The Horn of the Battlefield

After being dismissed Arthur leads Emmanuel and Aleria outside the outpost.

"Do you know where we are going?" Emmanuel asked.

"For the tenth time, no!" Arthur irritatedly answer.

They have been walking for almost half an hour now. Arthur is hoping to find a place they can rest, something where they can eat like a diner or a bar but that's proven to be difficult as all the buildings they encounter look identical.

"So we're just walking aimlessly then?" Emmanuel asked again.

Arthur is tired, so much has happened in such a short amount of time. He just wanted to rest.

He came to the military outpost hoping to find some news about his wife but came out empty-handed. He didn't have any more energy to deal with Emmanuel's crap.

"Do you think I live here? We got here at the same time for f*ck sake."

"Then let just asked lieutenant Jeffrey"

Arthur already has enough of Emmanuel's stupidity. How can he ask the lieutenant about something so petty?

"Can you just shut up for one second so I can think"? Arthur lashes out.

"Chill! Sergeant. I'm just making suggestions".

Emmanuel didn't understand what's going on with Arthur ever since he woke up he's been acting like an ass.

"Let's just give up and look at the interface for some mission". Having had enough Arthur decided to just give up finding a place.

"Alright you're the boss, by the way, do you know where Aleria is?" Emmanuel asked.

"What are you talking about? She's just behind us a minute ago."

Looking behind him Arthur finds Aleria missing. 'fuck'

"Well, she is gone now," Emmanuel replied.

"I can see that sherlock". Arthur facepalm, he really got stuck with some troublesome subordinate, one's a stupid cowardly moron, and the other is an antisocial piece of Ice.

"So do we look for her?" Emmanuel asked.

Arthur thought for a second before shaking his head.

"Nah, she is a lot stronger than both of us, she'll be fine on her own."

Seeing Arthur's irresponsible act. Emmanuel can't help but condemn him "You know you're the commanding officer right?"

"I know so show me some respect Private," Arthur said, flexing his rank totally unconcerned with Emmanuel's remarks.

Noticing that Arthur is back to his shameless self again, Emmanuel didn't want to argue with him anymore."Alright, Alright Sergeant let us not waste any more time and look at the interface"

Arthur Wardragon Lv.50

Position: [Sergeant]

Merit Points: 0

Promotion Requirement: Lieutenant (100,000 merit point)

>Exchange Center


>Mission Center

Compulsory mission(Active): Lead your unit to Military barracks No.101 to settle in.

Task Giver: Lieutenant Jeffrey

Reward: Welcome gift box

>Emergency Channel

>Information Center

>Rank Insufficient

>Rank Insufficient

>Rank Insufficient

'I thought this interface only has simple functions but this thing has everything we need. It even has a detailed map of Asgard's entire fortress. If I know this earlier we shouldn't have wasted a lot of time wondering' Arthur thought.

'I'm really glad that I didn't ask Lieutenant Jeffrey for directions or else I'll embarrass myself.'

Looking at the compulsory mission the lieutenant gave, Arthur can't help but think. 'He's really a great lieutenant, comparing him with boo is like heaven and earth.'

"Alright, I know where to go now. Follow me". Arthur led the way to the barracks using the map in the interface but quickly found Emmanuel frozen in place, drooling in saliva.

"What f*ck are you doing? Get the f*ck over here?" Arthur smacks Emmanuel in the back of the head flooring him to the ground.

'Oops, I forget to control my strength'.

"You a*sh*le! That hurt, I'm just looking at the Exchange Center". Emmanuel said massaging his head.

Seeing that he was fine, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can do it once we get to the Barracks".

He also got tempted to check the items in the Exchange Center but without merit points, he'll be just wasting his time. He decided to postpone it until he arrived at the barracks and completed the Lieutenant task.


Not long after Arthur and Emmanuel arrive at the Barracks No.101.

The barracks look no different than two cargo containers put together and repurpose as living quarters.

The barracks has two sides separated only by bedclothes acting as a wall. There are two double-deck beds in Arthur and Emmanuel's side.

"Is anybody here? We are also assigned in barracks 101 so I guess we will be bunkmates", Arthur said.

They waited for a minute but no one replied.

"Emmanuel I hear breathing, look at the other side if there are people there".

"Why me?" Emmanuel protested.

"Because I'm your superior officer," Arthur said, showing the rank in his tag.

"But you're stronger than me," Emmanuel said, not budging.

Seeing that Emmanuel has no intention of moving, Arthur lightly push him "Just go already"


Unfamiliar with his strength, Arthur sent Emmanuel flying across the room.

"Bang!" There's a loud crash.

"What is this?" Feeling a soft object in his hand Emmanuel asked but before he could see what it was, he heard Arthur's voice shamelessly acting shocked.

"I didn't know you're that kind of person, I'm ashamed to be your superior".

"What are you talking about you bastard? You push me!" Emmanuel said looking angrily at Arthur.

Seeing his angry expression Arthur who is trying his hardest not to laugh points his finger to the place where his hand is currently grabbing.

"What ar-" before Emmanuel can finish his sentence he sees Aleria's figure, her face is as red as a tomato.

Seeing this he immediately removes his hand and tries to apologize. "Sorry Aleria, it's just an accident. The truth is Arthur pushed me." He said pointing at Arthur.

"Tell him, Arthur!"

Arthur fakes innocence. "Me, don't blame others for your shameless act."

"You bastard!" Emmanuel roar.

He was expecting a punch but it didn't happen, he looked at Aleria still embarrassed at what just happened but the latter stands up and acts as if nothing happens.

Arthur on the other side of the room gives him a thumbs-up.

'This bastard'. Emmanuel thought to himself.

He decided to ignore Arthur and focus on smoothing things with Aleria.

"When did you get here?" Emmanuel said, trying to strike up a conversation but he just got ignored.

[Just forget it bro hahaha. You already score, let's live it at that]. Arthur said via thought message.

[It's not like that. This is all your fault, you bastard!] Emmanuel said glaring.

He was expecting another stupid comeback from Arthur but he sees him suddenly turn serious.

"Squad, quickly open up your lieutenant gift box and prepare for battle. It seems that another battle is about to commence. We are to report to the western battlefront immediately."