
[How did you know?] Emmanuel ask Arthur

[Easy, I'm smart] Arthur said before returning to the safety of the wall.

[Show off, So what do I do with these remaining two. Do I also need to toss them in the air? ]

[Are you stupid? The orc archer will be cautious now. You should dealt with that two on your own]

[And how am I supposed to do that?]

[You basically immortal, you could try exhausting them to death]

[I'm not an immortal, I'm barely holding myself together]

[Stop whining, I'm the one who should be complaining, I'm half corpse already. It's either that or you beg Aleria to come and save you.]

[Do you think she will come?]

Arthur remain silent

Seeing another of their brethren die, the two Ombakti became even more furious.

They attack Emmanuel without abandon. Forgoing their defense, they ignore the raining fire of bullets and continue to slam their axe and spear toward Emmanuel.

Unable to dodge, Emmanuel got thrown through a pile of Orcs' corpses.

"F*cking sh*t, they are going crazy"

Seeing an axe hurling through his way Emmanuel rips one of the orcs shoulder pad and uses it as a shield.


The axe got defected away, but using this as an opening the Ombakti with a spear pierced through Emmanuel's side.

"Bluh!" Coughing a mouthful of blood, Emmanuel drops a couple of grenades and jumps away.


[Idiot! Is not even 5 seconds and you already f*ck up] Arthur said

[Just shut up and continue firing, I can feel their attack weakening]

Emmanuel quickly dash through the smoke towards one of the Ombakti.

"Let's see who is stronger now, me or you?"

The Ombakti's vision, now hindered by the smoke, thrust his spear toward Emmanuel's shadow.

Tilting his body Emmanuel narrowly dodged the attack.

Now right in front of the Ombakti, he bash it with all his strength.

Witnessing everything from afar, Arthur suddenly felt something crawl under his skin, his instinct is telling him that something bad is about to happen.

[Emmanuel! Stop now!]

He tried to warn Emmanuel but it was already too late.

As Emmanuel shields collide with the Ombakti's body, an arrow shining with blinding light passes through the Ombakti's back, meeting Emmanuel shield.

The strength within the arrow carries Emmanuel's body all the way to the wall, nailing him.

Not even a second passed and another arrow flew hitting Emmanuel in the leg.

"Bas-" He didn't even have time to curse before another arrow pierce his arm.

"Swish! Swish!" Arrow, one after the other flew, turning Emmanuel into a porcupine.

'This is it' Emmanuel thought to himself.

Arthur's hands are tied and can barely move; all he can do is watch the arrow fly in blinding light as it aims to pierce Emmanuel's head.


Barktus looked down at the top of his archer tower with his ballista in his back, eyeing for a prey to slay. Orcs love battle more than anything and wouldn't bat an eye killing an elderly or a child but they value honor and treat every battle as if it was sacred, however for Barktus it doesn't really matter, his main objective is to survive. In all the war scions, he is the only one not in the front line.

He was born due to an unholy union between an Orc and a human. He is a half orc. His mother immediately commited suicide after he was born and he never really knew his father.

He was born in prison where the orcs kept there sex slave. In the moment of his birth, he slaughters all the inmates and gets thrown into the wild to fend for himself.

He crawled his way up to his current position as part of the ten war scion by killing his way in. Orcs criticize his way of fighting but they don't know the hell he has been through.

Barktus aims his ballista at one of the human fighters.


Due to his numerous battle experience, he had learned to mask his killing intent, by the time his target noticed his arrow, it would already have passed through their heads.

He ready another arrow and looked for another target, due to his difficult upbringing he learned to size up opponents. He never targeted someone too strong or an enemy too weak that it barely gave him experience.

His target is always the same tier he was, tier 1.

He looks at the wall humans built for themselves, he can't help but be amazed by the species' indinuity, comparing it to their orc's fortress is like comparing heaven to earth.

He noticed a wild cheering coming from one part of the wall.

Barktus is puzzled 'Why do they seem to be worshiping someone so weak'

He observes for a while before assessing nothing special with the man who seems to be in charge and aims his ballista at him.

"Pushie!" His arrow flies but before it can reach him. The man beside him shove him and receive the arrow for himself.

'Idiot' He thought to himself, he never appreciated the concept of sacrifice, for an orc who values survival above all else, seeing what that man did, he can't help but feel disgusted.

He aimed his ballista once again at the man in charge but as he did, he was surprised to see the man in the shield survive.

Barktus felt challenge




He continuously aims his ballista at the two but they seem to detect his arrow, they either dodge or reflect it.

Seeing this Barktus smile, he never met someone last this long receiving his attack, even within the orc ten war scion.

'Let see if you can survive until the end'

He watched as the two caught the attention of Wolvez and his wolfpack.

Seeing the man cut Wolvez in the crouch, he smiled

'It seems that we're a lot alike.'

He then saw the man in the shield run like an idiot.


'Too bad you care too much'

Barktus gathered his mana into the tip of his arrow and aimed his ballista at the man with a shield, who seemed to be in a daze.


'Goodbye' His arrow moves fast with a blinding light, piercing the man with the shield in the heart, pinning him to the wall.

He watches as the man in charge gets distracted by the death of his comrade and eventually gets bitten by one of the direwolf.

'It's over' He thought to himself but to his surprise, he saw the man with the shield raise up from the dead and save him.

'Did I miss?'

He watches as the whole situation unfolds.

The man with the shield is unlike the other man. He is weak. It's only a matter of time before he gets overwhelmed and dies.

'What a foolish man, he should've ran' Barktus thought to himself.

As the situation of the man in the shield gets dire, he sees the man in charge, once again enter the battle with his half dead body.

'What an interesting pair, truly disgusting' Barktus aimed his ballista at the man in charge.

'Let me end you' He thought to himself

But when his arrow was about to hit him, the man with the shield tossed one of the Ombakti in the arrows path.

He looks at a man incharge, the man looks at his direction with his middle finger raised. Although they're miles apart their gazes met.

Barktus knew the man was provoking him but he didn't survive this long for being hard headed.

He watched as the man came back up to the safety of the wall but didn't do anything to stop him.

He turned his attention to the man with the shield.

'Let see who of us has the last laugh'' He once again focuses his mana to the tip of his arrow and aims it to one of the Ombakti's back.

He didn't have to wait long, after creating a distraction using an explosion, the man with the shield charged through the Ombakti.

Barktus releases the arrow.

"Pushie" The arrow passed through the Ombakti all the way to the man with the shield.

'Let see you survive this'

After pinning the man with the shield once again, Barktus didn't stop, he released arrows one after the other turning the man with the shield into a porcupine.

Focusing his mana to the tip of his arrow one more time, he aimed into the man's head.


'This is the end'
