The Wedding Night

Charlotte and I talk about fashion and embroidery until Madame Auberget taps my shoulder. With both our enthusiasm for the topic hours have passed. I am grateful for the distraction she has provided for my fears.

"Baroness Camille, it is time for you to retire." My eyes dart to Charlotte, but I know that she can offer me no protection. I have to face my husband alone.

"Call on me as soon as you can tomorrow. I would love to spend the whole day with you." She offers as consolation. The thought of spending time with her bubbly personality gives me strength to get through the trial ahead. Yet as usual, she keeps speaking. "I might even convince Étienne to join us." I bush. I do not want to see him after what will happen tonight, and the talk we just had.

"We can go to the gardens. Maybe a picnic would be good. We could go horseback riding. Étienne is the best and can teach you if you need it." She shines with excitement, planning tomorrow and the adventures we will share. I haven't the heart to tell her I can't be around Étienne but I interrupt her thoughts, unable to listen further.

"I promise to find you as soon as I can. I have to go." I give her a hug and follow madame Auberget.

"You get along well with Lady Charlotte-Anne."

"She is so welcoming and sweet. How could I not?" I think on my interactions with Charlotte and smile. She accepted me the instant we met. I can't imagine that having so many mother figures enter and leave her life could have been beneficial for her.

"I am glad to see she has a friend." Madame Auberget directs our path. I start to recognize parts of the halls. Maybe I one day I will learn how to navigate this chateau.

Roséline is waiting in my room when we arrive, but this time she isn't accompanied by ab herd of other maids. She curtsies to me and Madame Auberget sees herself out.

"Where are all the other maids?"

"It is customary for only one personal maid to prepare the bride to meet the groom to consummate their marriage." Without waiting for my response, she pulls off the blue gown over my head and unlaces the stays. She surprises me by removing my shift as well.

"Roséline, what are you doing?" I try to cover myself again.

"You don't need to be modest." She sneers at me. Why is she hostile? "You will wear this." She pulls out another shift. This one is made from a light sheer silk. It is embellished with threaded designs. It is a rich garment destined for seduction. I let Roséline dress me in it.

She wipes away the makeup that had been applied earlier and unties my hair. It hangs loose around my face. I don't want to be this revealed before anyone, especially not the Baron.

"His Lordship, The Baron of Torcy will be here with you in a couple of minutes. Behave yourself." She gives me a pointed look. What is her problem with me? I ignore her animosity.

"Thank you Roséline. I will see you tomorrow morning."

"No, the Baron has requested that no one enter this room tomorrow except to bring food." I pale. I will be trapped with him all tomorrow? Can I just hide from him for the next eternity? He has no desire to be a husband, thinking only of his urges.

She leaves with the news of my fate tomorrow. I go to my trunk and remove my work. I need to do something while I wait.

I expect the Baron to arrive shortly after Roséline leaves, but the hours drag on. Has he forgotten about me? I am fine being a forgotten bride. I don't mind. If he never wants to show up, I will welcome that lifestyle, but I know that it is wishful thinking.

There s a creak for the door, as it swings open. I flinch at the sound, aware of what it announces. I set aside my sewing and turn to face my husband. His face is ghostly pale.

"Have you been waiting for me?"

I ignore his question and curtsey showing respect. I know that it will flatter him. "Baron Jean-Baptiste, you have arrived."

"Come here." He commands. I step forward afraid of what he wants, but also concerned for his health. There are beads of sweat across his forehead.

"Baron, are you feeling well?"

"Why do you ask?" He pulls a face of indignation.

"You look pale."

"You are cute when you worry. Don't doubt your husband. Nothing can hurt me." He claims. He hooks my waist in his arm, pulling me into him. He kisses me trying to be as forceful as before, but he isn't. His lips are cold to the touch. He pulls away panting from such little effort. Something is wrong. He wasn't out of breath by similar activities this afternoon.

"Sir you are unwell. Let me go fetch a doctor." I step back, trying to get around him.

"No need." He steps closer while I step back. We have entered a dance. "I just need some exercise." He leers down at me. I feel like I will be devoured by this beast.

"As your wife it is my responsibility to look after your health. You don't look well." I try to use my position to dictate the situation.

"I am in tip top shape; you are just making excuses. Are you that afraid of me?" I run into the wood of the footboard of the bed. My heart stops. There is no escaping him. He pulls me close, and whispers in my ear. "I am going to have you begging for more." I try to stifle my whimper. I feel like a helpless kitten. I have no control.

He again kisses me. I try not to gage as he forces his tongue in my mouth. He mistakes my gaging sound as a moan of pleasure. He is delusional about his appeal.

He pushes me around to the side of the bed, and then down. He pants as he falls on top of me. I am squashed under his weight. I try to turn my face away, but he grabs my chin. "Be a good girl, and I will give you a treat."

He returns his tongue to my throat. His hands wonder down my sides, lower and lower. With no support from his arms, his whole-body weight crushes me. I struggle to breath but, between the weight on my chest and the tongue in my mouth, it is laborious. I feel dizzy, and darkness comes to my peripheral vision. I push against his chest with all my force, but gravity is stronger than me.

"Oh, is my wifey getting feisty? I will enjoy breaking you in." What am I? A horse? People shouldn't be broken.

He finally moves one arm above my head to support himself. With that I take a deep breath. Regrettably, I can still smell his putrid odor with our proximity.

"Please don't." I plead but know that he won't listen. He doesn't have to. I am is wife.

He leans into my neck, and kisses down to my collar bone, and lower. I wince with every bite he takes of my flesh. With his free hand he gathers the fabric of my shift on my thigh.

'Someone save me.' I pray internally. I can't do this. Tears flow from my eyes. As the thought crosses my mind the Baron stiffens against me. He groans and bring his hand back to his heart. I see my chance for escape.

I push him away. "I need to call the doctor." I sprint across the room and throw open the door, fleeing his grasp. I spot two guards outside. I ignore the question in my head of why they are standing there. I point at one and shout, "You, go get a physician. The Baron his unwell."

"Yes Baroness." He surprisingly follows my command, rushing off. In an instant there is a mob of guards gathered at the door. Some go in to check on the Baron, while I shiver in the hall. I don't want to be in that room, I only just escaped. The men stay in for a long time. What is happening?

The doctor arrives, running through the hall and shouting. "Make way! Make way! Doctor here! I need to get into the Baroness' suite!"

He walks into the room, closing the door for privacy. I remain on the outside. Now Étienne and Charlotte join the crowd, having been alerted by the shouting.

"What happened?" Charlotte asks, looking at the captain. The captain glares at me. I swallow at his menacing air. She turns to me and pulls me into her arms, not pushing for more information. I shake in her embrace.

"You are so pale. Do you need anything?" She pulls back to look at me.

"She needs nothing. It is the Baron who needed a physician." The captain scowls at me.

"That doesn't change the fact that Baroness Camille could be in shock." Étienne scolds him, emphasizing my title, as Charlotte opens her mouth to defend me. "Now let me in." Étienne demands to enter the room.

"Yes, Marquis Étienne." The guards stand aside and let Étienne enter. The captain follows him. The door slams shut behind them. Thomas and Sébastienne join the throng of bodies, and decide to remain outside, giving the doctor space to work. There is silence as I lean into Charlotte. Eternity stretches in that gap.

The doorknob clicks as the physician excites. I straighten up. "There was nothing to be done. The Baron has passed."