Chapter Three

I laid in bed that night thinking if I was just imagining this whole thing. Maybe ask Rengar, Wendy, and Hope tomorrow to see if any of them noticed it. They are my other friends. Nat is a freshman, Rengar is a junior and Hope and her twin sister Wendy are in the same grade as me.

That teacher had the nerve to say we are crazy.

Well, we kind of are Shadow.

I know but not the way she was thinking.

I thought Nat was our friend. This really happened, it feels too real. I mean in the past I have been able to tell which is real and which is not. Usually, with delusions and stuff, my mind does it because they sometimes are so weird and stupid. Like one time I saw a face when I ran downstairs. It was dark and when the light was turned on downstairs, to play on the computer that's when I saw it. It was years ago and I didn't know about mental illnesses so thought it was a ghost and started to 'warn him ' when I was going down so he wouldn't get disturbed.

There was this other time when I saw obsessed with Five nights at Freddy's that I heard the sound it makes in the second game when someone is in the vents- it was only for a second. Either I was so obsessed with the game or it was my mind playing tricks on me. Another time in 7th grade in Pe I kept doubting myself that if something really happened the day before.

Maybe I'll look up different mental illnesses to see if I have some of the same symptoms. Maybe it will give me an idea of what's wrong with me. I mean it will explain why my focus isn't strong in class. Sighing as I got off the bus to high school, I took out my phone and texted Rengar to meet me in the gym. Wendy and Hope usually don't come to later - they have one of those late buses.

When I got the gym Rengar was leaning on the wall listening to music - as usual. As soon as he saw me he smiled," Good Morning Ren." Ren said," Hey girly. What did you want to talk to me about? " " When you had Ms. Valen last year was she ever mean to you?" He looked at me before saying," No. Why?" " I've noticed that she has been in a very bad mood towards me lately."

Ren said," Do you know why?" I sighed," No. I don't remember doing anything to her but I must have done something to make her act this way." Ren said," Lil, I'm sure you did nothing to her. She's probably just having a couple of bad days. " Rengar was the only person who called me Lil. It was his nickname he gave me," What do I do Ren? Everyone is calling me delusional."

Ren said," Who's calling you delusional Lil?!" " Yesterday I went to talk to Nat and she said I was making the whole thing up. A teacher heard us and I almost got in trouble because she thought I was talking about her and the time of the month. When I told her about how Ms. Valen has been in a bad mood she told me that it was best to get checked mentally. " Ren's eyes widened and his face held anger.

He exclaimed," She told you what now?" " She said that I needed to get checked on my sanity." Ren said," Don't listen to her Lil. I'm sure you aren't making this up, plus no teacher can be surrounded by kids and be happy all the time." " What about Nat?" Ren said," Just don't talk to her and if anyone else says something like that again, tell me and I'll deal with it. " I smiled up at him," Thanks, Ren." He smiled back and opened up his arms as I hugged him. The bell rung, dismissing us. " Better get to class Lil." I nodded and left to go to my locker.

It was time to go to Ms. Valens class again.

Wonder what she's gonna say to us this time.

I'm glad that at least Rengar thinks this thing is just in my head. I really don't know why she's acting like this towards me - seriously don't remember doing anything to make her hate me. I sat in my seat and half listened to the lesson. When class was over, Ms. Valen wanted to see me again," Did I do something wrong, Ms. Valen?" She glared at me and said," So I hear that you and Rengar are dating?"

Un - Fucking - believable

" I think you got this all wrong. We are not dating. He's like a brother to me." " A student came to me about this. Says you stole her boyfriend." I said, still confused," Ms. Valen. I would never. " She spoke," Then why were you and Rengar hugging?"

Since when you care what I can and can't do dumb ass

Shadow! My eyes widened so much," Can't a friend hug another friend? And Rengar isn't dating anyone." Ms. Valen rolled her eyes," Ms. Quinns what have I told you about lying?" " I'm not!" Ms. Valen's eyes flared," That's it, Ms. Quinns, you will have detention after school tomorrow in Ms. Young's class. " " You can't do that! I'm telling you the truth!"

Ms. Valen said," Do you want me to add another day?" I glared at Ms. Valen - didn't even do anything and yet I get detention?! Ms. Valen said," Now leave my classroom! And if I ever hear about you stealing Regar away from his girlfriend again I will tell the principal! She can't do that!

I bet that plastic barbie doll is behind this.

This is the one thing we both can agree to. I left the classroom and decided not to go home just yet.

I sat on the rock not too far away from the school and began crying.

Suck up it crybaby.

The only friend that didn't think I was crazy or making this up - the only one and I can't even talk to him because I'm taking him away from his, ' Girlfriend. ' I know this is really happening, that is proof of it! It can't be imaginary. Why did this have to happen? What did I ever do to you, Ms. Valen, to deserve this?

Trust me, you deserve much worse.

I heard footsteps coming closer to me but refused to look up. " Lily is that you?" I snapped my head towards the familiar voice - Rebekah Chase. She came closer to me," What's wrong?' " It's nothing." She gave me the look saying that she didn't believe me," Something's wrong. You can't be crying for no reason." I sighed.

" It's a long story." Rebekah softly spoke," I got time Lily." " You know the teacher Ms. Valen?" Rebekah nodded. I continued," She's been acting very rude to me lately to me and I don't even know why. I went to tell my friends about it and she thought I was making this whole thing up. A teacher overheard me and thought I meant that she was on her time of the month and when I told her about what Ms. Valen has been doing she suggested to be mentally checked. This morning I went to my junior friend - Rengar. "

I paused for a second and then continued," I told about everything and he believed me." Rebekah said," Well it's good he believed you." " But then after class, Ms. Valen wanted to talk to me. She said I was stealing Rengar away from his girlfriend. When I told her I was not she gave me detention tomorrow with Ms. Young, The teacher that told me to get mentally checked. Before she told me to leave she said that if she ' catches ' Me stealing him from his girlfriend again she'll tell the principal. "

I wiped a tear from my cheek," If she tells the principal he won't believe me - no one really does. "

And nobody ever will

" He'll believe Ms. Valen. I don't even know what I did to deserve this." Rebekah said," I'm sure you did nothing to deserve this Lily. " " But I must have done something." She assured me," I promise you didn't and about this whole thing. I think you need to go to the counselor. She might help." " She's not going to believe me either."

Damn right

Rebekah sighed," You should get going home. Do you want to ride with me and Jace?" Jace is her boyfriend - He's a jock but he's as nice as Rebekah is. His two friends Louis and Simon are the mean ones - well Louis is ok. He's not really nice but neither is he really mean. I nodded my head.

We'll get our revenge on all of them soon.

But I don't want that, right?