Round 2

The Ombakti arrives and slashes its enormous ax at No.1.


No.1 moves to the side trying to dodge it. But even though he managed to successfully avoid it the blow is so powerful it produces a shockwave strong enough sweeps him away.

He tries rolling to soften the blow but the Ombakti gives him no quarter, it quickly delivers a strong kick to his abdomen.

Thud! The impact sends him flying, cracking four of his ribs.

A normal person would have fallen unconscious already but he stays awake due to his amazing willpower.

"cough! cough! Is that all you got!" despite being barely able to stand up, he never stop firing at the Ombakti.

"RaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH!" The Ombakti became more enraged.

This bug dares to belittle him.

Wanting to finish it once and for all, the Ombakti charged up and jumped, it didn't just want to kill No.1 anymore, it wanted to squash him.

Seeing the comet-like green monster coming right at him, No.1 tries to move away. But due to severe injuries, he wasn't able to move.

Stuck to his current position, No.1 has no choice but to tank the attack even though there's no way in hell he will survive.



There is a saying that when you're about to die, time starts to slow down and your life would flash before your eyes.

A second will feel like an eternity.

At this moment everything around No.1 stop and various thoughts passes through his mind

What he sees is neither memories nor mistakes he made in his life but various scenarios. Scenarios that might give him the possibility to live.

Scenario after scenario passed but it all results in his death. It was not until his million death that he found it. The one that he would survive.

He tosses a grenade at the Ombakti, even fully knowing that it would cause no damage.

Seeing the grenade approach it the Ombakti tried to fling it away but before its ax was able to hit it No.1 shot it with his gun.


The shockwave from the explosion blasted No.1 away along with dozens of human corpses.

His plan works.

Not before long, there's another bang right where No.1 is supposed to be.


The Ombakti's stand tall amidst a giant crater. If No.1 didn't do what he did, he'd be no more than a meat paste by now.

Looking at the destructive power behind the Ombakti's strike, No.1 just smiles. He looked directly at Ombakti's eye and said.

"See you in hell"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! over a dozen of grenade straps at the body of dead orcs simultaneously exploded, filling the area with a large cloud of smoke.

Everyone looks at the direction of the explosion dumbfounded.

"Finally it's over" No.1 turn to look at Sergeant Rina's and slowly makes his way to her.

But before he can reach her. He hears Sergeant Rina's frantic voice.

"Idiot look out!" Hearing her voice he looks back.

'How is this possible? There are over a dozen grenades in that explosion, how can anybody possibly survive that? When he realizes the Ombakti's still alive, it's already too late; its enormous ax is already upon him.



When No.1 used a grenade to dodge the Ombakti's attack dozens of human corpses are blown away by the blast and among them is No.4.

Being suddenly swept away, No.4 became curious, he opened his eyes, and there he saw how No.1 blows over dozens of grenades near the monster, presumably killing it.

He was amazed, he killed it. A monster who's a hundred times stronger than a normal orc.

He looked intensely at the smoke wanting to see the monster's blasted body but what he saw shocked him. The monster is still alive, it was heavily injured but it was still alive.

It looks furiously at No.1, who's now walking slowly toward Sergeant Rina. Defenseless and unaware

'I need to save him.'


An enormous ax descended at the defenseless No.1.

But even in this situation No.1 still hasn't given up, his brain continues to think of a possible way he can survive. However, too bad for him his time has already run out. The Ombakti is already upon him.

At this moment when hope seems lost, a man holding an orc shoulder pad stood in front of him.


A crater is created where the man is standing.

The man kneels and coughs a mouthful of blood but he's still alive, staring at the orc furiously.

No.1 has been blown away by the shockwave.

He quickly looks at the one who saves him and finds that it was somewhat familiar back.

It took him a second before he figures out the man's identity was No.4. He was shocked.

He was positive that No.2 shot him in the head. They almost blow up his body because they're sure that he was dead.

No.1 breath a sigh of relief.

'I'm glad he's alive' Although he was shocked, he was more relieved. He has one more ally now, he looks at where No.2 at but found out that he was nowhere to be found.

'That bastard!'

"Is that all you got.!" No.4 shout taunting the Ombakti. It responded by swinging its ax at him.

Seeing the upcoming attacked No.4 smile, ready to block it.

Knowing that one strike is all that is needed to kill this new pest, the Ombakti pay him no heed. It focuses all its attention on No.1


No.4 was sent flying but unbeknownst to the Ombakti, there were 5 grenades right where he was standing. That's right, No.4 copy what No.1 did.

"Now! No.1!"

No.1 figuring what's No.4 planning, aim his gun at the grenade.

"Just die already!!"


A massive explosion once again occurred sending everyone flying.

"cough, cough!" As the dust settles No.1 and No.4 look intently at the Ombakti's location hoping that it will stay dead this time.

But to their dismay, the Ombakti's still alive. It manages to jump at the very last second.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!" The Ombakti's roar.

'This damn bugs!.' Although they didn't understand what the Ombakti's saying, they're pretty sure this is what it meant.

"Shut the f*ck up!" No.1 and No.4 said in unison.

They opened fire at the Ombakti although they were surprised to find that it survived. They realized that it was gravely injured. It's almost at the death door and only needed a little push.

Pa!Pa!Pa!Pa!Pa! Having no more energy to defend itself the Ombakti bravely soldier on the rain of bullets and slowly make its way towards No.4 who is much closer compared to No.1.

"Do you want another round, You bastard!" Seeing the Ombakti's coming at him, No.4 didn't cower, this was his chance to atone from his mistake. He will not back down again.

Seeing that No.4 might be acting stupid again No.1 warned him.

"Come down No.4, this monster can barely move anymore, don't let it get near you."

"It's no use No.1, the blow from before broke almost every bone in my body. I can barely move now, it's useless for me to run. Let's just see which one of us dies first. It's me or him" Only now did No.1 remember, No.4 spends most of his time being a crybaby and a stupid pain in the a*s so he's still low level.'

The blow from the before should've killed him and it's a miracle already that he's still alive.

"Sorry No.4, let's aim for its leg so it can move anymore"

"No problem. Let's kill this thing"

The race to hell begins.