
'It's dark, am I dead?' the last thing I remember is I was shouting at No.1 and No.2. I was angry at them because they want to continue leeching experience despite seeing the stupid thing I did.

'What happened?'

'Bang! Bang!

I hear gunshot and explosions so it means that I'm still alive but I don't see the point anymore? It would be better if I just lay here and pretend I was dead, hoping an orc will notice me and kill me for good.

No.1 and No.2 worried voices ring through my head but still, I continued playing dead. They were right I'm more helpful dead than alive anyway.

"We're not going to last much longer at this rate."

"and I don't think the Sergeant can take much more of this"

"I have eyes, I can see that. Dammit, why did that monster have to show up? It's bad that she has to fight 3 to 5 orcs at the same time. Now she has to deal with that monster."

"Let just run No.1, this is hopeless."

I hear more and more of their conversation and realize how stupid I was acting.

'No.2 did the right thing in killing me'. How can I not see that Sergeant Rina needed help? I'm even dumb enough to stop them when they only trying to help.

I was angry at myself for being so afraid of death but still wanting to die. I was furious for being dead weight and I was envious of them for being composed and collected despite being in the same situation as I am.

I truly deserve to die.


When No.1 first saw Sergeant Rina his whole world stop, his heart started beating fast, his hand turned all sweaty.

She might not remember him but him, how can he forget?

She was his boo, his wife.

It might be destiny pulling them closer or playing them for fun but for him, it doesn't matter, to be able to see his boo again, it's already a dream come true.

But then he realized, what kind of hell his boo is and how her life is in constant danger.

His anger flared up.

'Those bastards! I'll kill them!" He has to leave her, the only one in his life that makes it worth living because he knows that's the only way to save her, to keep her safe.

That's what he thought, that's what was promised to him.

'What "B*LLCR*P!' He wants revenge, he wants to kill every one of those lying bastards that put his boo in danger.

but that thought quickly vanished.

'Is that important anymore?' He thought to himself. What's important is that he was given another chance to be with her again.

This time he vows, things will be different, he'll never leave her again. No matter how dangerous it is, he will always protect her.

But things turned in a strange way when he received a punch from her. His boo doesn't need his protection at all. She can kill him 100 times over without even breaking a sweat.

This frightened him, he was scared that a time might come that he will be powerless to protect her, that he will be watching her die. He was terrified with the thought that he might lose her again.

Not even a day passed from their reunion and his nightmare is already coming true right in front of his eyes.

A monster called Ombakti sends his boo flying. He was powerless, he didn't even have the strength to know if she was dead or alive.


'I will not lose you again' No.1 run frantically hoping to reach her before it's too late. Putting all his unassigned points in agility he ran.

One step, two-step, three-step. Every step he takes is becoming heavier and heavier. The closer he was to his boo the harder it was for him to run. It's not fatigue that's keeping him from running it was fear. He was afraid to see his wife's lifeless body.

When No.1 is halfway sergeant Rina. He was noticed by the one arm Ombakti.

"Watch out No.1!" Without No.2 timely warning, No.1 would already be cleaved in half.

Heeding No.2's warning, No.1 quickly turns his body around dodging the Ombakti's attack.

Seeing its attack miss, the Ombakti waste no time and quickly launch a follow-up attack.

The Ombakti is already tired and severely injured in its fight with Sergeant Rina earlier. Its attacks, although powerful, are already sluggish and full of openings.

No.1 has no problem evading its attack. After dodging another of the Ombakti's attacks No.1 saw an opening and using his assault rifle he opened fire at the Ombakti's severed arm.

"ahhhhhhh!" The Ombakti screams in pain and angrily swings its greatsword towards No.1 hoping to kill him but No.1 easily dodge it.

He steps on the Ombakti's stretched arm and jumps towards its head. Having no time to retract its arm, the Ombakti headbutt No.1 hoping to send him flying but No.1 quickly performed a somersault dodging its blow.

While on air No.1 tosses a grenade in the Ombaktis mouth and grabs it by the neck strapping a bunch of grenades on it.

He then quickly jumps towards a bunch of dead orcs and uses them as covers.

"Boom!" A rain of blood pours towards the battlefield.

The monstrous Ombakti's upper body is blown into smithereens.

The vicinity suddenly turned silent. Everyone looks at No.1 as the latter continues to run towards Sergeant Rina ignoring the body of the dead Ombakti.

"Damn!" No.2 is dumbfounded No.1 might not be as simple as he thought.

Having its comrade die, the Axe-wielding Ombakti ignores Sergeant Rina and turns to look at No.1.

Their eyes met.

Without hesitation, No.1 fired his assault rifle at its eyes.

"Pa!pa!pa!pa!pa!" Contrary to its large size the Ombakti moves fast. It easily deflected No.1 attacks using its enormous ax.

"Haaaaaaaaa!" The Ombakti roar furiously. It was enraged, this bug dares to kill one of its brothers.

Ignoring the miserable state Sergeant Rina. It charges toward No.1 with ferocity. Bulldozing dead bodies in its way like it was made of paper.

No.1 didn't back down and without fear opened fire at the charging Ombakti.


"Come you stupid bastard and join your friend in hell" Hearing the noises Sergeant Rina weakly open her eyes. She sees No.1 stupidly challenging the Ombakti, she didn't know why but her heartfelt warm. She felt a familiar feeling like something like this happened before.

She tries to catch up to the Ombakti but due to her severe injury and the aftereffect of her skill she falls back to the ground.

She didn't know why but as she watched the Ombakti get closer and closer to No.1 her chest started to tighten. Using all her strength she shouted "What are you doing idiot? Run!"

When No.1 hears Sergeant Rina's voice he feels a weight has been lifted on his shoulder.

'My boo is alive! My boo is alive'

With newfound vigor, he looked at the Ombakti with more fighting spirit than before. How can he run? He just made a vow that he will never leave her again.

He continued firing at the Ombakti while thinking of a way to kill it. He already knows that bullet was useless, this Ombakti is unlike the previous one.

First, It's not injured, its movement is neither sluggish nor has any opening.

Second, this Ombakti doesn't underestimate him, it dodges or blocks every bullet he fires even though the damage it causes is almost negligible. Most of all it was extremely cautious with grenades.

No.1 kept thinking before he knew it the Ombakti was only a second away from him.

He already knows that his chances of defeating it are almost nonexistent but he has to do it, for his boo.

Even if it costs him his life.