Chapter Eight:

Ever since that fateful encounter, I appeared in the temple more and more recently as the day of my coronation grew near.

I said I wouldn't ever fall for a god, but it seems as though I contradicted myself; Very foolish on my part, but I couldn't possibly love anyone else, not now not ever. Just thinking about him made me ache in the deepest parts of my body. They were parts so deep that no man was allowed to touch them, yet he hasn't. We talked about other things about how he wishes he could physically in his own body, place his skin upon mine. Being summoned in a stone statue wasn't what he called "great" for situations such as that, though he remained patient. He cared for me greatly it seemed, he was always on a constant worry, fretting about how he didn't want to be the one that saw me lying in a tomb. He hoped that one day we would be able to live together for eternity, but he also made it clear to me that mortals can't physically be with an immortal.

He explained a couple of things, especially when I told him about the strange bird that turned into a man was perched on my veranda the night he and I had our fights. He somehow knew about that, but he never explained to me how and that's when I knew that he was possibly hiding something from me. I knew being with him would have pulled me into a world of unknown horrors and dangers, but like I said before if I had him I had nothing to worry about. When he also told me that the supernatural could possibly have a relationship with a god I raise a brow because I didn't understand. He then stated that being a god he'd have to host a body or a form Ito be able to physically touch me as a human unless I was a supernatural then that barrier wouldn't be crossed anymore.

Meaning that if by some strange chance I wasn't mundane, which was highly unlikely, then I'd be able to see him in the hall of judgment, Without being dead, but someone of a stronger essence. I was very intrigued so intrigued that I thought up an idea and ideas that could possibly give me a chance. The artifact I was looking for was something beyond the vale even foreign to us, but we kept it under lock and key because it seemed so... Alive.

I sighed in content as I made my way down to the treasure room, the very place my mother died and stood on the inside that was faintly light with lantern light. The room had a dark atmosphere, but a mysterious feel to it, maybe it was because of what was stored here did it have that effect. I slowly walked down the long hall and turned the corner and noticed a strange silver goblet very large even with strange dark liquid pulsating in rhythm inside the container.

I stepped closer in the dim light and watched as the pulsating grew faster and frowned when the goblet began to overflow with the strange dark liquid. It never occurred to me that I was going to regret this later, but I watched as it spilled over the cup and down the pedestal, it sat upon. I also looked to see a knife hanging on the wall right behind it and I stared at it curiously, my fingers twitching in anticipation, waiting, wondering what I was supposed to do, yet I waited until the floor in front of the pedestal was covered in a growing puddle of moving liquid. I shakily grabbed the dagger as my heart began to beat faster and cut my finger and let a drop fall in the puddle as the overflowing of the liquid stop to a sudden halt. As soon as my blood touched it, it ripped before turning a glowing blue and staying that way.

I stepped back, kneeling, watching as it rose slowly, forming a feminine figure as the strange glow grew brighter. He stopped moving a form of a woman stood before me, her eyes glowing white and she knelt in front of me, its form shifting again becoming more masculine. I was taken aback when I witness this, but strangely wasn't afraid, I came this far and I wanted to watch until the very end until I saw what I needed to see. When the forming of the liquid was done, it slowly became solid and more alive until a strangely handsome pale naked man, knelt in front of me, eyes closed. I still had my priestess mask covering my face along with my same priestess attire, but it felt wrong for this occasion, I knew that what I just did might just cause my downfall.

When he opened his eyes, he stared straight at me, his face expressionless, pale and white, a color I haven't really seen before, at least not on another person except form maybe a dark tan. He was very exotic looking definitely not from around here. He peered at me and then cocked his head to the side, inhaling deeply, causing his nostrils to flare, exhaling looking back at me again. " May I see the shameless woman who woke me?" He said in a strangely husky voice, but it was like listening to an angel speak, but I knew that this creature, whatever it was wasn't anything close. I sighed when he suggested and closed my eye, grabbing the muzzle of the mask I wore, lifting up to reveal my entire face. I then opened my eyes and stared back at him, my green eyes wide when I noticed how he looked at me. It was a stunning hungry expression, angry, restless, but dead and cold, almost like a predator. He then squinted and his lips slowly formed a strange sadistic smile, his eyes wandering down the length of my crouched body. "My dear Akasha...." He chuckled, leaning in close his eyes vibrant and deadly. " You curious pure soul... You will soon learn not to touch things that don't concern you..." With a deep, throaty chuckle, he disappeared leaving me with a blood-stained knife.