Parting Final

"Arthur, what the f*ck are you still standing there for? Attack!" Emmanuel roared, gripping the greatsword impale in his stomach.

Hearing him, Arthur shrugs his surprise and begins his attack.

Barktus is as surprised as Arthur or perhaps even more. He knew how terrifying his strike was better than anyone, he was certain that it can one-shot even a moderately strong Gobakji, and a tier 1 like Emmanuel manages to tanks it, how can he not be shocked.

Even seeing Arthur approach, he still can shake his astonishment.

Arthur, using this opportunity, landed a couple of combo strikes at Barktus, leaving him no choice but to let go of his sword and back away to organize his thoughts.

After seeing him retreat, Arthur didn't give chase but instead approached Emmanuel.

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern.

"I have a sword impaled in my chest, what do you think?" Emmanuel reputed, spewing blood.

Arthur has an awkward look on his face 'Well, what I think is you should be dead.'

Emmanuel didn't just get stub and saying that he received a severe cut would also be an understatement. He has a V shape wound on his body. He is literally a hairbreadth away from being cut in half.

"Chew this," Arthur said, staffing clothes in Emmanuel's mount.

[Don't you do what I think you're going to do.] Emmanuel said, panicking. His amazing regeneration also has some drawback, one of this is what happened to him right now, his regeneration is so great that his flesh started to patch itself with the greatsword still stuck on his body.

Ignoring him, Arthur said, "In the count of three."

"F*ck you!"

"Three!" As Arthur pulls out the sword, blood gash through like a fountain, drenching his whole body with blood.

"Ahhhhh! Asshh*le!" Emmanuel screamed in pain as he fell to his knees.

"Don't be a baby" Arthur said and was about to toss the great sword to the ground when Emmanuel stopped him.

"Don't throw that, that's mine," Emmanuel said, grabbing Arthur's hand.

"You're kidding, right? You are about to die and your thinking sh*t."

"Just give it to me and take this" Emmanuel said, handling Arthur the detonator.

"What's this?" Arthur asked confused.

"The detonator."

"I knew that, what I mean is why are you giving it to me? Are you dying?"

"Don't jinx me, just in case," Emmanuel said, angrily.

Arthur remembered the promise he made Emmanuel kept and his expression turned solemn, "Alright, just rest for a while."

"Nice thinking sherlock." Emmanuel sat and focused on healing his injury because of his Undying Body skill no matter how injured he was as long as he was not dead, he would recover. He just needed time.

At this moment Barktus spoke. "Did you just kill your teammate?"

"Don't worry, it's just a scratch, he will be fine," Arthur answered, unconcerned.

"Scratch ah? My offer still stands, would you be my aid?" Barktus once again asked, extending an olive branch to Arthur.

Arthur didn't stop to think like before and immediately said. "The answer still no."

"Suit yourself, it was just a pity." Barktus shakes his head, picking an arrow in the ground.

[Lucy, is it not ready yet?] Arthur asked, his legs were already shaking and he was about to pass out. He's only giving a front, in truth, he doesn't know anymore if he could withstand another bout with Barktus.

[Almost] Lucy answered with her voice in duress.

It was at this moment that another voice entered their voice channel [Really?] Everyone was shocked to hear someone intrude on their communication, and it was a familiar voice.

They look in front of them to see Barktus smiling.

[Do you really think I didn't notice what you all up to?] He asked.

After reaching the rank of a Gobakji/ tier 2. Barktus mana sensitivity shot through the roof, the thing he didn't notice before became clear in his eyes. He could now see the minuscule mana floating through the air so it was not really a surprise that he noticed the subtle mana that Arthur and the others produce every time they communicate using their though and learn to replicate it.

"Why are you so quiet?" Barktus once again open his mouth.

Arthur's heart rate rise as a terrifying thought crosses his mind. "If you know our plan, why didn't you kill Lucy or try to stop her?"

"Why? Because I didn't need to, there is no way she could use space magic here, the great shaman had locked the space of the entire orc army as a precaution to ambush." Barktus smiled. "Don't tell me you didn't know anything about it, that old bastard didn't even hide it."

Hearing Barktus explanation, everything started to make sense in Arthur's mind. It was so clear, they just too stupid to see it. It was understandable that he wouldn't know about it as he just got here and this world is still new to him but the army was different and must have known about it. They just didn't disclose this fact.

"Those bastards! They weren't content with just making us sacrifice; they even gave us false hope of returning alive, despicable!" Arthur gritted his teeth.

"You humans are really despicable, much more to your own kind," Barktus said with pity in his eyes. "Well, I couldn't really say that orcs are any different. The final choice is yours, be my aid, or get buried here."

"Damn!" Arthur held the detonator in his hand tightly, contemplating if he should use it now.

But at this moment, something happened, the space around the tower started twisting.

[It's ready, both of you come here now! I don't know how long I can hold it.] Lucy said, struggling to maintain her breath. In front of her is a portal that looks like a small black hole.

Seeing this, Barktus is amazed beyond belief much more so when Emmanuel tanks his strike."Impossible!"

The great shaman is the greatest mana user in their orc tribe/kingdom and by succeeding in opening a portal despite him locking the space only meant one thing that he had been bested.

"I must have you," Barktus said, with desire in his eyes.

If he could have Lucy and study her, his understanding of mana would reach leaps and bounds. He might also be able to dispel the seal in his body that even his master wasn't able to do.

Barktus rush toward Lucy, ignoring Arthur and Emmanuel.

Seeing this, Arthur immediately carries Emmanuel in one hand and rushes toward the portal.

"Fuck! We're not going to make it." Arthur cursed.

Realizing that there is no way for them to outspeed Barktus, Arthur made the ultimate decision.

He looked Emmanuel in the eye and said. "Remember your promise."

"No! Arthur!" Knowing what Arthur meant by his words, Emmanuel struggled to break free but it was already too late. Arthur already tossed him through the portal.

Barktus sees this but doesn't do anything. The one he wants to obtain is Lucy and didn't care anymore what happens to Arthur and Emmanuel.

"Lucy, go now! I'll hold Barktus" Arthur scream.

"No, blow it now Arthur!" Lucy replied. Is not that she was consumed by her anger and didn't want to go. It just that she can't. Opening this portal already took everything she has, if she even made the slightest of move the portal might become unstable and kill her along with Arthur. And Barktus might be fine as he could outrun it.

"What are you doing? Just go! I can't hold Barktus much longer." Barktus is not playing anymore, he grabs Arthur by the neck and slams him to the ground.

"Your mine!" Barktus screamed.

"Just do it, Arthur!" Lucy scream.

Arthur forces himself to the very limit, the veins in one of his legs all burst but he manages to catch up to Barktus.

"No, you don't!" Arthur threw a punch at Barktus sending him flying.

"Pop!" As his right fist contected into Barktus face, the strain is just too much and it exploded.

Arthur falls to his knee, he can no longer walk or even move his body.

He looked at the portal who was only a couple of steps away.

'So close yet so far away'

His gaze then went to the window of the tower. "I hope you live well boo."

With his final word, he pressed the button.

Detonating the whole tower.
