Resistance is futile (VII)

At about six o'clock Matt had checked in with both Sam and Ian, informing them that he would be attending a dinner with Anna. Ian had cracked up about Matt never taking HIM anyway nice before Matt told him to shut up, this was about recruiting an engineer, and if he was hungry there was some food in the fridge. All he had to do was cook it and make sure the place was clean after he left. A groan had come back over the comm and Matt had chuckled abit before shutting the channel down.

Matt hurried Anna into the car to many a complaint from Anna. Matt looked at her and said, "Emily was hiding something, and I'm not sure what. So I figured if we turned up a little early we might be able to surprise a few answers out of them."

Anna stopped talking about how her hair wasn't finished yet and pulled down the visor so she could use the mirror. She frowned as she finished doing her hair before saying, "You know what. Emily was acting weird, it's been bugging me ever since." Matt acknowledged her feeling with a "mmm."

They reached Nick and Emily's house just before half six and there was a high priced BMW in the driveway that didn't look like it belonged to either Emily or Nick. Matt was pretty sure they couldn't afford such a car. Nick had to be up to his eyeballs in HECS debts from university and Emily was a shop assistant probably barely making 30 grand a year. Matt and Anna both got out of the car and walked up to the door and pressed the button to ring the door bell. The sounds of an argument coming from inside the house suddenly stopped and Emily answered the door in a state.

Her eyes widened suddenly and she looked torn, unsure of what to say. "You're early, you weren't supposed to be here for another hour at least." Emily stuttered. The sound of something breaking and a grunt and a man's curse sounded from deep inside the house.

Matt raised his eyebrows and said, "Is everything all right."

Emily nodded and nervously looked back. "We're really not rea,..." and then the sound of a man grunting in pain and a slapping sound came from inside. Matt shouldered past Emily to her meek protests and homed in on the sounds as he quickly moved to the sound of a person being beaten.

The scene that greeted Matt as he entered the room was like something out of a episode of Underbelly. Nick was on his knees, being held by the shoulders by two big bikies while a third proceeded to tenderise Nick's stomach. A man in a grey silk suit, probably Armani sucked on a big fat cuban cigar as he enjoyed the show, while a weasel faced flunkie in similarl attire knocked valuables and fragiles off the bookshelf in a offhanded manner with a truncheon.

The third bikie stopped hitting Nick and shoved his head downinto a large bucket of water in front of him and held him there while he laughed to his mates. As the man in the suit turned to see who was at the den's entrance, Matt who had been momentarily stunned by the torture going on in the room moved into action. His brain nearly exploding with rage as he raised the hand holding the skrill.

Before any of the thugs could react, Matt in his fury discharged the skrill at the bikie holding Nick down and the weasily faced man who moved for his gun. Normally the blast would have killed or simply vaporised them, however Matt's rage left him subconciously wanting to make examples of these thugs. The first two exploded in a mass of blood and gore, drenching Nick and the back of the wall.

The two other bikies stumbled back away from Nick as Matt turned and his wrath on them, his face awash with rage as the justice he brought turned the faces contorted with fear into another set of clumpy redness sprayed over the walls. Matt turned to the man who was obviously the boss, his cigar forgotten and burning a hole in his expensive trousers where it had fallen from his mouth. Another second and he too would have been paste on the walls but for Anna who stepped in front of him, refusing to allow him to complete the slaughter. Yet serene and completely confident in the knowledge that he would not hurt her.

He came back to himself, the rage and red haze subsiding in sync with his arm which lowered. Emily rushed in past him and threw herself down onto her knees craddling her very bedraggled and tender boyfriend. As the rage left him he felt spent, the adrenaline dragging all the excess energy out of him, leaving him dazed and disorientated as Anna embraced him. He slumped a little, but while she was holding him no one would have known it, and slowly he came back to himself to find the man dressed in Armani puking all over the floor at the gore sprayed all around the room.

Matt straightened himself up and he said, "I'll be in the lounge room if anyone needs me" and he walked out with Anna making sure he stayed upright with her arm around him.

Anna deposited Matt near the sink in the kitchen, as the impact of what he had just done rolled over him in a wave. He dry heaved several times before looking up at Anna and then cringed away from her as if her very presence pained him.

"Ohh my god what have I done," Matt said in a hoarse voice. He looked up from the sink with a blank look on his face, dumbfounded that not only was he capable of such an act. But that he had executed four men, nearly five without so much as blinking.

Anna looked at him and said, "It has to be what Sam put in our heads, not only knowledge. But the understanding of it. We received in thirty seconds what it takes regular soldiers a couple of years to acquire. A mental readiness to take life, so don't beat yourself up too hard. You walked into a situation that had you not acted as you did, we'd probably both be dead, let alone Nick and Emily."

Matt put his head back in the sink as he coughed some more thinking that he was about to vomit. Once he realised he wasn't he managed to force out between coughs. "I know, that's...what I saw before....."

A minute later he managed to bring his bodies reaction to the carnage under control. He was a little shaky but he knew he still had work to do. When Matt re-entered the room with Anna behind him the scene was little changed. The man in the Armani suit was still on the ground, in shock but he looked to be quickly recovering. Emily was still clinging to Nick who was resting in the fetal position on the ground.