Polite Conversation

When Arthur and Emmanuel arrive at the top of the tower, The orc archer is already waiting for them.

"So are you done with your little squabble?" The orc archer said.

Arthur and Emmanuel aren't shocked to find the orc archer talking, what surprises them is the other party appearance.

It was wearing a full set of simple clothes with its hair tied in a ponytail. It looked like an orc but at the same time not.

"I guess you two earn the right to know my name seeing that you were able to survive having faced me" The orc archer is sitting on a chair while drinking something akin to tea.

It stands up to pick up another two chair, offering it to Arthur and Emmanuel

"Tsk!" Arthur clicks his tongue "You're being a little egotistic don't you think?"

"Hahaha, I don't think so. I'm just showing my respect."

"Respect?" Arthur asked

"Yeah, it's good for you to know the one that killed you. At least when Hades asked how you die you would not feel lost."

Arthur walked toward the orc archer and took his seat.

"So what is your name oh great one?" He said sarcastically

Barktus didn't mind Arthur's tone and poured him a drink. "The name is Barktus"

"Arthur" After checking that the drink is not poisonous, Arthur takes a sip.

When the drink touches Arthur's lip he immediately feels refreshed, his mana starts to recover faster.

"Good tea?" Barktus asked.

"What's your deal really?"

Arthur is puzzled, he can't seem to decipher the motive behind the other party's action. He is acting like he was making friends instead of killing them.

"As I said, you are one of the few people that was able to earn my respect. You are dying for my sake, the least I can do is welcome you properly" Bartus said like everything he was doing is normal.

'I really want to plunge my sword at your smiling face, you f*cking egotistic bastard' Arthur thought to himself.

"That we cannot say, who can say maybe your the one who's going die"

Hearing Arthur's remarks, Barktus just continued smiling. He was not dumb he knew that the other party has no intention of killing him and only showing a face.

He looked at Emmanuel who was still looking at him in a daze. "You, what's your name?"

Emmanuel wasn't paying attention to the conversation of the two and wasn't able to answer.

He was completely preoccupied with Barktus' appearance. "What are you?" He asked, unable to hold his curiosity anymore.

"So you're the dimwit". Barktus said with interest

"You-" Hearing Barkus comment, Emmanuel almost mistaken the other party to be Arthur.

He was about to punch him when the real Arthur stopped him.

Arthur already has a theory about Barktus' identity based on how he looks and how he acts "You're half-human right?" he asked.

"Oh? I guess you're the smart one" Barktus said surprise. He was aware that the humans inside the wall are foreigners to this world and ignorant about most things. He even dissected a few of them to see if there was something special about them but in the end, he came out empty-handed.

[Stop being stupid and keep him preoccupied, wait until my mana recovered] Arthur said to Emmanuel via thought process.

[Alright] Emmanuel answered.

He then took his seat, Barktus wanted to offer him tea but he wasn't a fan of it so he declined.

He put his fit on the table trying to intimidate the other party "Are you the one that hurt Aleria?" He asked.

Seeing Emmanuel's idiotic display of might Barktus almost couldn't help himself from killing him.

He takes a deep breath, composing himself.

"Aleria? If you mean that feisty woman, yes it was me. How is she by the way?" He said in a smug look trying to give the other party a taste of his own medicine.

"She is in critical condition because of you, asshole" Seeing Barktus face, Emmanuel wasn't able to control himself and fired a couple of shots at him.


[Idiot control yourself!]

Seeing the bullets, Bartus didn't even dodge, with his level this kind of attack wouldn't be able to tickle him.

"Mhmm, it's too bad I guess she didn't know mana technique yet unlike you," He said looking at Arthur.

Arthur's body suddenly shook. He started circulating his mana to his feet, readying himself to attack at any moment.

"Relaxed, I'll wait until you recover your mana. I'm quite curious how your mana technique work, It may help me improve my own technique" Barktus said calmly

He'd already finished analyzing Arthur and Emmanuel's strengths and weaknesses when they were still charging through the sea of orcs to reach him. In his eyes, there is nothing that they can hide.

Arthur stopped circulating his mana but did not let go of his guard. "You're quite confident, are you afraid we might kill you?

"Hahahahaha, I'm never confident, only prepared" Barktus laugh

"It seems that you are also proficient in mana, maybe I also learn a thing or two in our spar," Arthur said with a smile.

Barktus also looked at Arthur and smiled.

If some bystander sees them, they would be mistaken as friends.

Emmanuel's veins value seeing the two being buddy-buddy 'This two hypocrites'

"I feel we can be good friends, It's just too bad we are on different sides," Barktus said shaking his head.

"I feel the same way too," Arthur replied.

By this time Arthur mana has fully recovered.

"Shall we?" He said, retrieving his Katana.

Seeing Arthur is ready to fight, Barktus grabs an arrow in his quiver.

The arrow he uses is unlike the one that Sarah used. It was huge, the same size as the ballista bolt used in the wall.

"After you"
