Borrowed knife

The Ombakti's club descended into the defenseless Arthur.

Arthur raises his katana and assault rifle in an attempt to soften the blow, but deep down, he knew it was hopeless.

Deep down he knew, it was the end.

But it was then, a familiar figure moved right in front of him.

That figure was Emmanuel with his shield held high.

"Booom!" The Ombakti's club collided with Emmanuel's shield, resulting in a massive shockwave.

"ahoooo!" The massive mammoth screams in pain, stamping the orcs below as Emmanuel's feet buried through its body.

Arthur, who is holding on for his life, looked at Emmanuel, unsure of what just happened."How are y-"

"Just shut up and let me save you," Emmanuel said, cutting Arthur off. He then retrieved 5 grenades and tossed it to the ground.

Familiar with the devastating power of the grenades, the Ombakti immediately jumps away.

Using this opportunity, Emmanuel quickly grabs Arthur.

"What the f*ck are you doing?" Arthur asked.

"Saving your ass," Emmanuel said, tossing Arthur back to the wall, into a group of soldiers.

As Arthur flew in the sky, Emmanuel thought to himself 'This gonna hurt.'


The grenades exploded, blasting Emmanuel off his feet.

"Damn it!" Emmanuel struggles to stay in the mammoth's back, using his shield, he anchored himself desperately trying to hold on.

Dangling for his life, he said. "I can believe that actually works."

He breathes a sigh of relief and tries to climb back up, but before he could do so, however, Arthur's voice rang into his head.

[Watch out, idiot!] Hearing Arthur's voice, Emmanuel had no choice, but to forgo his shield and immediately jumped away.

Following the scene, an orcs ax hurl toward his direction.

The Ombakti with a club has returned with two furious Ombakti in tow.

[The f*ck! Any idea how can I get out of here alive?] Emmanuel asked.

[Fight!] Arthur said.

Hearing Arthur's answer, Emmanuel can't but immediately regret his decision to save his ass. [Duh! I'm asking you what's the plan?]

[I'm thinking alright, but for now, you should move to your right.]

[Why w-] Emmanuel was puzzled but before he could argue, however, an arrow passed through in between the 3 Ombakti and move straight through his heart.

Late to react, Emmanuel can't do anything but to try to shift his body to minimize the damage.


The arrow cuts through Emmanuel's arms, taking half of it.

'Sh*t! my arm almost got cut off.'

Grinding his teeth, he tried to disregard the pain, and focus on dealing with the Ombaktis before him, but to his surprise, his arm started to regenerate at a visible rate.

Emmanuel is shocked. 'Is this the effect of the undying body?' He thought to himself.

[Are you all alright?] Arthur asked. [What did I tell you?]

[Yeah, I'm fine, my wound already heal.] Emmanuel said.

Hearing Emmanuel, Arthur is shocked, but he knows this is not the time for questioning and suppressed his curiosity. [Alright, Alright I wouldn't ask, you monster. Right now what you need to do is focus now.]

[Asked what?]

[Nothing, just listen to what I'm telling you from now on. In about 5 seconds get ready to toss one of the Ombaktis 45 degrees up.]

[Are you stupid, How am I supposed to do that?] Emmanuel asked.

[If you want to survive, just do what I f*cking tell you.]

[F*cking asshole!]

Arthur takes a deep breath and once again steps into the mammoth's back. Although he didn't find a way to win against the Ombaktis after spending months in the [Perceived Duration] skill; He had managed to analyze how they move and how they attack. The orc archer particularly; he'd study its behavior, its habits, and knew when it's going to shoot.

Aiming his assault rifle in one of the Ombaktis, he opened fire, not minding if he would hit Emmanuel or not.

[Assh*le!] Emmanuel roar.

[Shut up and prepare to toss one of the Ombaktis.] Arthur replied nonchalantly.


"Cough!" Emmanuel got hit by the Ombakti's club while dodging the other two Ombakti.

But due to him reaching tier 1, his strength increased tremendously, the Ombakti cannot fling him easily like before. Although he was sent backward, it was only for a dozen steps.

'How did Arthur manage to last this long fighting five of this monster?' He thought to himself.

Without his shield, Emmanuel is having a difficult time dealing with the Ombaktis. He was not an adept fighter like Arthur, fighting three opponents at the same time is too much for him, not to mention they coordinate their attack perfectly.

His only choice is to keep moving and avoid being surrounded. He has to bide his time before Arthur gives the signal.

'I hope that assh*le plan works.' He thought to himself.


After making a mistake, the spear of the Ombakti pierces through Emmanuel's shoulder. To not get tied up and ultimately dies, he spins his body, allowing the spear to completely cut through him.


Due to the combined effect of [Blood of Life] and [Undying body] every wound in his body heals almost instantly.

Noticing this insane healing factor, the Ombakti started aiming for his head.

With the Ombakit with a club acting as a vanguard, Emmanuel can't even approach the other two Ombaktis. He can only grit his teeth as they cut him repeatedly over and over.

Although he was physically fine, he was already mentally fatigued. It's only a matter of time before he breaks down and collapses.

'Five seconds already passed. Is that assh*le f*cking messing with me?' Emmanuel cursed.

When he was about to lose hope, Arthur's voice finally rings his head like music in his ears.


Hearing the signal, Emmanuel smiled.

'It's my turn now bastards'

Emmanuel dodged the club aiming for his face and allowed the ax and spear to cut through his body; He did so to close his gap with the Ombakti with a club.

"Ahhhh!" Using all his strength, he grabs the Ombakti in the leg and tosses it to the sky.

Usually, this kind of attack is idiotic and will not be able to kill an orc, much an Ombakti, but as the Ombakti flew, an arrow pierces through its head.


Arthur smiled, raising his middle finger, he looks at the distance, where the orc archer is.

'How does it feel being used? You stupid bastard.'