Chapter Two

" Wake up sweetheart." I groaned softly, go back to sleep! I slowly got out of bed and went to take a shower. When my shower was done, I put in my headphones and put on my music. My music always helps me wake up. Anyway, after like 30 minutes later I got up and my mom blow dries my hair.

Finally, my body had the energy to get dressed and my mom drove me to the bus stop.

Ugh. Why must school be legal?

I know right but we have too. I sat down on the cold pavement by the road. It became a routine to sit on the ground while I waited for the bus. Standing was too boring but if I sat down then I could put down all my stuff and daydream as I waited to see the bus come down the hill.

When I got on the bus it was almost quiet. People still half asleep. Not wanting to go to school either. Only a few people were talking to their friends.

When we got to high school I went to the gym and sat down by the wall. I put in my headphones since I had no one to talk too. A couple of minutes later I felt a shadow over me. I paused my music and looked up.

Oh if it isn't the sl -

" Yes?" She sneered and said," If it isn't the little emo freak." I bit my lip from smiling. That's pretty much what you said Shadow.

I'm going to beat her ass.

" Listen, Samantha. I don't care what you have to say so you better get away from me before you end up getting punched in the face. " " Are you threatening me?" I smirked," No sweetheart that's a promise. " Her face got red. I felt a sting on my cheek.

I know she did not just -

Before I knew it my hand raised back and my hand hit her cheek. You made me slap her?!

She deserves it.

She yelled," Did you just slap me?!" " You slapped me so I did also. " Samantha yelled," You'll regret this Lillian!" " Are you finally done talking yet?" I smirked as she stormed off. If you didn't know, Samantha is the head cheerleader of the team - think that was mentioned before. She and her friends are the popular kids of the 10th grade. Well, one of her friends is a senior- she's nicer than Samatha by a lot - like really.

Her name is Rebekah. The only reason she is mean to me is that Samantha could kick her off the team if she doesn't - that's the way she's using to get into college. She told me one day while I had to stay after school. Samantha's other friend is named Hannah - she's ok. I mean she's not as bad as Samantha but she's not as nice as Rebekah. If you haven't figured out already, Samantha is always trying to get me in trouble.

She is always trying to start rumors and stuff. Anyways the bell has rung to tell us to go to our first-period class - better hurry before I'm late. My locker is across the school from where my first-period class is.

I was now in my last class of the day. Ms. Valen


Was that necessary? I hope she's in a better mood today. No one else seemed to notice the bad mood she was in yesterday. If it happens again, I'll ask my friends on what to do. She's a really nice teacher -the nicest in the hall ( According to people. ) She's almost never in a damp mood.

The bell rang signaling that Ms. Valen could begin teaching. She told everyone to hand in their homework - I put mine in the basket where everyone else put theirs in. Ms.Valen glared at me as I went up. Guess she's still in a bad mood, don't remember doing anything to her though. Why would I? She's one of my favorite teachers - or was.

I just ignored it, didn't want to start an argument with the teacher. After a couple of minutes, I started dozing off - didn't mean too. It's just I'm having a hard time focusing. It's like my brain wants to stay in the clouds. I don't know what's happening, can't seem to stay in reality. I think it might have to do with something about mental illnesses.

I snapped my attention to Ms. Valen when she called my name," Yes Ms. Valen?" She smiled though didn't quite reach her eyes," Please pay attention, Ms. Quinns. This is very important. " I smiled shyly," Sorry Ms. Valen I will." Ms. Valen began teaching again. Every once in a while she would glance in my direction - tried my best to keep focus.

When the bell rung I heard Ms. Valen say right before I bolted out the door," Ms. Quinns. May I speak to you for a moment?" " yes, ma'am." When everyone was out of class Ms. Valen began speaking," It seems that you are not paying attention in my class. " " I'm sorry, I really am. It's just I'm having a hard time focusing right now." Ms. Valen looked at me before saying," Lillian you need to stop lying it isn't good."

" I'm not lying Ms. Valen. " She rolled her eyes," Just pay attention in class more. Now leave." I turned around to leave. God, someone's upset.

Turn back around so I can slap her.

You already slapped someone today, remember? I went to my friend for advice - she was at her locker. " Hey, Nat?" " Yes, Lily?" I said, as we began walking towards the hallway," Have you noticed Ms. Valen has been a little snappy lately?" Nat said," No Lily, I haven't. " I said," Oh. Well, she has been kind of in a bad mood." Nat spoke honestly," I think you're imagining this Lily. Ms. Valen hasn't been in a bad mood at all. " " I'm not making this up!" Nat said, trying to reason with me," Lily just think about it she's the nicest teacher in the school." I sighed as Nat walked off.

Someone grabbed my arm. I turned to look who it was - Ms. Young. " Yes, Ms. Young?" She gave me a look of distaste," I heard what you said to Nat just a second ago and if I ever hear you talking about stuff like that again I'll have to give you detention." I said as my eyes widened," No Ms. Young we weren't talking about that. Ms. Valen has just been kind of in a mood. It seems like it's just to me though. "

Ms. Young said," I assure you. Ms. Valen has not been in a 'mood' at all. " " But this has been happening for two days now." Ms. Young said," Ms. Quinns, I think you are making this whole thing up." " But I'm not Ms. Young!" I'm glad I'm not a bus rider today. " Lillian I think you need to get mentally checked." My eyes were no doubt blazing with anger by now.

" I am not making this up!" Ms. Young said," Ms. Quinns I think you need help. Ms. Valen is the nicest teacher. Are you sure you're not delusional?" I bit my lip so I wouldn't yell at her," I got to go." I turned around and headed to the car line. Is she right? Am I just imagining this whole thing?