One v One

After learning Emmanuel's ridiculous stats, Arthur started using him as a meat shield, tossing him around orcs like some kind of cannonball.

"Stop hiding at the back you leech and go in front," Arthur said, grabbing Emmanuel and tossing him at a group of orcs.

"Thing!, Thing! Thing!" The orc started hacking Emmanuel but to no avail. Arthur then uses this opportunity to easily dispose of them.

With their new set up, the rate of them slaughtering the orcs skyrocketed.

"Stop doing that you b*stard!" Emmanuel roar.

Hearing him complain, Arthur just rolls his eyes, "What are you so angry about? They can't even hurt you."

Emmanuel then shows his tattered clothes."Although my body can't be hurt, it doesn't mean that my clothes are invincible."

"Hahahaha you call that a body." Arthur burst into laughter.

Due to malnutrition, Emmauel's figure is thin and lacks muscles, his body is like a guitar that is missing is a string.

Every time he looked at Emmanuel, Arthur can't help but roll over the floor laughing, due to this he's late to notice an arrow coming straight at him.

It all happened in an instant and there's not enough time for him to dodge, his only choice now is to block it with his blade.

"Bang!" The impact from the collision sent him tumbling, if not for Emmanuel catching him in time, he would have fallen off the mammoth's back and towards the sea of orcs.

"Serves you right," Emmanuel smirk.

Arthur ignores Emmanuel's snarky attitude and looked at his blade.

"Damn," seeing a chip, he can't help but curse.

Shin Gunto (Katana)

Durability: 63/100

Attack +50

A sword produced for use after the end of the samurai era in 1868. The standard in the military of old transitioning the swords worn by the samurai class to the advancing battlefield.

Evaluation: This Katana is produced by an apprentice blacksmith with a mediocre talent using mana steel with poor density.

Quality: Poor

'What with those arrows? One attack was enough to eat almost half of my blade durability.'

"Are you okay?" Emmanuel asked mockingly.

Arthur once again ignores him and resume killing orcs.

"No need to be so cold, It's your fault anyway," Emmanuel said.

After a slight hiccup, the two continue slaughtering the orcs left and right.


"Those guys are doing quite well," Emmanuel said, looking at the soldiers behind them. Now that he knew that the orcs can't hurt him, he became more confident and carefree. He didn't even bother to dodge their attacks anymore.

Arthur is also pretty laid back. He continues to move his body, slowly adapting to his sudden increase in stats, compare to before he's now moving more fluidly and efficiently. Each of his strikes becoming more precise, wasting no extra movement and never missing its mark.

Facing tier 0 is now becoming less and less of training to him and more of a bother. If he wants to improve much faster, he has to battle stronger opponents.

"Well, they are not really doing anything and we're pretty much holding the entire orc army in our area by ourselves. They are pretty much like you, leeching all my experience. It's kind of irritating that until now I didn't even manage to gain a single level." Arthur said.

"By the way, what level are you now?"

Emmanuel checks his status window. "Almost there, I'm already level 49."

At this moment, as Emmanuel and Arthur were casually talking, five Ombakti arrived riding in big giant wolves.

Emmanuel's eyes sparkle with desire seeing those cool giant wolves while Arthur smiles. He was already sick of fighting normal orcs and looking for more challenging opponents.

"Nice timing, do think you can handle their attack?" Arthur asked, looking at Emmanuel.

"Wait a minute," Emmanuel said, putting all his available stat point on vitality. His already ridiculous vitality became even more ridiculous. With this increase his confidence balloon even further.

He walked in front of Arthur and tap his shoulder. "Let me take the front on this one."

With his shield in hand, Emmanuel walks up to the five Ombaktis, ready for battle.

Seeing his provocative action, the Ombakiti in the middle, who seems to be the leader of the group, mounted off his dire wolf and moves to face Emmanuel.

One on one fight.

The Ombakiti was triced the size of Emmanuel, comparing the two is like a baby to an adult. There is no contest at all who would win.

But Emmanuel's eyes never lack confidence. As the Ombaki looks down at him holding its glaive, he stared directly at it, not taking a step back.

Witnessing all of this, Arthur now views Emmanuel in a different light 'What a massive character evolution.'

Although the Ombakti is shocked to find its enemy is not intimidated by his presence, It didn't waste time dwelling on it, using his glaive he immediately delivered a massive strike.

Emmanuel looked at the attacked and smiled, he then raises his shield to receive it.

"Swish!" The Ombakti's glaive collides with Emmanuel's shield.

"Swooosh" Without any resistance Emmanuel flies over like a bullet sticking flat at the wall creating a human-shaped crater.

Witnessing everything unfold Arthur's jaw drop. 'A fool will always be a fool.'

Even the Ombakti is surprised to see how easy he sends Emmanuel flying. He is expecting more of a challenge coming from his adversity but it turns out he's nothing more than a bug.

Emmanuel slowly crawled out his hole. "What the f*ck just happen?" He asked, confused. Although he was sent crashing to the wall by the Ombakti's strike, contrary to everyone's thinking, he wasn't hurt at all.

"You tell me, idiot," Arthur said. He is already having a headache dealing with a subordinate as stupid as Emmanuel.

"I really don't know what happened, I'm sure my defense is high enough to tank it, I didn't even receive any damage. I really couldn't understand why I was sent flying." Emmanuel said.

Seeing that Emmanuel is really is clueless, Arthur gave up hopelessly explaining things to him as he suspects that there might be seriously wrong with his head.

Unsheathing his blade he walks at the five Ombaktis. "I'm in a bit of a hurry, can you all come at me at once?