
Note: For everyone that didn't know what riding a bus means. In RPG games riding a bus means when a high-level player helps a new player level up faster.

Emmanuel takes out his pistol and follows behind Arthur.

Equipped with his shield he also jumps on the mammoth's back, tagging behind Arthur, shooting at every orc he was attacking.

The situation is quite ironic as not long ago Emmanuel is criticizing Arthur and No.2 for leeching at sergeant Rina and now he was doing the same thing with Arthur.

Emmanuel can't help but shake his head with self-contempt having such a thought.

During the last battle, due to spending most of his time just leeching off Sergeant Rina, Arthur develops a habit of checking his status every now and then to see if he level up.

Arthur Wardragon [Human] Lv.50

HP: 1620

SP: 1940

Str: 162

Vit: 162

Int: 162+32


Unassigned Points: 2

Special Skills:

Enhance Intelligence(Passive): Increase intelligence by 20 percent.

Perceived Duration (Active): The subjective experience, or sense, of time, which is measured by someone's own perception of the duration of the indefinite and unfolding of events.

Noticing that he was barely getting any experience after killing hundreds of orcs, Arthur cannot help but exclaim. "Oh, what the f*ck!"

Startled by this, Emmanuel almost got hit by one of the orcs attacks. "What the f*ck is it!" he said angrily.

Realizing his mistake, Arthur said" Ahh nothing, it's just that there might be something wrong with these orcs. I already killed hundreds of them but it seems that my level is still stuck at level 50.

Emmanuel checks his status "I don't know about you but everything seems fine to me. My level is soaring and I'm about to reach level 43." He said smugly.

After experiencing the joy of riding a bus Emmanuel doesn't want to go back to walking anymore.

Looking at his face, Arthur's expression twitched, he pulls out his pistol and open fire at Emmanuel. "You f*ucking leech."

Emmanuel casually blocks it with his shield. "Hahahaha, You're the one that suggested it. Don't tell me you backing out now?"

"You--" Hearing his response Arthur became even more irritated, he was about to swing his blade at him when a giant Arrow flew toward him.

Although Arthur is casually dealing with the orcs, seeing that he has extra time to fool around with Emmanuel, he never stops paying attention to the orc with the ballista.

He moves to the side easily dodging the arrow. He then looks at the orc archer direction and shouted: "Can you stop that, it's getting fucking annoying!"

Instead of stopping, however, it shot two more arrows simultaneously which Arthur once dodge with ease. "Bastard!"

'Just you wait I'll cut your head soon enough'


As time passed the orcs assault continue to intensify.

Arthur is already tier 1 and together with his techniques facing a tier 0 orc is nothing but a walk in the park but for Emmanuel however, the situation is different.

Although the pressure is mostly with Arthur there is an overwhelming amount of orc besieging him and not to mention an arrow continuously wanting to pierce his body. A couple of orcs are bound to get passed him.

Emmanuel continues to struggle, but although Arthur saw this he didn't do anything. He needs Emmanuel's help if ever they hope to take down that Orc archer and him reaching tier 1 will not instantly make him helpful. What he needs is to be familiar with defending against numerous orcs attacking at the same time.

One orc tries to cut Emmanuel's neck with its ax but seeing this he immediately ducks and using his shield he bashes the orc.

The orc was sent stumbling down the group of orcs but before Emmanuel could celebrate an arrow flew toward him in breathtaking speed.

"Watch out," Arthur shouted.

Emmanuel is surprised, the arrow is shot at him in nearly perfect timing when his stance is all messed up if not for Arthur's warning he would have surely been hit.

He rolls to the ground desperately trying to dodge the arrow. He manages to dodge it but in that short time frame, an orc manages to step on one of his arms, his shield-wielding arm in particular.

Now totally defenseless he is now at the mercy of the orcs. Arthur didn't expect the situation to develop like this.

He rushes towards Emmanuel trying to save him but it was already too late the orc already swung its ax. He sees Emmanuel trying to block it with his arm but he knows it was hopeless "Nooo!" Arthur shouted.


The ax collided with Emmanuel's arm

"Huh?" At this moment not only Emmanuel and Arthur left dumbfounded but so as the orc.

It tries putting everything it has to its ax, trying to cleave Emmanuel but no matter how hard it tries the ax just wouldn't budge. Other orcs tried hacking Emmanuel but they could not hurt him either.

Seeing all of this Arthur is left motionless.

"The f*ck you standing there for, help me the out!" If not for Emmanuel shouting he will stay like that for a long time, that's how dumbfounded he is.

Arthur arrives at Emmanuel and easily dispatches the orcs. "What kind of monster are you?"

Hearing this Emmanuel roar. "I'm human! You and Aleria are the monster, I just invested all of my stats in vitality like sergeant Rina suggested"

'This bastard dares question him when he just lets him get hacked while he just stands there and watched.'

Arthur looks at Emmanuel skeptically not buying his answer. Even if he did invest all of his points in vitality he's only tier 0, if they compare both of their stats their vitality should not be that far apart. He was positive that he cannot tank the attack of numerous orcs as Emmanuel did. "How high is your vitality now?"

Emmanuel [Synthesize Human] Lv.47

HP: 6440

SP: 620

Str: 62

Vit: 322 + 322

Int: 62

Agi: 57

Unassigned points: 0

Special Skills

Blood of Life(Passive): Doubles your Vitality and Regeneration.

"I level up a lot so it's 644 now," Emmanuel said casually.

"Did you say 644?" Arthur is not sure if he hears it right or there is something wrong with his ear.

"Yeah, my vitality is at 644 is there something wrong with that?" Emmanuel really didn't know the gravity of what he just said but Arthur did. He was already tiered 1 but his vitality is only 162 compared to Emmanuel it was nothing.

"How the f*ck did you get it that high, you f*cking monster!" Arthur didn't know how it was even possible. Even if he copied Emmanuel, his vitality will not be that high and he is not tier 1 yet. If he became one his vitality will become even more ridiculous.

"I don't know why you're getting so work out about, I just said I put most of my stats in vitality."

Hearing Emmanuel's response Arthur can't help but shake his head 'There might be something seriously wrong with this guy's brain.
