Barktus Vs Emmanuel and Arthur 3

Bartus is surprised to find Arthur appeared right in front of him. Although it was understandable for Emmanuel to be able to skip his detection as the latter had never used mana. Arthur is different, he continuously utilizes his mana to enhance himself, mana that Barktus can use to his advantage.

'He must have figured it out.' Barktus thought to himself and he was indeed correct, Arthur did realize that Barktus was using his own mana to track his movement, and since then had stopped using it.

'Damn!' Barktus cursed.

With only a second remaining before his head is chopped off, he has no other choice but to forcefully use his mana despite the seal in his body. Even though fully knowing that by doing so the snake tattoo on his back would act up and start gulping his mana at a terrifying speed.


After forcefully reactivating his [Bulin Mana Strengthening (Lv. 10) Passive], Barktus gain enough strength to completely overpower Emmanuel and get out of his hold. He then grabs him by his head and tosses him to Arthur, stopping the latter attack.


Barktus falls on one knee, with one half of his mana having been devoured by the snake tattoo, he felt extremely weaken.

Arthur and Emmanuel quickly stand up, seeing Barktus gasping for breath, they can't help themselves but smile. Although they didn't manage to finish him off, they were able to find a way to beat him, and they knew it's only a matter of time before they finally had him in their hands.

Arthur looked at Barktus and smirk. "It seems that we're not the only one fighting with a handicap."

After seeing something in Barktus back that is preventing him from using mana, everything starting to make sense in Arthur's mind. The reason why Barktus is a lot weaker than before and why he did not attack them when he knew they were coming for him. Arthur thought that it was because of the latter ego but it seems to be not the case. The real reason Barktus didn't attack them is that he cannot.

"Is that so?" Barktus said, trying to seem calm.

But Arthur already sees right through him and smiles. "Stop the act and just give up," he said, tossing a couple more smoke grenades in the ground.


Inside Barktus' tower.

"Are we really just going to sit here and wait?" Ron asked, since being floored by Arthur, he started resenting him, just by thinking of his name irritates him.

"You hear what Arthur said. He told us to stay here," Vanya answered irritatingly. She didn't have any complaints following Arthur's order like the others. Arthur and Emmanuel had saved her and his sisters' life multiple times and even protected them when Sergeant Jessie and his squad decided to do their own thing. If she would listen to someone, it's clearly not to the one who left her for dead.

"Yeah, I heard him loud and clear but why should we listen to that prick? " Ron asked, looking at Sergeant Jessie. "Sergeant Jessie?"

Sergeant Jessie nods, he also didn't feel like following Arthur's order. They are both sergeants and he believes that the latter has no authority to order him. "Ron is right, we can't just stay here blindly putting our trust in his word. We don't even know how long Lieutenant Victor and Jeffrey are going to last. We need to capture the orc archer as soon as possible before the orc outside comes up here."

"But" Hearing Sergeant Jessie's argument, Vanya wanted to repute but she couldn't find the words to say.

At this moment, Sergeant Lucy opens her mouth and voices her opinion. "I also agree with what you said. I think Arthur and Emmanuel will need our help."

"But sist-" Seeing everyone had made up their mind, Vanya had left with no choice but to follow along.

"Sigh." She sighs dejectedly, hoping that everything turns out okay.


After discovering Barktus weakness, Arthur and Emmanuel start pressuring him.




Following dozens of exchanges, Arthur's blade finally manages to graze Barktus' arm.

"Damn!" Barktus cursed as he tries to move away, his face no longer showing a calm dementor as he once has but one of panic.

He wouldn't have been in such a predicament if he could only use his mana. By circulating mana in his eyes, he would have been able to see clearly even with all the smoke around him.

"This is for Aleria," Emmanuel said, bashing Barktus in the face.

Barktus wasn't able to dodge and got send flying, slamming the tower's wall by his body.

"Phe!" He spits a mouthful of blood and quickly composes himself. He then looks around trying to predict where the next attack would be coming from.

"Here," Arthur said, appearing near Barktus and thrusting his blade into his side.

Barktus twists his body, managing to avoid being impaled at the last second but the blade still manages to leave a deep cut in his stomach.

"Ahhh!" Barktus scream in pain. Ever since being a war scion, this is the first time he was beaten like this. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his breathing.

"Is he dying?" Emmanuel asked, he was afraid that they might have accidentally overdone it. They still need the other party alive to use as leverage to get out of here.

"No, continue attacking and don't let him catch his breath," Arthur said, unleashing another fury of the attack.

'How long has it been since I felt like this? Since I was forced to give everything I had.' Barktus asked himself, although he'd never took any fight lightly and had always given his utmost best, it was still not the same as when he was in the wild. He might not want to admit it but since his master took him under his wings, he became complacent. The ferocity that once inside of him and the willingness to do anything to survive disappeared.

'I guess I had forgotten it.'

With his sudden realization, Barktus eyes changed. Instead of running away and binding for time, his mindset had changed.

(Attack when there's an opportunity, run away if necessary, and do not be afraid to give the flesh to take the bone. That is Barktus rule of survival).

Barktus stops defending passively and starts engaging Arthur and Emmanuel head-on.




By sacrificing two of his finger he managed to graze Arthur's shoulder, hindering his movement.

Arthur temporarily back away.

"Are you alright?" Emmanuel asked, going to Arthur's defense.

"I'll be fine, it's only a matter of time before we take him down, don't stop attacking."

As the two were talking, they were surprised to see Bartus appear right in front of them.

Emmanuel tries to stop him but Barktus easily sees through his moves and fling him away.

After many exchanges, Barktus already notice that there is no point in attacking Emmanuel and decided to focus his attack on Arthur.

"Do you think I'm no match for you because you manage to graze me?" Arthur smirk.

The two exchanged dozens of blows with no one besting the other.



But at deep in the middle of their duel. Emmanuel's voice rings to Arthur's head, distracting him.

[Arthur, we have a problem.]

Seizing this opportunity, Barktus delivers a kick into Arthur Stomach.

Arthur is sent rolling to the floor.

[F*ck! These better be good.] Arthur cursed.

[It-s] But before Emmanuel can answer, Sergeant Jessie's voice already echoed throughout the room.

"We are here to help!"

Hearing it, Arthur can't help but exclaim.
