Damn it, I Don’t Know

When Aleria woke up she had no idea where she was. She tried to piece everything together but her head started to hurt.The last thing she remembers is having an argument with Arthur then walking away but after that everything went black. She gets a glimpse of Emmanuel's worried face but that's all about it.

She starts examining her body and is surprised to find out that all of her wounds have healed.

She tried to stand up but when she was taking a step she fell down. She finds her body weak and without energy.

At this time the door opens and a woman hurriedly runs towards her side.

Aleria recognizes the woman as she had met her before. It was Alice the doctor who drug her and has an ability to make her do things.

She shove her hand, afraid of what she would do.

"You have to stay in bed and rest, although your body has healed, there's still foreign mana inside your system. If you move now it will aggravate your condition" Alice said with a concerned tone, her face contorted like she was the one being hurt.

Seeing this, Aleria backs away and retrieves her knife, her heart is telling her to do what the other party said but her mind is telling her otherwise. She doesn't know how to put this feeling, it's like it was her parents that are telling her to do things.

Alice looked at Aleria surprised, It was the second time today that someone had resisted her charm.

'Am I getting uglier?' She thought to herself.

Although she had amazing healing skills, the one that really set her apart from others is her Charm skill.

Charm (Passive): the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration. (Definitions from Oxford Languages)

The status window may be vague about what this skill can truly do but she herself knows how amazing of a skill it is, eversince she got this skill only a couple of people can say no to her. There are even some people who would line up to do her bidding and still have a smile on their faces.

"I don't know why you are so guarded against me but as your doctor I can't let you go out of here in that condition.You will pass out the moment you walk out that door" Alice said.

It was not the first time that someone has acted this way against her because of her skill. There's even one time that she was almost killed because the other party thought she was up to something. But the reality is quite different as she truly is a good person; it's just that her skill cannot be turned off.

Aleria is trying her best just to stand up, her whole body is shaking and sweat is pouring through her whole body.

"Just listen to me for now, once your teammate returns, I would let them take you so just stay in your bed and rest"

No matter how many times Alice pleads, Aleria still remains stubborn. She was now starting to get angry.

"They're risking their lives to get revenge for you. The best thing you can do is get better for them."

When Aleria hears the word revenge, the image of the one arm monster surfaced in her mind.

Seeing there is a reaction, Alice finally relaxes and starts teasing her. "You know that Emmanuel guy is kind of cute, he came to visit you before their mission, he seems to care a lot about you.

She was expecting for the other party to stay if she knew that someone cared so much about her but the contrary happened, Aleria bolted out, completely ignoring her injury.

"Wait" Surprise by this, Alice tried to stop her but even though she might be stronger than her, the latter is clearly faster.

Seeing Aleria disappear, Alice shake her head 'I'd try my best,'

She knows the other party's condition and not really worried that she would go far.

Aleria will soon succumb to her injury, she just has to wait and come pick her passed out body, her condition might become worse but what can she do?


'What is this?' Arthur said as he looked at Lieutenant Jeffrey who was now covered in sticky red aura.

Top above the other party's head, he can vaguely see a small looking imp.

Alarmed by this he tried using mana augmentation to his eyes, hoping to find something.

What he saw shocked him, there really is an imp and it was holding something akin to a string.

He is not quite sure if it was one of Lieutenant Jeffrey's skills as he was still not familiar to this world but his instinct is telling him that it was something else.

Lieutenant Jeffrey, now strengthened by this unknown power, started overpowering the Gobakji.

It was not just his strength that was different but also his intolerance to pain.

The Gobakji had cut one of his hands but he just charged toward it like it was nothing. Using the opening when the Gobakji attacked, he cut the Gobakji's head, killing it.

He then charged like crazy toward the Gobakji that is engaging Lieutenant Victor, his blood is spurting all over the place but it seems that he doesn't care.

The Gobakji is surprised by his arrival and tries to intercept but Lieutenant Jeffrey spins his body mid air, spilling his blood in the Gobakji eyes.

His blood is like poison, melting the skin of the Gobakji.

The Gobakji screams in pain trying to remove the blood but before he could do so Lieutenant Jeffrey arrives looking like an animal and plunges his sword to its head.

After killing both the Gobakji, Lieutenant Jeffrey didn't stop to treat his wounds but started massacring the orcs.

Everyone looks in shock at the savage in front of them but before anyone can get a sense of what is happening.

The voice of Lieutenant Victor sounded in everyone's mind. Arthur is once again surprised as it was the first time he ever heard the other voice. It was like a creepy sound in those horror movies he hated so much as it gave him the chills.

[Everyone followed Lieutenant Jeffrey, to give us a fighting chance, he activated a skill that impared his thinking, let not waste this chance, for now I would resume command.] Lieutenant Victor said.

But even after hearing what he'd said no one was following, he knew the other parties' concerns and tried to reassure them.

[You do not have worry about the Lieutenant ,he can still differentiate his allies and would return to normal once the duration of his skill ended]

[Now let's go, don't get left behind]

Emmanuel look at Arthur trying to get the other party opinion

[What do we do? do we follow?] The ominous feeling he was having onces again resurfaces and it was much stronger than before.

Arthur clenches his teeth [Damn it! I don't know]

The feeling of not knowing anything is killing him, for every mission he did, he always knew everything beforehand and if ever something unexpected happened it was well in his parameters. But eversince being in this new world it's like all the logic he knew before means shit. This is a place where something as ridiculous as magic exists and monsters are as normal as a dog.

[F*ck it, let's just follow for now but be alert, the first instance that we sense danger we would retreat]