Barktus Vs Emmanuel and Arthur 2

Arthur is a hitman and a damn good one at that. He's pretty knowledgeable about poison as it comes with the profession. He knew how to use it and more so detect it. He examined his body, feeling puzzled. 'What is this?' Every poison leaves traces, even the so-called odorless and colorless are no exception, with enough experience you would be able to detect it.

"Like it? It's my own concoction." Barktus said, raining arrow after arrow upon Arthur and Emmanuel. "You couldn't imagine how difficult it was for me to make. It's putrid smell still haunts my nose and up to now, I couldn't smell anything. You're pretty lucky that what you're getting now is the final product."

Arthur and Emmanuel ignored what Barktus was saying as they were pretty busy dodging his attack.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Are those arrows on crack or something?" Emmanuel asked, as one of the arrows managed to graze his body.

Unlike Arthur, Barktus had learned how to permanently strengthen his arrow with his mana. Every one of his arrows had been modified using his arrow strengthening technique back when he could still freely use it. Although it was not as powerful when used in tandem with his ballista, it was strong nonetheless.

"That's a pretty good technique," Although he was not as talented as Barktus, Arthur could also somehow perceive the mana inside the arrow, helping him dodge them with ease. "Emmanuel we have to stick with him, we can't let him continue to throw arrows as he please."

"Roger that," Emmanuel said.

The two chase after Barktus but the latter manages to maintain his distance by using the environment to his favor. "Are you sure you want to do that? The more you move the faster the poison would spread in your bloodstream" He smirks "In how things are going in about half an hour you wouldn't be able to move."

"Is the true Arthur?" Emmanuel asked although he didn't feel anything, he was still worried nonetheless.

"Don't panic, if the poison is airborne, he would have been poisoned too and must have prepared an antidote." Arthur answered, "If we can finish this fast we might be able to save the other."

"I hate to break it to you but there is no antidote. You see, this poison is quite racist and it only works on humans." Barktus chuckled.

"Don't bullshit me!" Emmanuel roared and opened fire.

Bartus continued to run away, ignoring the incoming bullets. "I'm quite fascinated by this weapon of yours and always wanted to research it. If I can somehow find a way to strengthen its firepower it will be such a terrifying weapon." He said, shaking his head "It's a shame I can't seem to find the time to do it."

Fed up with Barktus snarky attitude, Emmanuel tosses a grenade at him "Strengthen this, asshole!".

Seeing this, Bartus didn't panic, he grabbed the grenade and tossed it back to Emmanuel.

"Fuck" With no time toss it back, Emmanuel hug the grenade to insolate the blast.

"Boom!" The blast throws Emmanuel to the wall.

Barktus chuckled. "Do you think I don't know about that explosive weapon of yours?"

"Will you just shut up!" Arthur came out of the smoke, brandishing his blade.

Barktus already locked on Arthur's mana signature and saw him coming, he raised one of his arrows easily blocking his attack.

[Emmanuel calms down and stop being emotional. We have to work together if we want to take him down.] Arthur said to Emmanuel via thought communication. They have been keeping it a secret that they were able to communicate without actually speaking in the hope to catch Barktus off guard.

[Do you have a plan? You're weakened and I'm no match for him. We can't just blindly attack him.] Emmanuel said, faking his death.

[That may be so but did you realize he was a lot weaker than we expected. I doubt he can hurt you.]

[Yeah, I guess but we still can't get close to him]

Arthur continues to blindly chase after Barktus, hiding the fact that he and Emmanuel are concocting a plan. [Continue to play dead and I'll lure him to you]

[What do you want me to do when he gets here?]

[You have to hold him so I can finish him off. Hug him if you must, do what it takes to keep him even for just one second.]

Time passed and Arthur continued to lure Barktus where Emmanuel is.

[Get ready] Arthur said.

But when they were about to make their move, Barktus smiled.

He stops running and kicks Arthur in the stomach sending him flying, he then throws a barrage of arrows at Emmanuel's 'corpse.' "Do you really think I don't know you're alive?]

Emmanuel rolls to the ground desperately trying to dodge Barktus attack. "Fuck!"

"Stop winning and let's go." Seeing their plan go haywire, Arthur focuses his mana on his feet and once again charges toward Barktus.


Barktus pinned Emmanuel's arm and without even looking he dodged Arthur's attack and punched him in the face.

'As expected' Arthur thought to himself. He wipes the blood in his lips and tosses a bunch of smoke grenades blocking Barktus vision.

"Futile effort," Barktus smirks, throwing an arrow at Arthur.

Arthur jumps out of the away and tries to compose himself while Emmanuel uses this opportunity to escape Barktus' grasp. He moves his body allowing the arrow to cut his flesh.

Blood sprays to the ground but Emmanuel's wound is already healing at a visible rate.

Barktus follows the smell of blood, although his vision might be impaired his other senses are not. At the end of the trail, Barktus is surprised to find Emmanuel is not there. The thought that his wound had healed never crossed his mind.

[Now!] Arthur shouted.

Emmanuel appeared behind Barktus and began to hold him tight.

Then Arthur emerged in front of Barktus with his blade held high. "Goodbye friend."
