Chapter Ten:

Azeaze P.O.V.


I've always been very close to Akasha, she was more like a sister or a friend and it would sadden me if anything were to happen to her. I technically owe her my life, long story short, she saved me from merchants, and since then I stayed by her side as a loyal servant, a friend... A sister.

I was only half asleep when I heard a strange cry. I thought I thought that it was one of the babies from far off in the city, but it wasn't that long after when I hear the cry again, one of fright and terror, a sound only someone would make if they had nothing else to lose. Something about it made me rise from my bed and walk to Akasha's chambers. I didn't enter but I did stand there listening, wondering if it was her squealing like a dying animal. 

"I do hope you survive..." a strong demonic sound came from the other side along with her muffled pleas and screams. With all my might I burst through the door and what I saw was horrendous and sickening, something you'd only see in nightmares. My friend laid there, her flesh flayed and bleeding, a deep open wound on her neck, her entire body shaking and shuddering her eyes wide as she went into shock. I screamed a sob, rushing over to her my eyes wide and I roughly patted her face, getting her to keep her eyes open as they slowly began to droop. She eventually went still, and another scream erupted from me, ash laid around her body and whatever did this to her was gone. " I love..." She began to wheeze but cut off with another shutter going completely still.

"PLEASE!!!" I screamed louder and I roughly shook her, so much fear and anger filling me as I looked at her broken and flayed body. The guards rushed in but stopped at the horrific sight. Eventually, their yell awoke everyone and then everyone in the palace started screaming, even the Pharaoh as he saw his only heir his only daughter lying dead on her marble floor. 

I honestly didn't know what else to think as I was crowed by The priest of the temple as they picked up her broken body and began to carry her out of the room to the temple prepared for burial.

Seeing them gave me an idea and blinded by tears I ran down to the Temple of the gods, loudly calling Anubis' name, pushing my legs to go faster. I knew that apart from me, Akasha had some sort of connection to him, and I knew that the only one who was going to worry severely about Aka was Anubis.

With a crashing stop, I stood before his statue and screamed at the top of my lungs for about a minute before the entire statue stirred, his eyes landing on me. He covered his ears, his eyes wild as he winced as I began to scream and cry again and I could see his confused expression when he saw my face was wet with tears. " WHY ARE YOU SC--" I cut him off with another cry.

I only had to say one word for him to fully grasp what was had taken place. "AKASHA!"