Tier One

"Are you just gonna watch there like a little b*tch?" Hearing Arthur half-ass plead for help, I respond in kind.

"You said you will handle it, assh*le!" Although Arthur seems to be in a pitch, I know he can handle it. I have known him to be a monster in human skin. I watch him massacre an entire fleet of orcs without breaking a sweat for crying out loud. This sort of thing is a walk in the park for him.

But still, I want to try something. Ever since learning my amazing defense, I started thinking of a way to capitalize on it.

Retrieving two grenades in my inventory, I held it in both arms as I ran towards one of the Ombakti.

This is my move. A move only I can do.

"Kamikazeeeeeee!" As I got near the Ombakti, it notices me.

'I should have thought this through," I thought to myself.

The Ombakti raises his ax and flings me away but before I was sent flying I managed to let go of the grenade in my hands.


I crushed into the wall once again but this time I felt elated. I quickly crawl out and look at Arthur.

He looked at me like he was seeing an idiot but I know sooner than later he will be surprised.

Raising my hand, I give him a big thumbs up.

Like I thought Arthur would instantly pick up my signal.

"Boooom!' The grenade exploded, sending the direwolf in disarray.

Using this opportunity, Arthur quickly finished it off together with the Ombakti.

As they fell to the ground dead, I received a notification.

[Level up!]

I finally reached tier 1. I was in bliss, without wasting time I quickly checked my status.

Emmanuel [Synthesize Human] Lv.50

HP: 6440

SP: 620

Str: 115

Vit: 390 + 390

Int: 115

Agi: 110

Unassigned points: 0

Special Skills

Blood of Life(Passive): Doubles your Vitality and Regeneration.

Undying Body(Passive): Enable to regenerate every part of the body.

'Another passive skill and its name is Undying Body, does this mean I'm unkillable?'

Although I didn't get any offensive skills, I was happy like Lieutenant Jeffrey says the winner is the one that survives.

As I was basking in my newfound invincibility, I didn't notice an arrow coming straight at me.

'Not again.'

The arrow pierces straight through my heart, pinning me to the wall. My eyelids once again feel heavy and I slowly lost control of my body. Not long after, everything fell into darkness.


I don't know how much time has passed but as I opened my eyes, I felt a pain in my heart.

I look down and see an arrow pierce through it.

I started to panic, sweat continuously poured down my face. I tried to pull it out but quickly found out that I can't. The pain is too much for me to bear.

The arrow pinned my body into the wall, my only hope in getting out of here is for Arthur or someone to rescue me.

I quickly try contacting Arthur but no one is answering.

'That assh*le.' I thought to myself not yet realizing how dire the situation is.


Not long after, I heard a scream.

'Is that Arthur?' I thought to myself. My broken heart started to beat faster. I try to convince myself that it couldn't be him.

Arthur is a supersoldier, someone who can easily massacre an entire group of orcs by himself. If it was indeed him, then there is no way for someone like me to survive.

I closed my eyes, I didn't want to look but deep down I know I have to.

I raise my head and gaze at the distance. There I saw Arthur's body being bitten by a direwolf. Its teeth sink to his body, tearing through his stomach.

"Damn it!" I don't know what happened, but I knew Arthur needed my help.

Retrieving my pistol, I shot the tail end of the arrow that is holding me.

"Bang!Bang!Bang!" The arrow is made of special material, one shot would not be enough to break it.

Every time I pull the trigger I feel my heart tearing apart.

"Ahh! Ahhh!"

After the 9th bullet, the arrow finally broke.

Taking a deep breath, I grinned my teeth.

"Hmmmmm!" Bearing the pain, I walk through, making the arrow pass through me.

'Fucking Arthur, you owe me big time.'


After using [Perceived Duration] in who knows how long, Arthur finally couldn't take it, he has no choice but to end the skill.

The time finally started to flow once again.

Arthur is now back on the Ombaktis' mercy.

The Ombakti with an ax swung down its weapon at Arthur, wanting to cut him in half.

Arthur desperately rolls to the ground, trying to dodge it.

'Open Asgard military interface, exchange 5 CS gas.'

[Asgard military interface]

[Exchange successful]

[Merit point -100]

[CS Gas]

Compound 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile, commonly known as tear gas. Use for various purposes, especially in disturbing riots.

Arthur quickly tossed 5 tear gas and retrieved an assault rifle in his inventory.


The tear gas disrupts the direwolves' sense of smell, temporarily blinding it.

Not wanting to waste time, Arthur opened fire, hitting the direwolves in the eyes.

"Pa!Pa!Pa!Pa!Pa!Pa!Pa!Pa! "

Losing both their sense of sight and smell, the direwolves started to enter a frenzy, attacking everything around them.

Arthur started to roll desperately to getaway.

Using his katana as a walking stick, he forces his body to stand up.

The Ombakti seeing the situation, quickly abandon their direwolves.

They all spring toward Arthur, ready to finish this once and for all.

Arthur however, quickly reacts, retrieving 3 grenades in his inventory, he tosses it. And as the Ombakti got close, he shot it with his assault rifles.

"Boom!Boom!Boom" The Ombaktis being in the air has no resistance at all and got blasted away by the explosion.

Obtaining a much-needed breathing room, Arthur didn't waste his chance. He tosses a dozen more grenades at the blind direwolves, blasting them to smithereens.

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief. 'That's 3 mutts I didn't have to worry about.'

Maybe because of the explosion or that Arthur relaxed his guard momentarily, he wasn't able to notice an Ombakti approach him before it was too late.

An Ombakti carrying a club appear in front of Arthur, covered in black aura oozing the aura of death.

'Shit I'm dead'