An End to a Long Day

When Aleria returned to the wall, the sun had already set.

The orc army had grabbed their banner and retreated to fight another day.

What's left of once a gruesome battle are a sea of corpses, stretching to no end, waiting for the crows to have their feast.

Inside the wall, thousands of soldiers with complicated looks in their faces are sorting the corpses.

The orc corpses are thrown outside the wall and burned, while what was left off the human remains are pieced back together and brought back.

With the state the corpses are in, it is unknown if there's a loved one that can recognize them, that is if there's even a loved one left to identify. The war had taken so many lives that it was not a surprise if they are already at the afterlife waiting for their arrival.

Aleria spotted Arthur and Emmanuel among a group of soldiers that were sorting the corpse, except for Emmanuel all of them have injuries in one place or the other, a testament that they had just survived hell.

Emmanuel walked over wanting to greet her but Arthur arrived much faster.

With anger in his eyes, he grabs her by the throat and raises her up.

"Where the f*ck have you been? Do you know how much we needed your help" He moved her body around, wanting her to see the carnage that had happened.

"Look at the corpses! Look at it!"

Aleria is struggling to break free but can't, strengthening his grip, Arthur continued

"Some of them could've survived" Aleria keeps banging Arthur's arm, she starting to lose her breath.

Seeing this Emmanuel interjected, tapping Arthur's shoulder he said "Stop it Arthur, that's enough"

"Why? Did she deserve to live more than these people over here" Arthur said, glaring at Emmanuel.

Not wanting to have this sh*t again, Emmanuel directly punches Arthur in the face.

"I said that's enough!"

Aleria fell to the ground gasping for air.

Emmanuel immediately moved to support her. Although he is a little bit angry at Aleria, he was not a hypocrite who will criticize someone who had saved his life.

"Why are you taking her side ? You almost died today because of her or have you already forgotten about that" Arthur said, wiping the blood in his cheek.

"No! It's not because of her but because I'm weak. She is the one that saved my life."

Emmanuel and Arthur started to argue with neither one backing out.

Although Emmanuel is a little bit of a coward, the situation now is a lot different from before, he and Arthur are now both tier one and he'd already experience the hell of war, he would not just back down in a little fight when he knows the other party is wrong.

As the situation started to heat up Aleria shoved Emmanuel's hand and started walking away.

Seeing this Arthur laughed "Hahahaha see that, is that the one you wanted to protect? "

Emmanuel ignored Arthur and ran after Aleria

"Where are you going?" He asked, but as per usual Aleria didn't reply.

Emmanuel tries to hold her down but before he could touch her, the latter collapses.


It was at this moment that both Emmanuel and Arthur realized how grave condition Aleria is in .

Emmanuel immediately checks her temperature "She is burning up, what do we do?

"Stop panicking and lay her down"

Arthur, having experienced a similar situation before, immediately checks Aleria's body.

"What are you doing? Stop being a perv?"

Arthur shove Emmanuel arms aside and roar "Just shut up and let me work"

Emmanuel, seeing the serious expression on the latter's face, immediately moved to the side.

Arthur cut open Aleria's shirt but as he did he was shocked. There's numerous wounds all over her body, like she had been cut into a thousand different places and that's not even the bad part, deep in her shoulder, cover in black blood is an arrow firmly embedded in it

'This wound is obviously not fresh, a couple of hours maybe' Arthur thought.

It was not long before Arthur started to piece everything together. He immediately felt a sledgehammer slamming his heart to pieces.

'Damn it! so that's what the reason that archer bastard stop attacking us'

"Get an stretcher, we need to take her to the med bay quickly"

"Is she going to be okay?" Emmanuel asked, by this time he had also realized that Aleria must have gone after the orc archer alone.

"I don't know, to be honest I don't know how she is still alive" Arthur replied with a grave look on his face.


The med bay is packed, the battle has only just ended and the amount of people that had been brought for treatment is staggering.

Arthur and Emmanuel couldn't even enter the made shape tent.

"What do we do?" Emmanuel asked.

"I don't know," Arthur replied.

"We can't just stay here or else Aleria would die"

"I know"

"Then what do we do?" Emmanuel asked again

"Like I said I don't know" Arthur replied, by this time both parties' are starting to heat up

"You're smart why don't you think of something"

"You think I want this?" Arthur said, glaring at Emmanuel.

Emmanuel glared back, having no intention of backing out "Didn't you? You already try to kill her twice already"

"You little piece of sh*t"

As the two are about to have a fight, a woman walks out of the tent and approaches them.

"You two seems to be having a little bit of trouble"

Emmanuel immediately recognizes who this woman is. It was Alice, the doctor that helped them before.

"Doctor Alice, please help Aleria." Without abandonment, he grabs Alice's coat and starts to beg.

"Alright, Alright no need to damage my clothes as long as she is alive I can heal her."

Hearing Alice said yes, Emmanuel breath a sigh of relief "Thank you"

But as he let go of her clothes the latter started to walk away.

"Doctor Alice?" He asked.

[I'll send a location to your military interface. Bring her there after 2 mins]

Arthur has been on guard eversince the woman arrived, he was feeling a dangerous vibe coming out from her. He was knocked out the first time they went to the med bay so he has no idea who she was.

"Hey Emmanuel, how do you know this hot chick?" He asked

Emmanuel gives Arthur a glare and proceeds to ignore him.


Alice had brought Aleria to her personal quarters. The med bay is already fully packed and she doesn't want others to see her having preferential treatment.

After letting Arthur and Emmanuel wait outside. She started examining Aleria's body.

'Ahhmmmm, it seems that orc archer needs to be taken care of.'

When Alice touched the wound in Aleria's body, it started to close up.

All the shallow ones heal in a couple of seconds and in no time there was only the arrow wound left.

Alice closes her eyes and starts to feel the mana flowing in her body, focusing it to her left arm, her arm started glowing with faith green color.

She then placed in above Aleria's arrow wound.

As she does the arrow starts to slowly pull out on its own.

"Bang, bang" After the arrow was removed, Aleria entered cardiac arrest.

Seeing this, Alice placed her hand at Alice's chest and started pouring her mana over her.

Sweat poured down on her face as her mana continued to diminish.

After 30 minutes at the death door Aleria started to cough heavily.

"Cough! Cough!" Black blood started to come out of her mouth.

Seeing this Alice breath a sigh of relief.