Berserk Mode?

[What happened?] Emmanuel asked. The last thing he remembers is he was enjoying slaughtering the orcs.

The image of how they toyed with him the first time he arrived in this world is still fresh in his mind so when he started doing the same thing to them, he can't help but feel absolute bliss. Everytime he splatter their brains out, it's like ecstasy, he didn't even realize the moment he blanked out.

[You gone f*cking crazy] Arthur replied, trying real hard to stop himself from killing Emmanuel.

By now he was thinking if it was possible to put this war brother of his for adoption, it's not been long before they met but he was already tired of babysitting.

Who would have thought that instead of being a help, the latter would be a problem instead, it was already bad that he had to carry two dead weight, who were practically useless, now he had to take care of him too .

Although Vanya would occasionally cast healing spells, he didn't really need it as the orc attack can't even touch his clothes.

Arthur looks at Sergeant Lucy, someone who is in the same rank as him but the latter is just standing there with her eyes closed.

'This! Can you atleast open your damn eyes?' Arthur thought to himself.

By this time Emmanuel had already composed himself.

[Oh, sorry about that] He said with an awkward look.

[Can you just stop that sorry bullsh*t of yours and help me kill these bastards] Arthur roar!

Hearing him, Emmanuel grabs an orc in the face and smashes it to another orc beside it. He then proceeded in cleaving their body with his great sword.

[Vanya, do me a favor and cast your glowing thing on that idiot, every once in a while] Arthur said, afraid that Emmanuel might go crazy again.

[No problem, it's the least I can do] Vanya said happily, she is glad that she could do something helpful.

[Thanks, one last thing, can you tell me what's wrong with Sergent Lucy?] He was not a judgemental person, although he was already 99% sure that the latter is truly just closing its eyes. There is still a chance that maybe just maybe the latter is casting a spell or something.

Vanya face suddenly turn awkward, hesitant to tell the truth[ Ahhh, you see sister Lucy is scared of blood]

Arthur almost dropped his weapon hearing her answer. 'The f*ck are you doing in here then?'

Noticing Arthur's expression, Vanya immediately tries to defend her sister [Please don't look down on Sister Lucy, she is a competent soldier and Argard would be lost without her. It just that she can't handle such a bloody scene, I hope you understand]

What Vanya said is the truth, Sergeant Lucy is really a competent soldier. Although her problem is already well known throughout the army, no one criticized her for that, everyone has their own fears and the latter truly did everything she could to help the army despite her condition. In any normal circumstances she would just stay behind with Sarah and command her squad from there but for this mission the general specifically requested her to join the charge, this was because of her special skill Warp teleport.

Warp teleport is a skill that can create a checkpoint where the user's can teleport to. It's an amazing ability that can transport multiple people or things. The only problem of this skill is as of now Lucy can only create one checkpoint and it's only one way, she can teleport into the checkpoint but she cannot teleport back where she came from.

As Vanya is trying to explain the greatness of her sister Lucy, Emmanuel's voice interrupted her.

[I don't want to interrupt but did you all notice that we hardly move despite already killing hundreds of orcs, If I'm not mistaken Sarah said there are only hundreds of them] He said while cutting three orcs in a single slash of his great sword. He then proceeded in picking an axe on the ground and tossing it to another orc trying to attack Lucy.

[Yeah Sherlock, It's clear that the general is just bullshiting us when he said that these bastards would not pay attention to us.] Arthur said, irritated.

Although what the General said is only based on speculation, there is some truth to what he said, it was just that he didn't take into account the terrifying existence lying in wait in their destination, an existence that even the orcs themselves are scared to bother.

"Wrek,Wrek,Wrek,Wrek (Don't let the humans bother the great Mongul)

"Wrek,Wrek, (I don't want to die, we have to stop the humans)

"Wrek,Wrek" (Stop the humans)

"Wrek,WrekWrek" (Ask for more reinforcement we can't stop them on our own, the great Mongul cannot be disturb)

As the time passes the orcs attack is becoming more and more ferocious, there's even Ombakti or two that occasionally mix in the crowd. Arthur and Emmanuel are starting to feel pressure.

Lieutenant Jeffrey and Lieutenant Victor are also no different; they're being tied down by two Gobakji and as for Sergeant Jessie and the rest of his squad, their condition is much worse even from afar you can see their whole bodies are packed with wounds.

Arthur focused his mana in his blade and cut an Ombakti in half.

[Slash] The Ombakti tried to block it with its axe but it was useless, Arthur's blade passed through it like butter.

Emmanuel on the other hand allowed an Ombakti to hit him with its sword. He bit his lips trying hard not to scream in pain as he thrust his greatsword to the other stomach pinning it to the ground.

The Ombakti roars in pain. "Roar"

"Shut the f*ck up" Emmanuel said, grabbing a grenade and stuffing it into the Ombakti's mount.

"Boom!" It was already no good even if they followed Lieutenant Jeffrey's order or not, the orc army clearly had their eyes set on them and being quiet would not make any difference.

In this moment a green ball of light entered Emmanuel's body making him feel refreshed, the wound on his shoulder also instantly healed.

He looked at the woman beside him and said [Don't heal me anymore, conserve your mana]

[But] Vanya tried to protest, although she was already sweating heavily from casting her special skill continuously, she can see the situation is getting dire and she wanted to at least be of help.

[Just listen to him that guy can even regenerate his heart, a simple wound like that would heal instantly even without your help, just be mindful if he ever lost his mind again] Arthur said seeing her condition.

Vanya felt helpless, she can't do anything but feel useless. Her specialty lies with healing and she was not versed in fighting so what can he do if the other party doesn't get wounded.

She nodded and moved closer to Lucy, right now they're nothing but baggage.

Maybe feeling the distress of her sisters, Sarah sent them a message. [Don't worry sister, I'm still here and I won't lose to those boys in terms of killing.]

"Pushie" Three arrow simultaneously hit three Omabakti in the head, killing it.

[Bullseye] Sarah said smugly to Arthur and Emmanuel.

'This kid' They both shake their heads helplessly.

[Arthur we can't continue to stay like this, we are being pinned down, if we don't do anything we will all die] Emmanuel said after smashing another Ombaktis head with his fist, although his body seems fine he is getting tired, it's only a matter of time before he gets exhausted and passed out .

[I know, we have to retreat.] Arthur replied, seeing the graveness of the situation, he proceeded on contacting Lieutenant Jeffrey.

[Sir, we can't hold on anymore we have to retreat, this mission is a bust]

[No!] Lieutenant Jeffrey roared in defiance.

[But sir!] Arthur tried to persuade him but it was no use, the latter was adamant and even threatened him.

[We will continue that's an order, go back and I'll personally kill you]

At this moment Arthur didn't care anymore what Lieutenant Jeffrey had to say. The mission is clearly a failure, If the other party wants to stay here and die, he wasn't going to accompany him.

[Let's go back] Arthur said to Emmanuel, Lucy and Vanya

But when they were about to retreat, something happened, Lieutenant Jeffrey's body suddenly glowed red, his veins started to bulge and his eyes turned black.

Arthur immediately thought of his wife when he saw Lieutenant Jeffrey entered something akin to berserk mode but as he looked closer, he noticed something different, something sinister.

'What is this?'