Chapter 1: A Unknown World. (Updated.)

Footsteps were heard approaching the doorway, and a figure is seen opening the door and entering the room before shutting the door behind. The figure sat down while taking off his MARPAT camouflage woodland improved load-bearing, equipment (ILBE for short) Military backpack onto the ground and begin to move his shoulders up and down to loosen his stiff muscles from carrying heavy equipment all day.

My name is Sgt Arthur Brown, and this is my story of the virtual reality video game called war horizon. It has been 5 years since I have been playing this video game and I would like to say in my own opinion that it is the best tactical military war game I have ever experienced in my lifetime.

My faction, of course, is the United States of America and the military Division I have chosen was the marine corps, and the reason I have chosen to pick the marine corps is because of its harsh training and gruesome experience in hardcore America, the best of the best and knows the meaning of honor and vigilance.

Arthur Brown took off his full modular body armor one by one before laying on his back onto the bed at the side of the bedroom. Even though this is virtual reality, gamers are still able to feel exhausted and tired in the game to make it Immersive.

'I'm sure taking a nap for a few minutes, wouldn't hurt a fly.'

Arthur Brown closed his eyes and slept on the bed soundly, not before a flash Flickr surrounding Arthur Brown and everything soon went pitch black and the surroundings suddenly appear as though he was outside.

'Mm... why does it feel like I am outside?'

Arthur Brown opens his eyes to see cyan, blue bright, sky, and clouds, and the lone soldier soon sat up quickly and noticed his equipment and body armor right by his side as if someone moved his belongings to him after relocating him into a different area.

'Is this some sort of trolling or prank by other gamers? Again.'

The soldier rubbed his eyes and blink a couple of times before realizing that he was sitting in the open field of grass, with mountains and forest from a far distance ahead. Arthur Brown didn't understand where he was and what was happening, but soon he got on his feet and dusted off some dirt and grass from his MARPAT, woodland camouflage military uniform.

'By the look of things, I seem to be outside and what a beautiful sight it is.'

The sun was bright and shining down on Arthur Brown, and the fresh wind blowing gently against his face was pleasant, including the smell of fresh grass.

'This is pretty crazy, but right now I need to log out.'

"Menu!" Arthur Brown saw the menu pop suddenly in front of him and tried looking for the log off option, but soon realized that it was gone, and wasn't there at all. This trouble, Arthur Brown, and wondered to himself, if this was some sort of glitch.

'Strange, I can't find the log off option at all in the menu.'

There were other options like vehicles, and also a huge amount of units of soldiers, he can spawn just by the selection, and they would be under his command.

'Everything seems to be working well, so I'm still in the game, I suppose, but why do I get the gut feeling that this is not war horizon?'

"Close." The menu and options disappear immediately and soon went over to his equipment and begin to put on the full body suit of the modular tactical vest (MTV for short armor) Which covers almost his whole body, neck, legs and shoulders and arms.

The soldier sighs to himself after putting on his camouflage, MARPAT woodland improved load-bearing, equipment (ILBE for short) Military backpack on and camouflage MARPAT woodland and enhance combat helmet with night vision attached to it.

"Menu." The menu pops up again in front of him as Arthur Brown browser through the weapons section and soon selected the M27 infantry automatic rifle. It was a well-known weapon within the marine corps faction that is a lightweight rifle with a magazine-fed 5.56 millimeter. The M27 seems to be inspired by select-fire weapons like the heckler and Koch HK416, which eventually replaced the old M16A4 from service.

It is basically intended to enhance an automatic rifleman's maneuverability in the battlefield without being weighed down by its weight. Arthur Brown opens the menu again and searched for some attachments for the M27 rifle. Soon, the soldier lifted his rifle to observe in awe as he smiles to himself in satisfaction.

The M27 was fitted with a SU-258/PVQ squad day optic and Harris bi-pod, along with a foregrip and advanced target pointer illuminator, aiming, Light (ATPIAL for short) And adjustable Victor combat applications Sling also attach to the rifle so he can have it hang on his shoulder and a suppressor attached to the muzzle barrel. 'It would be best not to attract any unwelcome guest from the sound of my rifle.'

Alone, the modern soldier begins his journey by entering the nearby forest with his weapon drawn to be cautious of any threats, and the scene soon went upwards to reveal a large kingdom from a faraway distance across the end of the forest and a few dragons flying across the skies which pass by the large medieval kingdom.