Chapter Nine:

"My Lord?" I whispered as I sat on the grass, watching the moon shine bright. He leaned back, eyes closed with a blank calm expression upon his face. I could tell he didn't hear me, but I didn't speak again, I just waited until he opened his eyes. He looked at me with a strange perplexed expression. "Fledgling...? " He looked at me, his gaze calculating and darkening. I looked down because I wanted this to happen for real, not in a dream, but in a dream was what was going to do. In a way, I could feel him, but it wasn't the same, none of it was, the only time I was ever close to feeling something like this was when he laid me out on the marble floor of the temple. But ever since then he hasn't touched me like that, and I felt a distance.

" I want you to hold me.." I whispered, moving a close as I possibly could. He chuckled winding his arms around my waist, his forehead against mine, his arms moving slowly up and down my side and back. I sighed softly at his touch and closed my eyes, tilting my head back, his lips moving down the column of my throat. He sighed and stopped, his hands moving down to grasp my bum and he squeezed, hard. " I want to wait until I can actually touch you..." He gently caressed my face, his golden eyes brooding as they were when he first appeared in the statue. I knew something was bothering him, sighing I pulled back and glared at him. " Spit it out, My Lord, Why do you look at me that way?" I stared at him, waiting for him to answer me when he didn't do so immediately, that's when I knew something was wrong.

" I need you to be careful. There has been a... Disturbance.." He growled the last word, purposely drawing it out. I rose a white arched eyebrow and cocked my head to the side looking at him, " What do you mean Disturbance?" I asked my eyes narrowing and darkening in their green shade. It was exactly a week ago that I went into the chamber room, and let out whatever that thing was roaming free. I haven't seen him since then, but I was always aware I was being watched like he was somehow in the room with me. I shifted uncomfortably against his chest, my eyes cast downward, wondering what he had to say next. " A strange being has appeared... On that feeds off the blood of the living... I need you to be careful. Promise me that you won't do anything stupid, Akasha." He tensed up watching me, hearing my name come from his mouth for the first time. I looked at him with wide green eyes and nodded, pulling myself closer to him my mouth on his. 

He groaned loudly, constricting his arms around me, tightly grasping my rear as I slowly began to grind my pelvis against his. He nipped at me, pulling back, his eyes wild and slightly angered. " Fledgling... Remember what I said earlier?" He peered at me, giving a mischievous grin, his hand moving under my thigh, touching a place where no man was to enter, watching me squirm wildly in his arms. " I promise I won't do anything." I wailed pushing him away hearing him howl, shaking with wild laughter holding is sold.

Too bad, I already did something... Hopefully, when I wake... I won't have to wait for my wish to be granted!!!

 He smiled, kissing my head, getting up. " I let you go now I have a matter that I needed to attend with Osiris." He smiled and cupped my face in his enormous hands, and I smiled, watching him disappear from me just like the land did, my eyes snapping open. I began to stretch languidly completely unaware of the strange dark atmosphere in my chambers and stepped out on the veranda. I stared across the City of Thebes, wondering why it was so eerily still... But I shrugged and closed my eyes, not really giving it a second thought. 

That's when a hand slid up the back of my leg and up my back before fingers dug harshly into my side. Before I could cry out in pain a clawed hand clamped around my mouth, a throaty chuckle reaching my ears. " Hello, my dear Akasha...." The throaty chuckle seemed to get louder as I was picked up and thrown on my bed. I landed hard, my head hitting one of the wooden posts at the very end of my bed, leaving me dazed and confused with a throbbing lump on the side of my face. I whimpered loudly when that clawed hand tightly grasped my ankle before flinging me to the floor dark, challenging black eyes staring down at me in my daze. " You know... You had good intentions for waking me. I'm sure..." He trailed off, completely covered only this time-stained in blood. He reeked of death and raw flesh, his breath filling my he leaned closer to get a good whiff of me.

"But I just want to rip that sexy throat out of yours. You'll quite a tempting specimen... Even mistaken you for a goddess..." He wrapped his bloodied hand around my throat and slowly started to squeeze the breath out of me. I gasped, struggling and squirming choking as he began to strangle me, but all I could think about was my Lord...

He warned me, he warned me to be safe, but this man was a demon in disguise, at any given moment he could choose to snap my neck in two, still, I fought and kicked, clawing at his hand so could I breath but he only seemed to smile as I struggled, my eyes on his strange canine smile. Seeing that I went completely still, my eyes wide and brimming with tears. "You... Your----" I cut in a choke, still staring up at him with wide eyes. For once I was scared, I was beyond scared. I was terrified because I knew what those teeth would do to me if they touched any part of me. He was a perfect born Killer and I was a fool for setting him free. "You, my dear, are a lively one..." He chuckled, a strange expression causing him to stop as he looked at me. He still didn't let go, but he continued to stare at my face as I stared up at him, still clawing at his hand. "You... Will suffer as I did, dear one... I do hope you survive Love... You're the only chance there is..." He grinned as his hand quickly constricted, lifting my head off the ground. His hands shifted to my hair and he sunk his teeth into the column of my throat ripping everything vital there out.

 A strangled gurgling scream ripped from my lips as I began to choke on my own blood, strange noises almost like growls filling my room. My eyes widened as he sat there and watched, but the nightmare seemed to get worse. Over and over I was pierced with stabbing pains, more teeth ripping into me, ripping away flesh and drinking my blood. He grinned as he watched his horde descend upon me and he laughed a laugh so chilling that it sounded like knives and shattering bone, but when he leaned over me he held out his slit wrist as an offering, forcefully pressing it again my mouth. I began to choke all over again because his blood began to flow into my mouth, and what I thought was blood was nothing compared to what it tasted like. I literally felt as I was drinking liquid fire and it was burning my already open wounds, a loud blood-curdling scream erupting from me

The ripping and tearing of my skin stopped when he pulled his wrist back, and I watched as he gave a sleepy smile, leaning over me. " Please my dear sweet Akasha... Survive..." with an evil smile, he turned to stone and disintegrated into ash. 

I trembled for a few minutes the cold slowly getting stronger, my eyes growing heavy, my breathing slowing. I sniffed a shuddered again closing my eyes. " I love..." I wheezed as darkness quickly overpowered me as I fell into nothingness.