying in the air then Jimmy hit her in the back and they flew outside of the arena and passed out!!, Alyousha :"luuucky!!! Two birds with one stone!!",,.. Jasson came at him with straight punch to the face and Alyousha dodged to the right then Jasson responded with a brazilian kick from the right, Jasson " you are savage dude!!",,.. Alyousha "pleease!! Call me king savage!!",..while they were punching and kicking, then out of nowhere came an electric wall between them and it started attacking them with bolts and they dodged out of reflex while Alyousha was dodging he noticed an electric current coming from the wall to a 15 meters far from them and he saw someone with his hands up, Alyousha :"it's the fat guy!! What was his name?",,.. Sasaki :"it's Sasaki you fool!!",. Alyousha :"ok! Ok! Im coming for you next!",..Sasaki smirked :"i would like to see you try!",.. Alyousha shot five spheres into Jasson's chest that made Jasson guard his chest with his hands in an X and slide 10 meters far from him and then he ran towards Sasaki, when he reached 5 meters from him Sasaki made an electric force field around him in a circle for protection. That made Alyousha stop in his tracks!! Alyousha :"is that supposed to stop me? Or something?",, then he shot multiple spheres into the sky above Sasaki with all his speed!! 20 times!!. when Alyousha finished he made victory sign in both hands, Alyousha :"take this attack that i just made",, Alyousha (Rain of Death!!),, he slammed both his palms on, the floor, and the spheres started going down!! on top of Sasaki's shield in. Fives and Sasaki's shield started weakning, Sasaki "then take this from me too!!" then Sasaki's shield started making an electric pillar when it finished, it flew towards Alyousha and Alyousha started attacking it, but it was dodging in a zig zag formation when it struck him, Alyousha :"ahhhhhhh!!! Son of a biiitc...", then he fell to the floor passing out!!, and one of the clones landed and picked him under his armpit and left. Sasaki sighed in relief then he looked around him feeling someone beside him and then he looked at his shadow and saw Zhang que's head coming out!! Of his fucking shadow!!. Sasaki " wtf!!!" before he could get his bearing he got punched in the forhead and he passed out!!. John * man i think lady luck was on my side for finding these talents Mother Darkness and this realm's me will die for sure now!!! *,, then John looked towards the arena and found there is still, Ellen, Valintene, Jasson, zhang que, yue liang, GoGo, Bab, Pryia, Sakura, and Mariam. John *it's starting to get a little bit chaotic! And i like it!*. Mariam is still teleporting left and right around Ellen and Jasson who were fighting each other looking, for a chance to attack both of them, Jasson now bare handed against Ellen with her rubber batons, Ellen was defending and attacking Jasson while she's worried watching Mariam and the other fighters from taking her out!! of guard lucky for her Mariam and Jasson were watching their shadows most of the time they were afraid of zhang popping out of nowhere!! Even she was afraid of it now!! Then she noticed Zhang popping out of, Jasson's shadow and she gasped a little, Ellen"kya!! ",.. Jasson looked down and saw a fist coming towards his face, so he punched back by reflex when it colided Zhang came out of his shadow and then Jasson backflipped taking a distance of course zhang wouldn't let him run so he ran towards him and they started trading blows then Mariam saw Ellen distracted and took the opportunity and teleported behind her and kicked her left leg's femur, Ellen 'ahhh!!!' then Ellen counter attacked with a baton strike with her right arm, but Mariam cought the baton and tapped Ellen 's forhead and she got disqualefied. Mariam "im sorry Ellen no hard feelings?",. Ellen stood up and a Clone John landed beside her to take her to the audience's seats, Ellen :"yeah no hard feelings Mariam and don't let your gaurd down like me, ok!!". Mariam :"thanks!! Ellen see you later!!", when Ellen left with a Clone, Valentine came out of nowhere :"sooner!! Rather Than later!! Drama queen!!". Valintene touched Mariam's back and teleported her outside of the arena Jasson * well this is bad, her ability is stealing abilites?!!! *, while he was dodging Zhang's punches and kicks he saw one of the twins it was the panther coming from behind Zhang then he smirked and ducked, when she was about to crash into Zhang's back, it didn't happen he caught her right hand and judo slammed her to the floor and kicked her outside of the stage!!! While she was passed out!! A Clone landed beside her and she's gone, Jasson looked pissed a little* This guy doesn't joke*. Then Zhang stared at him, Jasson :"bring it on!!!".then Zhang turned to a circular hole on the floor that was speedly coming towards him, Jasson :" that's so fucking creepy!!!", He started jumping, backwards looking for a scapegoat then he saw Yue liang and ran towards her Jasson got an idea *i bet she knows how to defeat him* so he sprinted to Yue liang while picking up stones from broken boulders that Lola was throwing around when it reached five stones he threw them towards Yue liang's back and took a sharp turn to the right while she was looking at Valintene and Bab who were fighting, closer by her Valintene was teleporting behind Bab trying to touch her back but she fails everytime because she was afraid of her claws, and the teleportation ability is running out of juice so she has to steal a combat ability. Then she looked towards yue liang and saw Jasson behind her and she got a crazy idea, then she teleported in front of him expecting him to punch her by reflex and he did when she got punched in the face she passed out!!! But Jasson got puzzled look on his face and, a Clone landed beside Valintene when he was gonna pick her up she touched his hand, and the Clone poofed!! and disappeard!!! And she flew while having a happy smile on her face while looking at her hands and body her hair got a lot longer and her body got condensed muscles. Valentine :"whooah!!! Im filled with power!!!"..John's eyes got wide a little :"this will be interesting!", then Yue liang looked towards Valintene and pointed at Valintene with her index finger and, a red laser came out heading for Valintene when she saw it she she slapped with her right back hand, Jasson looked at Zhang and Zhang looked at him both with a scared look Jasson :"it escalated!!!run for it!!". But alas the slap made a shockwave that got the both of them flying out of the arena into the wall and they passed out!!!, and Yue liang dodged by making a circular laser shield proticting her from the shockwave and she started fighting with Valintene who was flying while slapping and punching the air trying to kick Yue out of the arena she can't be close and personal with her because she was afraid of her body's strength and accidentaly killing her.. Then she looked around and saw Priya popping her head out of the floor below her Priya :"hooo!! Finaly there is like how many left?", she looked around and found one above and one in front of her shooting lasers, then she heard someone behind her Sakura :"well, well, if it ain't the invisible cunt!!",.. Priya gasped and dodged furry tails heading towards her from behind by jumping up and taking, a distance then she looked towards the attacker to find Sakura looking at her while smirking,. Sakura :"nice!! Dodge but lets see you Dodge that!". Sakura pointed behind Priya and she looked to find Yue pointing a finger at her and she knew what that supposed to mean so she focused and got ready for it and then Yue shot lasers towards Priya's back. But what Sakura didn't expect is that the laser came through Priya's body like she's air and it was heading towards her so she shileded herself with her tails like, a tent around her and got attacked by a strong shockwave out of nowhere then she got knocked outside of the stage. Valintene saw Yue and Priya not looking at her so she took her chance and landed beside Yue and Yue got surprised and retaliated by shooting conscutive lasers but she got kicked from behind and she flew towards the wall in monstrous speed!!! Valintene :"ooh!! Shit!! Sensie!!!". One of the clones shot blue qi from his right hand and caught Yue before she got slapped into the wall and turning into a pancake!!!. Clone :" Yue is out!!". Then Sakura ran to Valintene's direction and hit her with her tails one after the other and Valintene was slapping the tails left and right, while they were heading to the borders of the arena then Priya ran behind Sakura and caught one of her tails stopping her in her tracks then Sakura got pissed and retaliated with, a punch to Priya's stomach but she got through her and she fell outside of the stage!! Sakura looking around not believing what just happened,. Then a Clone landed beside her and took her with him then the original John stood up,. John :"well it was an amazing competition i give it 8 out 10 it has everything for everyone",.. Then John looked towards the kids on the left of him in the audience's seats, John :"was it fun? !!! If you train hard and be a good kid you will be more stronger than your big brother's and sister's for sure and the winners are Priya in the first place and Valintene in second place!!!", and the kids with excitment and happiness:"hooooooooh!!! We are ready!! " then John smirked.