The Cause of Death

My knees buckle, and I sink. Someone catches me before I hit the floor, holding me tight in strong arms. Charlotte's, Thomas' and Sébastienne's faces plummet at the announcement of their father's death. Étienne holds me up, shifting behind me to give better support.

"What did you do to the Baron?" The captain of the guards turns on me, snapping. I open my mouth to speak but am cut short.

"Captain, I haven't ruled it as a homicide. I need to take the body for a few test." The doctor answers for me. I look at him. He has a somber expression befitting the events. He is middle aged and thin.

"Then there is a possibility of foul play. Men take the Baroness to the dungeon on suspicion of murder." What? The truth of the situation hits me. I am being accused of murdering the Baron on our wedding night. Tears form in my eyes, and I feel helpless. I hate how I have felt this way for the last 4 days. That letter and this marriage have morphed me from my independent carefree self, into a fearful little girl. I am not going to take this lying down. What can I do to stop this?

"Captain, what makes you so sure that the Baron was murdered? The doctor hasn't given his diagnosis." I feel the reverberations of a familiar voice against my back and realize that I am still in the arms of the man who caught me. I step away. I need to stand on my own. His arms drop from around me, letting me dictate the situation and my autonomy. Part of my heart feels grateful for his unwavering support.

"The Baron was in excellent health. He must have been killed." I scoff at the blatant lie and take my chance to prove that I am not the girl others expect.

"Captain that is not what I observed. First the Baron is advanced in years, which does make him predisposed to many conditions. He may have several hidden health problems even his physicians are unaware of. Second, he was stubborn. He has been in pain all day but brushed off my advice to call the physician. There was nothing I could do until he literally collapsed." I cut into the conversation. I know that I have nothing to hide and refuse to continue to cower. "Captain I understand the world of nobles is full of schemes, and intrigues, so I see you would be concerned about murder. If there is foul play, what is your evidence against me? Why are you so adamant for my arrest?"

"You were with the Baron when he died."

"You were in the room with me and saw the Baron had no physical trauma, meaning he would have been poisoned. That could have taken place hours ago." Étienne says from behind me. Peace touches my heart. I am not fighting alone.

"This is why I need to perform a thorough exam before giving the cause of death. I hope to have it to you gentleman by morning." The doctor interrupts the fight. He then turns to me with a sympathetic smile. "Baroness Camille I would like to speak to you in private about these symptoms you mentioned. Is there somewhere we can go?"

"You can use my room." Charlotte offers.

"No, she needs to be taken into custody. What if she tries to escape?" The captain argues.

"You have no authority to hold anyone until the cause of death if determined." Thomas interrupts. In truth it is he who holds this authority as the Baron's oldest son and heir. I know he only is saying this to cut off the captain and assert his power, but it makes me happy to be protected.

"If it will make you feel better, I won't let her out of my sight until we get the cause of death tomorrow." Étienne offers. The captain grumbles but knows that he is beat by the duo.

"Come with me." Charlotte wraps her arm in mine. Étienne and the doctor follow us down several doors int the stone corridor. The first thing I notice about her room is how much of it is a shade peach or rose color; from the couch, to the duvet, to the draperies. It exudes the innocence of a young woman. It is perfect reflection of the kind Charlotte. She leads me to the couch and sits by my side. Étienne and the doctor both take their seats on the chairs across form us.

"Baroness Camille, how are you?" The doctor asks with a concerned look. Hearing him ask about me, before the Baron is somehow comforting.

"Confused and in shock." I decide to be honest. He is a doctor and can help me after all.

"That is understandable. You do look pale, and I am sure your nerves are rattled. I will give you something to help you sleep. You can take it once I leave." I smile at his kindness.

"Thank you, I don't believe I got your name."

"Gaston Verdut." He reaches into his bag and pulls out a bottle. "Make this into a tea, and you shouldn't have a problem sleeping." He sets it on the table between the chairs. He also pulls out some parchment and a quill. "Now tell me what you observed today."

"I caught him clutching his chest during the feast. He brushed it off, so I didn't push further."

"What time was that?" He notes my words on the parchment gathering evidence.

"It was just after he had finished eating the first course. He was getting up to socialize when he seemed pained. I didn't see him again until he came to my room. When he came in…" I trail off not wanting to relive the trauma so soon, and in front of Charlotte and Étienne. Charlotte takes my hand in hers, supporting me. I look down, fighting the urge to cry at the memory. When I look down, I realize that I am dressed only in my shift. I flush knowing I had been improperly exposed before so many men.

Étienne, as if reading my mind, says "Charlotte, can you get a robe for the Baroness?"

"Oh, I should have offered." Charlotte rushes off behind a door. I smile at her willingness to aide in any capacity asked.

"It will take her a minute. I can go help her, if there are things you don't want me to hear." His words are a balm to the ache in my heart. I glance at him, and find a friend looking back. Despite my desire to never talk to Étienne about my relation with his father, I decide to trust him.

"When the Baron arrived, he was out of breath, and looked like a ghost. He was covered in sweat. He was visibly sick, so I suggested to call you." I look to the doctor. "He said I was cute worrying about him and kissed me instead of listening." As I say those words, I feel his tongue in my mouth again accompanied by his stench. I shiver and wrap myself with my arms. I want to stop but know that I will have to relive this moment at least now, and potentially several times in the future. Doctor Gaston doesn't interrupt, taking in all the information, and letting me process my experience.

"I noticed he was out of breath faster than earlier, so I tried to sidestep him to go get you. He blocked the path, backing me onto the bed. He kept being… intimate despite my requests. He suddenly went ridged, on top of me. I knew I had to get you, so I pushed him off and ran out to the guards. I didn't go back in; I don't have the right." I try not to show my hurt. I need to get through this, and maybe they will let me go home. Part of me believes that once the Baron's death is settled, I will be able to return home, as if these last few days were a nightmare. We never sealed our marriage, and I want no part of the nobility. Alas, I would miss Charlotte, who was instantly my friend but I miss my mother.

"Thank you for explaining. What you described fits what I observed." Gaston comforts me.

"I forgot to mention he was cold. When he… kissed me, I noticed his lips were cold." I realize that could have been a symptom as well.

"When was that?"

"When he got to the room." Th doctor nods and adds annotations to his report.

"Do you know what is was?" Étienne asked.

"I need to rule out poisons that could mimic it, but I believe the Baron's heart gave out. I have warned him before about his weak heart, and everything I have seen and heard line up with the symptoms."

"It was a natural death?" Étienne says with relief. He relaxes his tensed muscles. I hadn't realized that he had been worried.

"I can't say for sure but based on my intuition I would say so." Charlotte walk back from her adjacent room in time to hear the verdict on the cause of death.

"I knew that Camille couldn't have done anything wrong." Charlotte she brings a dressing robe to me. I slip it on, grateful to now be physically covered, even if my hair is still loose.

"Thank you, Doctor Gaston. Is there anything else you need to know?" The physician places his report into his bag and stands.

"I will take my leave so you can sleep." He steps out of the room.

"Thank you, and goodbye." I call after him.

"Charlotte, can you get the maids to make the tea for Baroness Camille?" Étienne asks.

"Do you need anything else?" She asked. She is truly accommodating. Étienne turns to me, waiting for my answer.

"Some bread and cheese. I didn't eat much."

"Okay, I will be back in a minute." Charlotte grabs the bottle from the doctor and bolts out of the door, leaving Étienne and me alone.

I remain standing, when I feel arms enfold me and my face is buried into a familiar chest. "Tell me how you are feeling."