
When Arthur tossed Emmanuel in the portal, he didn't get teleport inside the wall as he was supposed to, but instead he arrived in the middle of the orc army.

He stumbles over, hitting one of the orcs.

Before he could stabilize himself, the orcs noticed him and were about to attack when a massive explosion happened in the distance, creating a massive earthquake.

"Damn asshole!" Emmanuel roar!

He wanted to go back, he knew Arthur would survive, he just knew it. Tears fell down his face as he struggled to stand up.

The orcs that were startled by the explosion a moment ago started to come to their senses.

They all raise their weapon to attack Emmanuel.

Axe, spear, sword, all kinds of weapons hit Emmanuel, but it didn't do anything except infuriate him.

"I'm sick of all you motherf*cking orcs." Retrieving the great sword in his inventory, he started cutting orcs without care.

Not before long, he begins to once again lose himself like what happened with No.5 but now it's a lot worse. Everything in his mind banishes even Arthur's dying word, only the thought of slaughter remains.

Stimulated by his grief and anger his heart started to pump blood much faster than usual. Smoke rose through his body as his wound healed in an imaginable stage. His regeneration before is monstrous but now it's just downright broken.

In just a couple of seconds, the wound brought by Barktus' strike completely disappeared. Even the poison hiding in his bloodstream is now gone, killed off by the new antibodies that his immune system just created.

Unbeknownst to Emmanuel, a new skill has just been added to his status window, converting all his mana to health.

[Life Break Lv.EX]

The act of converting mana to health and health to power.

He became like a wild beast, trading blow for blow with thousands of orcs by himself. Using every part of his body as a weapon. He even goes as far as biting an orc head off.

The orcs did everything to stop him but no matter what they threw at him, he just tanks it without even fazing.

It didn't take him long before he manages to create a river using the orc's blood.



The orcs are starting to feel restless, fear even. It was a new feeling for them, they have been through many fights before but this is the first time they have been afraid to go near the opponent.

It was not clear who said it first but soon they all started screaming the same word.

"Vovajega!" A monster in the orcs myth often uses to scare the youngling of their race.

The whole scene is very gruesome, looking at it from a stranger's standpoint would make it difficult to pinpoint who is the real monster.

It was at this moment that an orc with a bear claw tattoo pasted on his face shows up, his color is a lot greener compare to the usual orc and has an ax in both of his hands.

"Vovajega?" He asked. "You call this man a monster? You all a disgrace to our race."

That particular orc has a haughty air around him but the other orcs didn't get angry with his arrival but instead rejoice.

"Is that Jebil of the war scion?" One of the orcs said.

"Yes, it's Jebil."

"I'm sure of it, only Jebil has that imposing aura."

Jebil smirks as he walks at Emmanuel, clearly looking down at his opponent. Who can blame him? He was a war scion, ten of the most powerful orcs of the young generation. As long as the enemy is the same tier as them they can easily kill them.

"The Vovajega is finished!"

"Jebil killed that monster" The orcs cheered using orc language.

Emmanuel has long lost his sanity and cannot differentiate Jebil from the rest of the orcs. He rushes toward him without abandon.

Seeing this, Jebil smirk, throwing his two axes toward Emmanuel like a boomerang.

This was Jebil signature attack [Ferocious Axe] no one has ever survived this attack besides the war scions and even them didn't get out of it without a scratch.

Everyone didn't doubt Jebil and was confident that it was over, Emmanuel could have last long if he didn't charge so relentlessly but there is no medicine for regret.

The two axes spin through the air creating a chakram of wind, everything it passes got cut in half without exception. But the moment it hit Emmanuel, something different happens. It got stuck on his body unable to return.

Everyone is in a state of disbelief especially Jebil, this was the very move that made him a war scion. Not yet getting over his shock, Emmanuel arrives in front of him with saliva running through his lips like an animal hungry for its prey.

With absolute ferocity, he gashes his sword at Jebil instantly cutting him in half. Everything happens so fast that a look of disbelief can still be seen on Jebil face.

"Ahhh! Run!"

After seeing a member of war scions die so easily, they couldn't contain their emotions anymore and started running in all directions. But Emmanuel mercilessly chased and cut them down, one by one.

"Called a Gombakji!"

The orcs frantically call for help but as their area is close to where Emmanuel first made his defense. There are no Gobakjis near the vicinity, only the war scion Jebil, Wolvez, and Barktus. Who all presumed to be dead by now.

This allows Emmanuel to continue his rampage until the orcs are back to the corner and have no choice but to call back the troops attacking the wall and try to swarm him with numbers.

Obviously, it didn't work.

Emmanuel stands atop a mountain of corpses with an ax and a greatsword in his hand. Blood is dripping on his body as the remaining orcs stood in horror. The oozing smoke and beastly grin on his face make him more menacing.

At this moment the orcs started to make way as a monster twice the size of them in full body armor came forward.

A Gombakji has arrived.

Emmanuel notices the Gombakji and immediately rushes towards it.

"Vovajega?" The Gombakji smirk, catching Emmanuel in the neck.

It had heard its fellow brethren wailing scream from afar and thought that it would finally meet a worthy opponent but looking at Emmanuel, it could only shake its head.

"Disappointing," The Gombakji said, slamming Emmanuel to the ground.

"Ahh!" Emmanuel screams in anger and immediately stands back up.

He spits a mouthful of blood at the Gobakji face and attacks it with his sword.

"You little ant!"

The Gobakji got irritated and continuously slam Emmanuel's body to the ground.

"Boom!" Every time Emmanuel's body hits the ground a crater would be formed, but still, he always manages to stand back up.

Having had enough, the Gombakji raised his mace and brought it down, aiming to crush Emmanuel's head.

As the mace hits Emmanuel's head there is a resounding sound that vibrated all over the area. But to the Gobkji surprise, Emmanuel's head didn't burst like it though it would but instead its attack stop.

Emmanuel looks at Gobakji with his eyes all white.

The Gobakji can't accept it. It can't believe it was feeling fear towards a tier 1, a human nonetheless. It uncontrollably staggered backward, unintentionally letting the mace go.

Emmanuel put the greatsword in his inventory and grabbed the mace.

He then smashes the Gobakji in the head using its own weapon. At first, the Gobakji didn't feel anything but as Emmanuel continued to pummel its head, it started to feel pain.

Before the Gombakji could recover its senses, it was already on its knees. Blood continues to splatter all over the place but Emmanuel never stops pummeling the Gombakji's head.

It didn't take long before finally, the Gombakji's skull crack opens.

The orcs stood dumbfounded unable to process what's happening, they all looked at Emmanuel with horror in their eyes. Although the Gombakji is already dead, Emmanuel never stops attacking it.

"Ahhhhhh!" He roars, stepping at the Gombakji pile of flesh.

He then looked at the orcs around him and started another massacre.


Ha! Ha! Ha! Emmanuel breathes heavily.

He had already killed thousands of orcs and hundreds of Ombakti's but still, his killing intent never seems to dwindle. He no longer stepped on the ground but the mountain of orcs corpses.

There are numerous wounds on his body and his face. A sword is stuck on his back, a spear is impaled in his stomach, and an ax is embedded in his left shoulder.

Even his regeneration is starting to weaken and it couldn't catch up to the damage anymore but even though he was just a step away from death's door, his eyes never lose ferocity.

He pulls out the spear in his stomach and threw it into a group of orcs, impaling three of them together.

But when he was about to charge again, one of his legs gave up and he fell to his knees. Seeing this opportunity the orcs muster their courage and started swarming him.

"Die, Vovajega!"

"Roar!" Even with one knee on the ground, Emmanuel never stopped attacking but it was already too much even for him to handle.

When everything seems to be over and the orcs are rejoicing, suddenly all the orcs near Emmanuel have their head cut off.

And a girl appears in front of Emmanuel

It was Aleria.

Emmanuel didn't recognize Aleria and begin attacking her.

Aleria easily dodges his sluggish attack and slowly approaches him.

After arriving inches away from him, Aleria didn't attack Emmanuel but instead looked at his face with sadness in her eyes.

She then hugged Emmanuel."Sorry, I couldn't come sooner."

Color started returning in Emmanuel's eyes as he feels Aleria's embrace. He then burst into tears before ultimately passing out.