Chapter Five:

I woke with a squeal, my hand clawed over my chest as I looked around my chambers. I was alone, and it was darker outside, Khonsu fully Full and glowing bringing cold, but radiant white light to the entire area. I sat there remembering the story my mother told me before she passed away when I was seven.

She once told me that on the night I was born that I was terribly sick and near death. Khonsu came to my mother's side and offered her a choice, either to watch me die or to save me, but giving the god of the moon, there is always a catch to every offer he gave a mortal. The catch was that my mother would give her soul to me when it came time and with one touch my hair turned a dark gray.

When I was Seven an accident occurred in the treasure room, and my mother was found dead, bleeding at the head all the life gone from her. I watched in horror as the carried the queen from the treasure room, but nothing made it better for me or my father. Not even the fact that she died and when her soul entered my weak body did my hair go from gray to pure white, just like the moon. The god had killed my mother, but others would state it like a mother protecting her child, I just wish she was here when I needed her. 

I groaned, shuddering to shake off the harsh memory, Noticing a strange bird perched on my veranda. Its eyes were glowing blue, and it was staring dead at me. I watched the bird grow and then a male figure stood to stare at me. I knew that it wasn't Horus, he had the eyes of the moon and the sun, one gold and one silver. This was something entirely that I couldn't wrap my head around, but I believed in things that no other person would, it was what turned heads besides being the spitting image of my mother.

" It seems Lovely Akasha, went back on her promise... Naughty child." The figure chuckled and started to take a step towards me but, stopped its eyes flying open wide as he looked over my shoulder. I honestly didn't know what the person was seen, but I watched as he literally jumped off my veranda, the strange bird flying off with a frightened CAW. I blinked and rubbed my eyes then, figuring it was just another dream. That was when I remembered the Dreamscape and hopped out of my bed, running down the hall and out towards the Temple. When I made it there I braced my hands against my knees gulping down deep breaths before standing tall glaring up at Anubis. I could feel that he was somewhat present in the room but that he didn't want to show his self to me.

I only seemed to get more agitated and I glared frowning deeply. " MY LORD!" I snapped finally, my hands curled into a fist, watching the statue shudder before coming to life. He glared back down at me his brow raised, confused but that changed when he saw my face. " I told you that I can't fall for a god!" I snapped near tears, and as many times I've said those worse over the years coming here I knew that I could no longer believe them, but I didn't make it aware that I was being consumed by his very stare. He then stepped down and walked towards me, his feet touching the ground with a loud CRASH as rock met marble. He kept walking until I was pressed against a pillar his eyes livid. " You've made that very clear." He calmed down closing his eyes before expelling a huge sigh. " If you know I've made it clear, then why do you...---" I let out a frustrated grunt that become more of a growl, my eyes filling with tears. I started hitting him in the chest until my hands became red and raw, and kept going until my knuckles bled.

He grabbed both of my hands and he pinned them to my chest, his face pained as he watched me cry. " Are you serious, Fledgling...You keep standing there denying it like you've done every time you've come here." He snapped livid again, his hand reaching for my face as he grabbed it in a vise grip. He leaned down glaring at me, his eyes going wild. " I don't want to see your face... You've become an Eyesore!" He growled before letting me go returning to his pedestal. The stone became lifeless as I slowly walked over, shaking reaching for him.

"M-My Lord, please..." I crumbled to the floor as a sob escaped my lips. 

"Please don't leave me alone..."