
In the rabbles where Barktus' archer tower once stood a hand reached out to the sky.

"Cough! Cough!"

After clearing out the debris burying his body, Barktus sat down with relief in his face, although his body was pretty much beaten up with some part of it burnt to a crisp. He was still delighted, not much because he survived the explosion but because of the woman in his hand.

In his hand is the unconscious body of Sergeant Lucy, perfectly preserved without a scratch. It's like she's not even caught in the blast at all. Observing her up close, Barktus can't help but be amazed.

"The space surrounding her body is in stasis, completely isolated with the outside world." At this moment Mongul walked over, yawning. After quickly killing Lieutenant Jeffrey and Lieutenant Victor, he quickly goes back to sleep. It was then the whole tower collapsed on him. With his strength, he could obviously survive as even the strongest nuclear weapon is nothing to him.

Barktus looked at his master and asked. "Do you know anything about this master?"

"A little, I saw an elf queen do something similar in the past," Mongul replied.

Hearing his master mention the elf queen, the value of Lucy in Barktus' eyes skyrocketed. Elf is known to be among the perfectly mana intune race in the world. Spotting an elf wandering away from Alfheim is rare not to mention an Elf queen. Even in the land of the elves, an Elf queen cannot be seen by just anyone. Only with sufficient power and status could one have the right to request an audience with the queen.

Even though Lucy is clearly not an elf, this only makes her value increase even more. Barktus can't wait to dissect her, he lays her body on the ground like it was some kind of treasure, afraid that she could get dirty.

Containing his excitement he asked his master again. "Similar, how?"

Mongul realized what his apprentice wanted to do and decided to explain to him what he was getting himself into."That elf queen skill is much more developed than the little lass you have there but I felt a similar vibe in her. You were lucky you met her before she could properly mature or else even I couldn't save you from her."

"Is that elf queen stronger than you master?" Barktus asked.

Mongul scratched his head, he wanted to warn his apprentice of the danger of playing with that kind power but it seems to cause an adverse effect. "Not particularly but she was a very tricky opponent, she has her own dimension where she can pretty much come and go."

"How did you beat her then?"

"She surrenders." Mongul said, touching the wound near his heart.

"What! Why?" Bartus is so suprise that he didn't notice his strange behavior. 'Why would someone surrender their lives if they clearly have a way to escape?'

"Don't know but if you want to keep her, you better hide her. Once the Demon King knows about her existence, he would do anything to get her. Even if he has to send me to kill you." Mongul said with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Isn't that a little exaggerated, master?"

"I would never do it but if you ask me it would still be better if you just kill her now. Even if you manage to hide her, she might kill you if you failed to control her."

Barktus has a complicated look on his face. He doesn't want additional risk to his life but such an opportunity could only come once in a lifetime. If he could study Lucy and learn how she gained such an affinity with space, not only would his strength reach leaps and bounds but also his survivability.

Looking at his apprentice Mongul can't help but smiles, one of the reason he take Barktus under his wing beside his strong will to survive is his unquenching thirst for power. Not the power brought by status or scheme but real strength to trumple anyone in his feet.

He remove the trouser he was wearing and gave it to Barktus."Here, take this and wrap her with that."

"Master, isn't that a little too disgusting" Barktus said awkwardly, hesitated to accept his master pants.

Mongul hit Barktus in the head. "Stop thinking perverted, the fabric within this trouser is made with pixies magic. It could hide magic aura as well as provide a decent magic resistance. This thing is practically indestructible even a dragon's breath can burn it.

Hearing his master's explanation Barktus became even more skeptical, how could a mere pants that his master casually wore be amazing, not to mention he never gave him anything before.

"Why are you giving me something so amazing, master?" He asked.

Mongul paused for a second feeling a little embarrassed." Well, I never really given you anything since becoming my apprentice"

"No, it's not true master, I own you a lot." Barktus said, but in his mind he was thinking.'Good you know master.

Mongul veins bulge, "Stop boot licking! You know I hate it, just accept the gift. This will be my parting gift to you"

Barktus suddenly felt melancholy, he already knew his master was leaving, but at this moment he felt that this might be the last thing his master would be able to give him, albeit it was a pants. He bowed to his master "Thank you master."

"Alright, stop being sentimental and what about the girl over there, are you keeping her too?"

Barktus though for a minute. "I don't really need her or anything but she's cute."

In the distance Sarah is relesstly charging towards the orcs to get through where Barktus was. Due to Emmanuel massacring the orcs in that area at this time, there is little obstruction to her. In about 3 minutes he would reach Barktus and Mongul.

"She looks like a kid." Mongul said looking strangely at Barktus. He had never seen his apprentice be interested sexually to a girl before either with a human girl or an orc. This would be the first time he heard his apprentice alter the word cute in such a manner.

Barktus realized what his master was thinking and shook his head. "You'll never understand master, you're an orc after all."

'No you're just a lolicon' Mongul thought before also shaking his head and going back to sleep.
