Asgard Military Interface

"Follow me" Lieutenant Jeffrey led Arthur and the gang out of the general's office and into a secret door behind the outpost.

The gang is surprised to find a door appear out of nowhere. Even Aleria's emotionless face shows a sign of change.

Seeing their reaction Lieutenant Jeffrey just chuckled. He was used to it. Every recruit always reacts the same way when first witnessing the secret door.

"I know what all of you are thinking but this place is not actually that much of a secret as you expect, everyone in the army has been here once or twice before as it's one of the requirements if you wanted to join," Jeffrey said.

Emmanuel is quite curious about what's inside.

"What is in there sir? He asked.

"The armory." Lieutenant Jeffrey replied

Arthur and Emmanuel's eyes lit up but as they entered the door they were disappointed. There is only a plaque inside.

Seeing their reaction Lieutenant Jeffrey laughed. "Hahahahaha, disappointed? Everyone that has been here had the same look like you guys."

He then gave back their tags to them along with a knife "Place your tags in that plague over there and give it a drop of your blood."

Seeing the knife Arthur and Emmanuel look at each other and start arguing who goes first.

[You go first].

[No, you go first].

[Why me].

[I'm just following you, you're the who wants to join the army].

[Who asked you to follow?]

Completely uninterested with their childish bickering Aleria steps forward.

She places her tags at the plaque and using the knife she makes a small cut in her hand, dropping her blood into the plaque.

The plaque suddenly turns bright and a transparent screen pops up.

[Welcome to the Asgard Military, Private Aleria Windwalker]

Following this, a change also happens in Aleria's tag. Her position showing Reserve Troop now changed to Private.

Aleria Windwalker [Lv.60]

Position: Private

Affiliation: Asgard

Arthur looks at Aleria, noticing that there's nothing wrong with her, he steps forward.

"Move aside you coward, let this real man show you how it's done," Arthur said while looking at Emmanuel with a smug look.

'This shameless bastard' Emmanuel thought.

Arthur ignores Emmanuel's hateful gaze and places his tag and a drop of blood at the plaque.

Like with Aleria the plaque turns bright and a similar transparent screen pops up.

[Welcome to Asgard Military, Sergeant Arthur Wardragon]

Arthur Wardragon [Lv.50]

Position: Sergeant

Affiliation: Asgard

Looking at his tag Arthur can't help but smile.

'I'm officially a Sergeant now'

After Arthur, Emmanuel takes his turn.

Emmanuel [Lv.40]

Position: Private

Affiliation: Asgard


After seeing Arthur and the gang finished their registration. Lieutenant Jeffrey started explaining information about the army.

"Now that you're officially part of the military, you will have to shoulder the responsibility that comes with it. This includes facing monsters and risking your life for the common good." Lieutenant Jeffrey continued

"But do the fret, the military is not one without perks. Everyone in the military will have the privilege to access the Asgard military interface"

"What is the Asgard military interface, sir?" Arthur asked.

"Listen up, I'm only going to explain it once, everything you wouldn't be able to understand will be up to you to explore."

"The Asgard Military Interface is the way the military rewards its soldiers. It has everything you'll ever need and more."

"Money, knowledge, promotion, and even special skills. The Asgard Military Interface has it all." Hearing this, Arthur and Emmanuel became excited.

"But everything comes with a price Asgard Military Interface operates with a merit point system."

"How can we earn this merit point sir?" Arthur and Emmanuel asked at the same time.

"There are many ways to earn merit points but the most common way is by doing missions. The military issues mission to its soldier through the Asgard Military Interface."

"There are two types of missions, the first one is a compulsory mission like the wall defense you just did. This type of mission must be accomplished no matter what, failure to comply will result in punishment."

"The second type is the posted mission; there is no penalty in this type of mission but your rank determines the kind of mission you can accept. A private can only do a private mission but a Sergeant can do a lower rank mission."

"How can we access the Asgard Military Interface sir?" Emmanuel excitedly asked.

"You can access it the same way you access your status but I recommend you finish my explanation first."

"Yes, sir" Seeing Emmanuel calm down lieutenant Jeffrey continued.

"Alright, I'll continue. As your commanding officer, I have the power to designate a compulsory mission to you once every day but if we're in a state of emergency I can designate as many missions as needed."

"In normal circumstances, I should not be the one telling you this but due to general's order you'll put under Arthur's command who just been recently promoted."

"Being under Arthur this grants him authority over you two, meaning he has the ability to designate a compulsory mission to you and he as a superior officer also has the right to 10 percent of the merit point you earn as his subordinate."

Lieutenant Jeffrey looks at Arthur's eye and says. "That's why Arthur, being their superior officer and gaining more benefits, you must take care of them."

"Understood sir" Arthur understands what the lieutenant is trying to convey so he answers sincerely. Emmanuel and Aleria are under him and he was under Lieutenant Jeffrey. 'Don't do unto others what you don't want doing unto you.'

Lieutenant Jeffrey then looks at Aleria and Emmanuel."You two if you don't want to be in Arthur's command you can save merit points and ask for a promotion."

Aleria and Emmanuel nodded.

"As your superior officer. I will not mistreat you. If you need any help don't hesitate to send me a private message and I do my best to help you."

"That's all I wanted to say. If there is something that you don't understand you can explore it on your own as discovering something is much better than being explained a thousand times. Dismissed!"

Having said what needed to be said Lieutenant Jeffrey walks toward the door but before he can leave he stops remembering something.

"And also as a welcome gift, I leave something for all of you. Always remember the winner is the one that survives."