Resistance is futile (VI)

"So where are we going dressed to kill." Matt said as he playfully trailed his hand down across her hip and onto Anna's leg. Matt pursed his lips in a slightly disappointed tone at jeans as opposed to a skirt. Now that he could have had more fun with, as he slightly caressed her thigh through the tight jeans that he was sure was amplifying the physical sensations he was creating. Anna supressed a smirk as she said in a mock exasperated fashion and said, "I know you're happy to see me and that isn't a flashlight in your pocket but I am trying to drive here. So knock off the horny toad routine" and then she laughed a little mischeviously. "At least for now."

Matt shifted back to looking forward as Anna navigated around the twists and bends with a smile on his face as he said, "You didn't answer my question, where are we off to? Besides I'm awash with curiosity about who you've got in mind for our engineer."

"Look in the back, I got a friend of mine who works in the Engineering Faculty to pull a bunch of files of the cream of this years graduating crop. There were a few really good ones, but the one on the top is my pick, he's already graduated with honours from a duel mechanical and electrical degree and has come back for a masters in aeronautics. Angie was saying that they're eagerly awaiting his application for entrance into a doctoral program. The guy is supposed to be the second coming to the engineering proffessors.

Matt fished out the file and shook his head as he opened the folder. "Hmm, Nick Halidan. Ohh yeah I've heard of this guy, he came up with a way to transmit a signal across a gallium-arsenide solution. He solved one of the more basic and fundamental problems with the new....." Matt looked up sharply as Anna swiftly backhanded his shoulder. "Yeah alright, he's a good choice, now what. We going to drive over to his place and kidnap him or how is this going to work."

Anna sighed in an exasperated tone, "You used to be wrapped up in all those spy shows and the best plan you can come up with for a extraction is grab and dash." Anna shook her head to Matt's slightly sheepish expression. "No, what we are going to do is go visit his girl-friend Emily and get ourselves invited over for dinner tonight. We can talk to both of them about hiring Nick for a project, I hear he's desperate for some work."

The meeting with Emily went fairly well. They had been invited to dinner without much effort. Matt had thought it a little odd about how Emily had acted, she appeared to Matt to be very nervous and anxious and when he'd talked about being interested in hiring Nick to do some work out at his place Emily's behaviour had instantly changed to one of extreme gratitude and relief. Matt didn't know what was going on, but his curiosity had definately been piqued.

The walked out of the shop with Anna snuggled into Matt's side, a slightly worried expression on Anna's face and a thoughtful expression on Matt's. They grabbed a trolley and proceeded to fill it with alot of snack and energy food as well as some base staple ingredients for meals. Matt caught Anna appraising him with a thoughtful look and when he asked what, she just smiled impishly and said nothing before turning back to look at products. What he didn't know was that Anna had a thing for men who could cook both simple and elegant meals. Scott could barely cook more then the occassional boiled egg or slap together a sandwich.

After the shopping expedition, they drove home listening to the radio and as they pulled into Matt's driveway he said, "I wonder whether Ian has made any progress while we've been gone."

Anna laughed, "No doubt he's disassembled Sam half a dozen times and blown a few things up." Matt paled and immediately checked in with Sam to Anna's infectious laughter. After Sam reassured Matt that Ian had not done any permanent damage but had indeed made some progress on sorting out a solution to the energy problem, he helped Anna bring in the groceries. This was done quickly with the occasional raunchy and very rambunctious sounding laughter as well as the occasional yelp as Matt startled Anna with slaps and caresses to various parts of her body until she decided to get her own back and ambushed him on the way out of the house with the hose.

The groceries were finally interred in their rightful positions and Matt was outside supposedly drying off when Anna walked outside to see where he had gone. As she rounded the back she felt something against her leg and all of a sudden a large volume of cold water came crashing down and drenched her in one go. Matt stepped out from the shed pointing at Anna and struggling to contain his laughter at the shocked look on Anna's face as well as the drowned and dishevelled cat look she was exhibiting.

Anna recovered quickly and immediately charged Matt, who in his paroxysms of laughter didn't attempt to dodge or block her charge. Anna knocked him to the ground and sat on his hips as she laid into his chest with her hands.

Her attempts to chastise him only provoked more laughter to her chargrin, and she growled in frustration at him. It was the growl that brought him out of it, as the laughter subsided. He reached up and pulled her down until her face was an inch away from his lips and he whispered now what. Anna hesitated for a moment before suddenly their positions was reversed, and she was flat on her back with Matt lying atop of her. She glared up at him and said, "You've ruined the look and these clothes will have to be dry cleaned you ape."

Matt smiled back at her and said, "So..." to which Anna couldn't really come up with a counter and then he was kissing her and all thought was lost as they immersed themselves in each other in the wooded privacy of Matt's yard.