Barktus Trial

Let rewind for a bit.

After Aleria returns to the wall bloodied and wounded. Bartkus arrived at the Orcs' camp together with his master Mongul.

Orcs pave their way as they walk through the camp. Their eyes are filled with fear as well as some hit of admiration.

Mongul is dragging Barktus thousand pound archer tower like it was nothing as they proceed to the former's place of dwelling.

The place is situated far away from the rest of the camp so they have to walk for quite a while. It's not until the orc camp is nothing but a speck of light that they arrive.

His master is an extrinsic even among orcs, he doesn't desire power or authority. What he craved was a worthy battle, where he could breathe his last breath.

Although orcs seem to be a barbaric race, they were quite complicated as they seem. Ironically, they despise humans so much but their civilization is a lot alike. It was both polluted with politics, deception, and people who would do anything for power.

After arriving at his master place, Barktus' rest is immediately interrupted by an unwanted visitor.

"What do you want Abul? My master is resting" He said with a snort and quickly closes the door.

The other party status is nothing compared to him. He was part of the ten war scions, a prestigious position only lower to the king. He was in no obligation to treat him nicely or even entertain him.

Seeing Barktus look down on him. Abul veins bulge like he was about to explode. He hides a deep resentment at Barktus as he feels that he is much deserving of his title. For him, he was an abomination who didn't even deserve a place with there kind, if not for Mongul taking pity on him he would be out in the wild scavenging their sh*t.

He bangs the door.

"Better open this door you f*ck, I come here for you," Abul said, showing Barktus a medallion of bones a symbol of the great elder. "The council of elders had called for you. You are being accused of treason. You have no choice but to come with me and accept your trial."

The door opens, seeing this Abul smile. 'So you are scared now huh?'

But before he can enjoy his moment Barktus spit at the medallion in his hand.


"Do you think that thing means sh*t to me? Even if those old fogies come here themselves they can't boss me around, much like someone like you. Go back and tell them to f*ck themselves"

Hearing Bartus, Abul couldn't take it anymore "You f*cking low life! Do you think you're invincible?!" He roared! withdrawing his battle-ax.

"Are you threatening me! I'm a war scion without the order of the king, no one can touch me" Barktus' expression changed, his calm demeanor became fierce as his aura exploded, showing he was already at peak tier1

Seeing such strength, Abul is intimidated and can't help but staggered 'This is impossible, how can our strength be this far apart? Is this the work of the great Mongul?'

At this moment Mongul arrives at the door with a weapon in his hand, although his eyes are sleepy, Barktus knows that his master was pissed off.

What his master hated the most is his nap being disturb. His aura suddenly subsided on the arrival of his master. 'Oh sh*t I'm dead'

Being in the presence of such a great being Abul can help but kneel in worship "Sorry to disturb your rest, great Mongul"

Mongul ignored him and glared at Barktus.

"Just go with him already and stop bothering me"

Seeing that his master would not process the matter further Barktus breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, master" Although being a war scion means that his status is only lower than the king. His master Mongul is different.

Mongul can be a king if he wants to be and no one can do anything about it. He just didn't want to bother.

Everyone already considered him as a quasi king as no one can touch him. Even the current king has to show him respect and calls him big brother. Although no one knows the full extent of his power no one doubts him.

He was a legend among the orcs. Everyone knows the story of how he single-handedly trampled a whole kingdom of elves that even their army cannot win against.

There is even folklore circulating that he once wrestled a dragon and won, although no one saw what happened to say that is true everyone that looks at his bitten arm would not doubt it if he ever makes his claim.

His prestige is so great that it extends beyond race. Humans and elves alike tremble just by hearing the name of Mongul the Slaughter.

Being ordered by his master, Barktus has no choice but to comply.

Abul smile seeing the look at Barktus face 'Let see you now without your master to protect you'

Not long after Barktus was brought to the council of elders.

The council of elders is composed of the leader of the 10 tribes that makes up this great orc kingdom/tribe.

The position of great elder is won by-election that happens once every three years, the great elder is tasked to oversee the elder and the whole kingdom.

Although the king still had the final say to every matter he seldom participate and just let them run things, it is not an exaggeration to say that the elders are truly the one in control of all the orcs.

"I brought him here, elders," Abul said as he bowed.

"And what about Mongul did he protest?" One of the elders asked worriedly.

"No elder, he is the one that made it happen."

Hearing Abul, one of the elders heartily laughed "Hahahahaha, finally the great Mongul has given up his hobby of protecting this thing"

As the elder says it, an arrow flew towards him grazing his face "You-"

Barktus smirk "I'm right here and you're talking like I didn't exist. Are you too old that your eyes don't work anymore?"

The elder touched his face and roared in anger "What audacity! Do you think you can escape your crime, without Mongul to protect you?"

"Control yourself," The great elder said.

"I'm still part of a war scion am I not? you cannot do sh*t to me. If you want to talk, get the king over here."

Hearing Barktus provocative tone, the great elder smile "Your right"

Bartus started to have a bad feeling after seeing the great elder smile. 'What are these old men planning?'

At this moment all the elders stand up and bow. "We welcome your majesty"

With the word Majesty, Bartus' expression shook.

'This might be bad'