Yes, Maybe, Definitely Maybe

Arthur and the gang reluctantly follow behind Lieutenant Jeffrey.

The latter is like an animal who is relentlessly assaulting the orc. It doesn't matter how many attacks he sustains, as long as he kills his enemy he would do it.

Broken bone, lose eye, pierce lungs, his whole body is in such a sorry state. It was a wonder how he is still alive.

Seeing this, Vanya tries to help by casting healing skill on him but as her green ball of light enters his body, he starts screaming in pain.

[Vanya stops!] Arthur screamed, feeling the burden of the orc army attack tripled, he found that Lieutenant Jeffrey had stopped attacking. He noticed the green light that once healed Emmanuel and immediately figured out that it was Vanya's doing.

Vanya is startled, her skill was meant to heal people not to hurt them. If not for Arthur telling her to stop, she might not believe that it was truly her doing.

After her initial shock, she hurriedly retracted her skills.

The greenball of light exits Lieutenant Jeffrey's body following her command.

Lieutenant Jeffrey roared and looked Vanya in the eyes. "Ghhhhrrrr"

His ferocious eyes gaze upon her shining brown eyes and killing intent starts oozing out his body.

Vanya cannot help but shake in fear, feeling such desire to kill.

Alarmed by this, Arthur immediately moves in front of her, ready to face Lieutenant Jeffrey if ever he decides to attack her. But luckily it didn't happen.

After snorting, Lieutenant Jeffrey turned away and started bulldozing the orcs.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Arthur asked [Are you ok?]

Vanya, still shaken by those black eyes, weakly answers.[I'm alright, thank you]

[Don't push yourself, if you feel you cannot continue anymore, we can go back now] Arthur said, giving her a way out.

[No, I can still continue] Not wanting the whole mission to fail because of her, she decided to resolute herself.

Seeing that the other party doesn't want to give up, Arthur had no choice but to respect her wishes [Alright, stay behind me]

After checking into Vanya's condition one more time, he resumes protecting the rear with Emmanuel.

With Lieutenant Jeffrey once again on the offensive, they proceed to advance swiftly, but as they move closer and closer to their target. The enemies that are standing in their way became more and more powerful.

[There's only 3 klicks more, we have to power through] Lieutenant Victor said, his voice is now hoarse due to exhaustion.

It is true that Lieutenant Jeffrey shoulder most of the weight as he was the one in front but due to their increase in speed, most of the enemy that the former wasn't able to kill, falls to Emmanuel and Arthur to finish off. Their task is not just protecting Lucy and Vanya but also the rear.

A Gobakji that manages to avoid dying in Lieutenant Jeffrey onslaught is hot on their tail.

Seeing this upcoming enemy, Emmanuel stop and volunteer. [Go on, I'll hold back the Gobakji]

'This idiot' Arthur thought to himself.

He smack Emmanuel in the head and drags him by his collar [The f*ck are you saying, just keep running]

He let go of a couple of grenades, hoping to at least slow down the Gobakji pursuit.

Boom! The grenade exploded but the Gobakji just walked through it like it was nothing.

Knowing that it was a long shot from the beginning, Arthur contacted Lieutenant Victor [Sir, there is a Gobakji here and it's gaining on us]

[Deal with it, we cannot stop now that we're almost there] Lieutenant Victor said, without stopping to think

Arthur grinned his teeth, hearing Lieutenant Victor heartless response. 'Fuck you! Deal with it, my ass.'

[Let's speed up, let the other deal with this Gobakji, grab Lucy] He said to Emmanuel.

They both carry Vanya and Lucy, the two girls' faces turned red but Emmanuel and Arthur didn't notice it.

After they abandoned the rear, the burden passed to Sergeant Jessie and his squad.

"F*ck you!" SergeantJessie screams curses at them as they pass by.

The former also didn't want to cover the rear and wanted to speed up but as there are a couple of Ombakti that are assaulting them, they can only increase their speed by much.

[Are we just going to let them die?] Emmanuel asked, Lucy and Vanya also listened intently; they also didn't approve of this move but they knew that they were the one being protected and didn't have the right to voice opinion.

[And what do you want us to do, to die instead? They are the one that f*ck us first so it's only right for us to return the favor]

Arthur, although he was a good guy, he knows he was not a saint and would not act like one. He wouldn't feel remorse for someone that did him wrong.

[But] Emmanuel still felt guilty, they were part of the same squad afterall. 'Can't we just work together?' He thought to himself but didn't voice it out.

Arthur, having a feeling of what the other party was thinking, had an urge to toss Emmanuel to get eaten by the wolves, but ultimately he decided not to. If it was in the past he would not hesitate but it seems that he changed.

'I've truly gotten soft.' Arthur thought, shaking his head.

[Asgard military interface]

[Exchange successful]

[Merit point -1200]

[C4 10kg]

C-4 or Composition C-4 is a common variety of the plastic explosive family known as Composition C. A similar British plastic explosive, based on RDX but with different plasticizer than Composition C-4, is known as PE-4

[Sarah can you hear me?] Arthur contacted Sarah.

[Yeah, what's up? Your situation is kind of bad right now, are you sure you have the time to talk?] Sarah is also feeling the pressure of keeping up to the unending stream of enemies.

[Yeah, I know that's why I need your help.]

[What do you need me to do?] Sarah said after sinking an arrow to another Ombakti's head.

[I'll place C4 on the ground, once that Gobakji step on it, can you shoot it with some flaming arrow to make it explode]

[I can do that, but would that do any good?] Sarah is puzzled by what Arthur is trying to accomplish but as it was a request of her friend, she will do it nonetheless.

[Let just try it]

Arthur never tried using mana augmentation on weapons before except his katana and wasn't sure if it would work and if it did work, what is the effect going to be?

He knew that the principle is simple as it is quite the same with his slash skill that it is just him infusing mana but nonetheless without him testing it the result is quite unknown.

'Oh well, if this didn't work at least I did something right?' Arthur thought, trying to comfort himself.

After Infusing mana to the C4 he started spreading it into specific locations. He had heard before that a separate simultaneous explosion is a lot stronger than a single big explosion and would like to test this theory. .

Emmanuel seeing what he was doing asked.[What is that?]

[It's C4, so we better speed up more] Arthur answered.

Emmanuel is startled [Are you trying to kill them?, I know they are assh*le but this is just wrong]

[Just shut up and let me do the work] Arthur said not paying attention to Emmanuel anymore.

After he finished planning the C4 he contacted Sergeant Jessie.

[Blockheads, better hurry up, there are about ten kilo of C4 ahead of you. Once the Gobakji step on it I would detonate it even if you are clear of it or not]

Hearing him, Sergeant Jessie protested. [Are you f*cking crazy? What good would that do?]

[We will find out, I already warn you my conscience is clear] Arthur said nonchalantly.

[Conscience my ass] Sergeant Jessie angrily.

After hearing Arthur's call, he and his squad speed up, ignoring the orcs attacked.

Seeing this Arthur smiled. [They're through, Sarah prepare to fire]

[Are you sure that this is going to work?]

Arthur though for a second. [Yes, Maybe, Definitely Maybe]