Chapter Four:

I did not return to the temple for a week after that, in fact, I didn't want to see him. My Lord was rude, arrogant and cocky, not something I needed to be served to me on a golden platter.  I stayed in bed to catch up on the sleep I was missing since then, occasionally woken up by Azeaze when she checked on me.

I drifted again and then woke up in a field of green and orange, a place so beautiful and foreign that it made me do a double-take. I blinked not really understanding but I felt at peace which is not how I usually am. " So you finally came?" His voice filled the air and automatically I knew it was him. I turned to see my Lord and bowed respectfully, he wasn't living stone this time but he was real with the body and everything. His eyes were still their usually cold dead way but, They were golden or more a red that seemed to look like dancing flames. I frowned at him when I realized that we were in a Dreamscape, that he was the one that brought me here. He must have known that I was avoiding him, yet he called on me anyway. " I don't want to talk to you, I thought my days away were enough." I sat down abruptly, staring at the grass realizing that there were two suns shining brightly over the head. I frowned slightly again but shrugged it off.

" It is your duty to maintain the balance. You are starting to neglect your Duties young Fledgling." He walked over to me in nothing but a kilt, a golden collar, and wild dark hair. He sat down next to me, frowning when I moved a space over. He blinked and then sighed his head bowed down in a sign of exhaustion. " Fledgling, What have I told you about eye contact?" He growled, his eyes boring holes into my skin. I winced shuddering, my eyes closed tight. " If I look at you, you might try something." I glanced in his direction, hugging my knees to my bare painted chest, it was then when I realized what attire I was in and I cursed mentally, bringing my hair around to cover my breast.

He watched the movement with a faint smile before looking across the land before him, a strange but peaceful smile on his lips. I didn't realize that I was staring until he turned his head and cut his eyes at me, a brow raised slightly. I blinked, stunned-looking away from my eyes wide as I realized something quite strange. "Do you like something that you see?" He asked smirking as he peered down at me, lifting a hand to touch a loose strand of my white hair. I glared at him after he said such things and frowned. " No! I just... You smiled...I didn't think you could." I whispered looking back at him.

When I looked up as I stopped dead and held my breath. He stared at me, his eyes wild and crazed as he studied my face, his lips turned down into a frown.  His fingers were curled into a fist so tight that I thought he would break his fingers. I then looked down at my tightly clenched fingers, bowing my head down, but flinched when he grabbed my chin and turned my face toward his. He was more furious now than he was before but I didn't think that it was at me, he seemed conflicted somehow, his eyes going cold again. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, letting me go, practically shoving me away.

I whimpered as I fell on my side, landing on a sharp rock knowing I was going to have a bruise and I looked at him wondering what came over him. " My Lord, I- 'm sorry if I said something out of place." I whimpered again when she rose from the ground standing over me. I flinched when he knelt down his hand reaching out to me, my hands flying up to wrap around my face and then I heard him sigh, but it was more of exasperation almost as if he was fed up.

" I'll make one thing clear, I won't lay my hands on you in any threatening manner." That's when his hand touched my ankle, brushing bits of grass off before pulling my hands from my face. I stared up at him wide-eyed and he leaned over me, examining my bruised and bleeding shoulder. I winced as he pulled out a splinter that stuck out in my arm, turning his unsettling eyes on me. I looked away completely flushed and filled with adrenaline almost anticipating what he was going to do. When he cleaned the cut on my arm he moved away as if nothing ever happened and for some reason, I felt an ache. I let out a sigh before moving farther away standing watching one of the suns set leaving the other one high in the sky.

I wasn't really sure what to say because the silence was suffocating and part of hearing the birds and the wind blow, he didn't say anything to me. That's when I looked at him seeing he was dazed lost in thought. 

I then did something that I said that I'd never do...

I walked over and grabbed his face, and stared at him for a long moment, my face grim and undecided, his eyes going straight to me. I had then closed my eyes, and let out the breath that I held and leaned closer... embracing him in a hug. It was one of worry and compassion because whatever was troubling him it possibly had to do with me.

He went stiff for a long while as I pressed against him gently patting and rubbing his back, soothing him in any way I possibly could. It was the mundane thing to do. It wasn't until I felt his arms circle my waist embracing me back, only it was different. It wasn't returned genuine embrace it was something more and that's when I crossed a line that I made for myself. He was a God, and I was a simple Mundane Priestess who was only meant to pray to him if need be. This wasn't what I signed up for but for some reason, I could pull away. I felt his hand slid up my back before pulling me back from him, his eyes stormy. He stared at me for a long moment more before giving a small soft chuckle. " I thought you said you couldn't be touched by another man..." he leaned closer whispering in my ear his fingers flexing pulling me closer to him. 

I blinked realizing I had said such a thing but still I couldn't pull away, being this close to him it was hard enough. He was intimidating but gentle all the same time and it was throwing me off in several different ways, especially when his hands went lower pulling the rest of me into him. It was wrong of me to be this close to someone as regal as him. " My Lord I was offering you a comforting hug," I whispered shakily, shuddering as he shifted his body, his hand on my left leg and sliding down the rest of the way to grab my ankle. " Yes Fledgling, I know. I just wanted more." He said before disappearing from my sight, the landscape along with him. I didn't wake, I just continued to float in a dark void, a nostalgic expression on my face.