Parting 2

While Barktus is getting stronger as time goes by, Arthur is getting noticably weaker. Now he is getting bash by Barktus left and right without being able to retaliate.

Blood oozed through his skin as some of his veins couldn't take it anymore and burse. It's getting harder and harder for him to move, his eyelids are heavy as lead, and it's only a matter of time before his whole body gave up.

It was at this moment of hopelessness that Lucy and Emmanuel arrived at the top of the tower.

[Arthur, are you alright? Can you still hold on? Lucy has found a way for us to get out here.]

Hearing what Emmanuel just said, Arthur lost concentration allowing Barktus to got a clean hit on his face sending him flying.

[Arthur!] Emmanuel rush forward trying to step in when Arthur stopped him.

[Don't!] Arthur said, resting his eyes for a second. [Did Lucy really find a way to get out of here?]

This time it was not Emmanuel who answered but Lucy. [It's true but I'm gonna need time. We also planted explosives all over the tower to blow this bastard to bits once and for all. We just have to be on the clear]

[That's great, how long do you need?]

[Five minutes, I just need five minutes.]

[Alright, live it to me ] Arthur said, opening his eyes.

'Five minutes huh? I guess I can still do that much' He stands up through the rubbles and stretches his hands.

He looked at Barktus and said. "I'm about to get serious now, ready for Round 3?"

Barktus smirks, he knew the other party was bluffing and already on the end of his ropes.

"I'm not joking when I say you're amazing, why not be my aid? I'm willing to spare you along with your friend's life."

Arthur thought for a second before shaking his head. "Nah! It's tempting but I'd rather die than look at your face every day."

"Hahahahahaha" Barktus laughed hearing what Arthur had said, he didn't get insulted nor angry but instead respected him even more. A warrior should have some backbones. "Very well, It's regretful but I'll give you an honorable death."

He holds out his sword and swipes it with his hand. This would be the first time that he would do this, up to now he can only use this skill with the arrow that he made, but after reaching tier 2 he can feel that he would be able to use it in almost anything.

He drove his mana out and poured it into the greatsword. His mana flows like a river gently drenching the minerals within it and amplifying its strength.

[Barktus Arrow Strengthening] skill, no, the accurate name for it now would be [Barktus Weapon Strengthening Technique].

Barktus Weapon Strengthening (Lv.1) Active : A technique made possible by Barktus unprecedented talent in handling mana. It's the evolution of Barktus Mana strengthening Arrow. By reinforcing the minerals within the weapon with mana, the weapon's durability, sharpness, and piercing power are enhanced. It also further increase the weapon conductibility.

There is a reason why Barktus can only use this skill in arrows that he forges before. Beside its high requirement in mana control, this skill required a detailed knowledge in the materials and composition of the item being strengthen, down to its smallest detail.

It would be safe to say that this skill is impossible to use in items that he didn't create. But after he reached tier 2 this requirement became nonconcequencial. His mana control became so overpower that he can now distinguish anything that his mana touches up to the atomic level.

The snake tattoo in his back continues to devour his mana but because of the increase in mana pool that his advancement gave, he was now able to use mana momentarily without being weaken.

After strengthening the greatsword with his new skill he didn't stop but instead started pouring mana into it crazily.

Seeing this, Arthur is surprised, he finds it identical to his own skill. "Mana augmentation?"

Barktus smirks. "What are you so surprised about? If you can do it. Why can I?" Gritting his teeth he said, "Let me show you the correct way to handle mana."

The greatsword in his hand shine in blinding light illuminating the room but not long after the light then started to slowly condense in the sword's edges.

The mana became so focus that it started making sounds. "zeeing!"

The greatsword also started to experience some change, it chip blade became sharp enough to even cut the wind passing through it.

Seeing such a terrifying sword, Arthur can't help but sigh in resignation. 'I guess this is it?'

He knew that even if Perceived duration activated there still no way for him to survive. No amount of time can prepare him for what's to come.

Barktus slowly walked toward Arthur, unafraid that the latter would run away. "Any last word?"

"Yeah, can you at least allow my comrade to live?" Arthur cassually asked, not really expecting a positive answer.

But to his suprise, Barktus replied. "Alright"


"Goodbye." Barktus raises his greatsword and finally brings it down towards Arthur.

"Swishhhhh ''

The greatsword didn't create sword beam like what it supposed to but that doesn't mean it was weak on the contrary because the mana within the sword is so condence space slightly open as Barktus made his strike.

Arthur had already accepted his faith and closed his eyes but before the sword could reach him, Emmanuel's calm voice sounded in his ear. "I'm afraid I can let you do that."

Raising an orc shoulder pad, he met Bartus's sword. The make-shift shield shone as mana covered it.


Barktus is a surprise seeing Emmanuel use mana but it was just that, he was just surprised. The sword in his hand cut through Emmanuel's shield like it was made of butter. It only take a milisecond before it reaches Emmanuel's skin.

"Ahhh!" Emmanuel screams in pain as the sword cuts through his body.

"F*ck you!" He roared! grabbing the sword's blade before it totally cut him in half. His hand immediately turn black as the mana within the blade burned through his skin.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Although he was successful in stopping the sword halfway through his stomach, his condition is not laughing matter.

"Commendable but stupid" Barktus smirk trying to pull out his sword in the latter stomach but to his surprise, Emmanuel manage to cling on his life and firmly holding the sword, not letting go.

"You can forget about getting this sword back!" He said as blood poured down his lips.