Heart Broken

With his blade in hand, Arthur walks at the five Ombakti "I'm in a bit of a hurry, can you all come at me at once?"

'What a show-off' Emmanuel thought to himself.

Placing his shield in his back, he brings out his assault rifle and walks behind Arthur.

"Lock and loaded!"

Noticing Emmanuel standing behind him, Arthur shouted angrily. "Lock and loaded my ass, I'd already say I'll take care of all of them."

"Hehehe. Can't help it, I need the experience, remember?" Emmanuel said smiling.

"Just stay out of the way, although they can't hurt you due to you ridiculous vitality, your strength is too weak, they would just send you flying," Arthur said. "Once you fall in the sea of orcs below, you are good as dead."

"Roger that!"

Seeing that Emmanuel understands, Arthur nods."Okay, let's start."

Arthur immediately charges toward the Ombakti with a glaive.

The Ombakti welcome Arthur by spinning its glaive like a whirlwind; The strength behind its movement is so strong it creates sharp wind pressure that can shred anyone to pieces.

But Arthur, using their size difference, slid between the Ombakti's legs dodging its deadly attack.

With his katana, he cut through the Ombakti's crotch.

The Ombakti was caught unprepared. It falls to its knees with its hands between its legs.

Arthur didn't miss this opportunity and quickly pierces its heart.

Emmanuel who was watching everything from behind couldn't help but look at his own crotch. 'Savage'


The four Omabaktis roar in anger as Arthur disrespected their sacred duel. Not minding their honor anymore, they charge toward Arthur, all riding their dire wolves.

The direwolf of the fallen Ombakti in particular is extremely furious.

Direwolves are extremely loyal to their owner, once they are imprinted onto someone, they are bound for life. If by chance their owner dies, the Direwolves would refuse to serve another and will eventually die in starvation.

The furious direwolf jumped towards Arthur, wanting to bite his head off.

Seeing this, Arthur didn't panic. He calmly retrieves a grenade in his inventory and waits until the direwolf is right in front of his face, before dropping it straight into its mouth while simultaneously spinning sideways.

After successfully dodging its attack, he uses his katana to cut one of its legs.


The direwolf fell headfirst to the ground.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded and smokes started coming out of the direwolf's mouth.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye before the four Ombakti can even touch Arthur. He'd already kill one of their own.

"There's no honor in war." He said tauntingly.

As if understanding his words the four Ombakti became even more furious; it charged towards Arthur blindly like a bunch of ramming bulls.

'4 more to go'

Arthur carried the corpse of the fallen direwolf and tossed it into one of the charging Ombakti, temporarily blinding its vision.

He then slid behind its direwolf legs, recreating what he did in the other Ombakti but when he was about to cut into the direwolf's belly, it jumped on its own without the order of the riding Ombakti.


Having failed in eliminating one of the Ombakti, Arthur finds himself surrounded.

'This is bad, beside superiority in numbers these bastards even have an advantage in mobility'. Looking at the direwolves Arthur curse.

'I'm started to hate dogs nows.'

"[Are you just gonna watch there like a little b*tch?]" Arthur said to Emmanuel.

"[You said you'll handle it, assh*le!]" Emmanuel rebuke.

"[Can you see there are five of them and only one of me? Stop whining and help me.]"

Emanuel sneer, 'And who told you to show off? You shameless bastard.'

He then retrieved two grenades in his inventory and started running in one of the Ombaktis.

One of the Ombakti quickly noticed him and easily flung him with its ax.


Emmanuel once again flew and hit the wall.


"F*cking Idiot!" Arthur said looking at Emmanuel, dumbfounded.

Emmanuel on the other hand walked out the crater with his thumbs up.


Two grenades exploded under the direwolves legs, sending it into disarray, and due to this the Ombakti fall to the ground.

Arthur, not wanting to miss this opportunity, subside his shock, and quickly cuts the Ombakti's neck before it can stabilize itself.

He also didn't forget about its dog. In one fell swoop, he pierces its stomach and slices it in half.


Arthur then looked at Emmanuel, the latter had a smug look on his face.

He was about to reprimand him to focus when suddenly an arrow bolt shining with blinding light flew to the sky-piercing Emmanuel's heart, impaling him to the wall.

Everything happened so fast that they couldn't even react.

"Emmanuel!" Arthur roared, he tried to run towards Emmanuel's side but the 3 Ombakti stopped him.


Distracted with the death of Emmanuel, one of the Ombakti manages to land a direct hit on his back using its mace.

Bang! Arthur falls to the ground flat.

"Blah!" coughing a mouthful of blood, Arthur tries to stabilize himself but the Ombaktis doesn't want to give him the chance.

While desperately trying to dodge another round of their attack, one of the direwolves manages to bite him.

"Ahh!" Arthur screams in pain as the direwolf's teeth sink into his body.

"Damn mutt!" Using his remaining strength, he pierces through one of its eyes, hoping to break himself free.

"Whhh" The direwolf loosen his grip, allowing Arthur to scape its grip.

"Cough! Cough!" Coughing another mouthful of blood, Arthur once again tries to compose himself but the Ombaktis are proven to be relentless. They never once stop attacking him.

"Damn it, work!"

As he was about to be cut in half his skill [Perceived Duration] finally activated. It's not like he didn't want to use [Perceived Duration] from the start, it just that he couldn't.

He was still unfamiliar with his skill and didn't know what prerequisites needed for it to activate.

The time around Arthur halted to a froze. Like before, millions of scenarios played right before his eyes, minutes turn to hours, hours turn to days, and days turn into months.

Arthur didn't know how long he stayed in this frozen state. He was forcing himself to the limit, ignoring the hammering pain in his brain, hoping to find a way out, but no matter what he does, there is only one outcome he can find: Death.