The Devil

Chen Xixi received a text from her mother telling her to get off work earlier for a dinner later in that night. As she reached home, her mother was looking at her pleasantly while telling her to get ready and dress nicely. Unable to tell what's missing, she obediently followed her mother's instructions and dressed up. She tied her long hair in a neat bun and wore a denim off-shoulder dress pairing with blue heels and blue sling bag.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Mr and Mrs Bai had arrived in advance. "Xixi, these is my best friends and partner in business. You can addressed them as uncle and aunty. " Her father introduced her with Bai Hao Yun's parents. "Uncle, aunty." she greeted both of the elders as told. "I heard it's your first day working today. How does it feel? "asked Mr Bai casually. The question seems like a normal conversation to her but all of them were looking at her with anticipation. Ignoring everyone weird gazes, she answered the question with a tone of annoyance "Speaking of work, I'm pissed. I was late today and got some lecture from my boss. He was obviously trying to pick on me! Saying that he doesn't like the scent of my perfume and so on.. " Mr and Mrs Bai begun laughing upon hearing her words while Chen Xixi parents gave them an awkward smile. How could their daughter badmouthed her fiance in-front of her future in-laws. Chen Xixi then took her glass to sip on her water. She saw a familiar looking silhouette was walking towards her direction. For a moment, she thought the man look like her boss but immediately discarded that thought of her. All of sudden she realized that the man was really his boss when he came and seated right opposite of her. Surprised at the presence of the man, she subconsciously spat the water she drank. The water landed right on the face of the Bai Hao Yun. The atmosphere of the room turned awkward and his expression turned sullen. Aware of what she had done, she hurriedly reached out her hand to grab a napkin and handed it to him. He wipe his face with the napkin and glared at her.

"Hao Yun, she is your fiancee, you guys should start to get along well. Be nice to her." Mrs Bai started to break the silence. "Sure mom. I will treat her 'nicely' for sure." he was looking at Chen Xixi evilly while replying his mother. That moment, Chen Xixi was speechless and felt her goosebumps started to rise. Why is he her fiance? She would rather marry a stranger than a devil like him.

After the dinner was over, Chen Xixi went home, took a shower then lie down on her bed with cellphone on her hand. She got a phone call from her best friend, Lina Tnay. "Hey girl! How's your first day in the company? Did you saw any hot looking guy at your workplace?" the cheeky girl sounded from the phone. "Don't mention it! I'm pissed beyond word. Not only did I got picked on by my boss on the first day working, he turned out to be the guy my parents arranged for me to marry. I'm annoyed. What sin had I done in my previous life to deserve a life like this?" Chen Xixi replied. "Wait,... what?! You are getting married?!" Lina shrieked excitedly. "Stop screaming! I still want my ear. My mother just informed me recently that we will be engage after my 21st birthday." Chen Xixi replied. "Wow, you're marrying your boss! Love after marriage sounds so romantic. In a novel, the arranged marriage couple will usually falls in love with each others after living together and have a fiery love. Aww...that's so sweet" teased Lina. "Ewww! Can you be more realistic? I'm sleepy now. That's all for today. Bye!" Chen Xixi hung up the phone after speaking.

She dozed off after switching off the light.

It was so beautiful. Bai Hao Yun was walking with her and holding her hand. They were surrounded by beautiful flowers around the park. He was looking at her with gently and it felt so sweet that her heart was fluttering. Oh dear! How can a man be so good looking and so sweet at the same time.